Germny Turn 1- tell me what you think!

  • I’m leaving russian alone for the first turn

    Purchase Units: Buy 2 bombers and 5 infantry- you will have to use money from NO’s
    -Move 3 infantry from West Germany to Holland/ Belgium
    -Move 5 Infantry from Germany to Holland/ Belgium
    -Move 1 Infantry from Romania to Bulgaria
    -Move 1 fighter from W Germany to Tobruk
    -Move 4 Greater Southern Germany Infantry to Slovakia/ Hungary
    -Move 2 artillery from GS Germany to Slovakia/ Hungary
    -Move Newly Made Bulgarian Infantry to Romania
    -Move 1 Slovakian Fighter to S. Italy
    -Move one Norway Infantry to Finland
    -Move one Tac Bomber from Germany to S. Italy
    -Attack France with:
    -4 Infantry, 2 artillery, and 1 tank from Holland/ Belgium
    -1 Artillery, 3 tac bombers from W. Germany
    -3 tanks from Greater Southern Germany
    Attack Sea Zone 110 with:
    -Subs from SZ 103, 108, 124
    -Battleship from 113
    -Bomber from Germany
    Attack Normandy/ Bordeaux with:
    -2 tanks from Holland/ Belgium
    -1 Mechanized Infantry from W Germany
    Attack Southern France with:
    -1 Mech Infantry from W Germany
    -2 Fighters from: Holland/ Belgium & W Germany
    Attack Sea Zone 109 with
    -Subs from SZ 103 & 109*
    *Note Convoy Disruption
    Attack Tunisia with

    • 1 bomber from Germany

  • '16

    I’m assuming that you’re playing 2nd Edition rules.


    Purchase Units: Buy 2 bombers and 5 infantry- you will have to use money from NO�s

    Germany only has 30 IPCs to spend in round 1. So, if you’re buying 2 strategic bombers, you will only have enough IPCs left to buy 2 infantry.

    Also, no one starts with National Objective money. Only the value of their territories at the start of the game.

    -Move 5 Infantry from Germany to Holland/ Belgium

    Wait… how?

    -Move Newly Made Bulgarian Infantry to Romania

    You can’t move Infantry gained from Neutrals in the same turn that you got them.
    You’ll have to wait until turn 2 to move them.

    Attack Sea Zone 110 with:
    -Subs from SZ 103, 108, 124
    -Battleship from 113
    -Bomber from Germany

    I don’t think the sub from SZ 124 can get to SZ 110.
    Also, the 3 fighters can scramble, so this battle doesn’t look too well for Germany.

    Attack Sea Zone 109 with
    -Subs from SZ 103 & 109*
    *Note Convoy Disruption

    The Scotland fighter will scramble here, as there aren’t any units that can hit it.
    Convoy Disruption happens only on the victim nation’s collect income phase, so the UK can wipe out any remaining submarines with their SZ 111 ships and fighters and not worry about Convoy Disruption.

    You also mentioned earlier that the SZ 103 sub would be attacking SZ 110.(?)

    Attack Tunisia with

    • 1 bomber from Germany

    Don’t see why you would put a strategy bomber in harms way just to clear out Tunisia. And a French Infantry at that, its value is less than any other Allied infantry.
    Just saying you probably shouldn’t risk your valued and expensive units in order to attack areas that aren’t really high priority. That bomber will probably be more useful dealing with the UK fleet.

    Don’t underestimate the UK fleet. You’ll need your air force to attack them with, alongside your submarines and Battleship.

  • Here is my rough guide to playing Germany, but with all good strategies, flexibility to the particular circumstances is key.  This forgoes Operation Sealion (UK amphibious assault) and an early Barbarossa (drive to Moscow).

    On turn 1, buy 5 subs.

    Attack SZ 109 with SZ 117/118/124 subs.  If UK scrambles, the subs might get just the destroyer or nothing at all, but at least they deflect scramblers from SZ 110.  Since subs defend at 1, they’re better used on the attack, and the transport at 109 can be an early thorn if used.

    Attack SZ 110 with SZ 103/108 subs, battleship, 3x fighters and 3x tac bombers.  The battleship isn’t good for anything else anyway, unless you’re planning Operation Sealion.  Even if UK scrambles, you have overwhelming odds.  Might as well take the battleship as a casualty over a fighter, as it’s good as dead in the counter attack.  The Germany tac bomber has to land in Holland, where it’d be susceptible to a counter attack from Normandy and/or the transport in SZ 109.  Therefore, don’t use this one there unless you take Normandy and expect to take the transport.  (Conversely, you can land all your aircraft there, expecting to lose at least one in either/both counterattack.)

    Leave the SZ 111 fleet alone.  It can’t reach the Mediterranean or even Gibraltar.  Since it’s not at a naval base, it can only move 2 spaces.  Your 5 subs can get them in turn 2 b/c they’ll launch from a naval base.

    Attack Yugoslavia with: 6x infantry, 2 arty from Southern Germany; 2x infanty, 1x tank from Slovakia; 1x infantry and 1x tank from Romania; and tac bomber from Poland.  The fighter from Slovakia can either join and land in Southern Italy to scramble with the Italian fleet, or attack Southern France with 2x mech infantry from Western Germany.  I don’t recommend this, as it starts to stretch the forces thin.

    Attack SZ 93 with: 2x bombers from Germany and 1x fighter from Western Germany.  This is important b/c the Italians need all the help they can get and the small French fleet can be an annoyance.  If the fighter survives it can land in Southern Italy and scramble if necessary.

    I recommend taking out Normandy.  If you land your air units in Western Germany, they will need Holland or Normandy to reach SZ 109 on turn 2 with the newly bought 5 subs, should the SZ 111 fleet try to regroup there.

    Send everything else into France.  It’s a much tougher battle than it looks.  Fortunately, there is no real Western Front for several turns, so it doesn’t matter if your forces are decimated, as long as they win.

    During non-combat, don’t forget to walk your Romanian into Bulgaria.  Use the transport to bring an infantry and arty into Finland.  Move your forces eastward toward Poland.  This keeps them available for the transport.  You can always decide how much to move south just before turn 4.

    Place your 5 subs in SZ 113.  They’ll be able to reach the SZ 111 wherever they go, unless they flee for 118/123, which is out of the game anyway.

    On turn 2, purchase 10x artillery for Germany and the rest mech infantry for West Germany.  Take Southern France if it remains and Greece with the Yugoslavia tanks and Bulgarian infantry.  Take out what remains of the SZ 110 fleet.

    On turn 3, purchase all tanks for Germany.  You’ll need them for Barbarossa on turn 4.

    On turn 4, purchase 3 subs for Southern France and all of the rest on mech infantry into Germany to resupply the Eastern Front.

    On turn 5 and thereafter, purchase 3 tanks for every USSR factor your capture.  Purchase 3 subs for Southern France.  Use the rest to purchase infantry/arty for France/Normandy and aircraft.  You will soon need to challenge the US fleet.

  • @z0m4d:

    Here is my rough guide to playing Germany, but with all good strategies, flexibility to the particular circumstances is key.  This forgoes Operation Sealion (UK amphibious assault) and an early Barbarossa (drive to Moscow).

    On turn 1, buy 5 subs.

    Attack SZ 109 with SZ 117/118/124 subs.  If UK scrambles, the subs might get just the destroyer or nothing at all, but at least they deflect scramblers from SZ 110.  Since subs defend at 1, they’re better used on the attack, and the transport at 109 can be an early thorn if used.

    Attack SZ 110 with SZ 103/108 subs, battleship, 3x fighters and 3x tac bombers.  The battleship isn’t good for anything else anyway, unless you’re planning Operation Sealion.  Even if UK scrambles, you have overwhelming odds.  Might as well take the battleship as a casualty over a fighter, as it’s good as dead in the counter attack.  The Germany tac bomber has to land in Holland, where it’d be susceptible to a counter attack from Normandy and/or the transport in SZ 109.  Therefore, don’t use this one there unless you take Normandy and expect to take the transport.  (Conversely, you can land all your aircraft there, expecting to lose at least one in either/both counterattack.)

    Leave the SZ 111 fleet alone.  It can’t reach the Mediterranean or even Gibraltar.  Since it’s not at a naval base, it can only move 2 spaces.  Your 5 subs can get them in turn 2 b/c they’ll launch from a naval base.

    Attack Yugoslavia with: 6x infantry, 2 arty from Southern Germany; 2x infanty, 1x tank from Slovakia; 1x infantry and 1x tank from Romania; and tac bomber from Poland.  The fighter from Slovakia can either join and land in Southern Italy to scramble with the Italian fleet, or attack Southern France with 2x mech infantry from Western Germany.  I don’t recommend this, as it starts to stretch the forces thin.

    Attack SZ 93 with: 2x bombers from Germany and 1x fighter from Western Germany.  This is important b/c the Italians need all the help they can get and the small French fleet can be an annoyance.  If the fighter survives it can land in Southern Italy and scramble if necessary.

    I recommend taking out Normandy.  If you land your air units in Western Germany, they will need Holland or Normandy to reach SZ 109 on turn 2 with the newly bought 5 subs, should the SZ 111 fleet try to regroup there.

    Send everything else into France.  It’s a much tougher battle than it looks.  Fortunately, there is no real Western Front for several turns, so it doesn’t matter if your forces are decimated, as long as they win.

    During non-combat, don’t forget to walk your Romanian into Bulgaria.  Use the transport to bring an infantry and arty into Finland.  Move your forces eastward toward Poland.  This keeps them available for the transport.  You can always decide how much to move south just before turn 4.

    Place your 5 subs in SZ 113.  They’ll be able to reach the SZ 111 wherever they go, unless they flee for 118/123, which is out of the game anyway.

    On turn 2, purchase 10x artillery for Germany and the rest mech infantry for West Germany.  Take Southern France if it remains and Greece with the Yugoslavia tanks and Bulgarian infantry.  Take out what remains of the SZ 110 fleet.

    On turn 3, purchase all tanks for Germany.  You’ll need them for Barbarossa on turn 4.

    On turn 4, purchase 3 subs for Southern France and all of the rest on mech infantry into Germany to resupply the Eastern Front.

    On turn 5 and thereafter, purchase 3 tanks for every USSR factor your capture.  Purchase 3 subs for Southern France.  Use the rest to purchase infantry/arty for France/Normandy and aircraft.  You will soon need to challenge the US fleet.

    Why don’t you produce the subs at 112 instead of 113? Also, considering the ipcs of the USSR, won’t Germany be a sitting duck if it forgoes even attempting sealion and waiting till turn 4? Perhaps the USSR can be hit a turn earlier

  • The subs are protected in SZ 113, as Denmark controls that passageway.  In SZ 112, they’re vulnerable to the SZ 111 fleet, which I don’t attack on Turn 1.  (Not enough resources to attack all fleets, prefer to leave the fleet that’s of less immediate use to UK.)

    Germany certainly can attack USSR a Turn early, and I haven’t tried this yet.  However, USSR gets 14+ extra IPC on National Objectives once they’re at war, and Germany gets 5 IPC less, so why not wait as long as possible?  As long as Germany produces more than USSR (and purchases those units to attack USSR), then Germany only increases their advantage.

  • Thanks guys for all the input! I’ll try to come up with a better plan.

  • My reasoning behind send the Tac Bomber to Tunisia would be used to help get rid of the British opposition in Egypt, Alexandria, and the british fleet there.

  • '16

    I currently don’t have the map nearby me, but instead of attacking Tunisia, perhaps you could use your airforce to attack the French fleet next the Southern France instead? Then land them in Italy… or North Africa if they can make it, to support Italy’s Med/African campaign. Would be better than risking them for an infantry, as when you take out those French ships, Italy will have less Allied naval units to worry about and help it to secure it’s national objective.

  • @ch0senfktard:

    I currently don’t have the map nearby me, but instead of attacking Tunisia, perhaps you could use your airforce to attack the French fleet next the Southern France instead? Then land them in Italy… or North Africa if they can make it, to support Italy’s Med/African campaign. Would be better than risking them for an infantry, as when you take out those French ships, Italy will have less Allied naval units to worry about and help it to secure it’s national objective.

    Fighters or tactical bombers from West Germany and the strategic bombers from Germany can attack the French Med Fleet and land in Southern Italy (to scramble if necessary).

  • @z0m4d:

    Here is my rough guide to playing Germany, but with all good strategies, flexibility to the particular circumstances is key.  This forgoes Operation Sealion (UK amphibious assault) and an early Barbarossa (drive to Moscow).

    Ok–-I’m playing AA1940 global 2nd Ed.  Which is virtually the same set up as AA1940E.  So I thought I’d try to follow your exact turn one start-up, but I’ve got some Questions & Comments.

    On turn 1, buy 5 subs.

    #1–I bought 5-subs, although my opponent thought I was crazy!

    Attack SZ 109 with SZ 117/118/124 subs.  If UK scrambles, the subs might get just the destroyer or nothing at all, but at least they deflect scramblers from SZ 110.  Since subs defend at 1, they’re better used on the attack, and the transport at 109 can be an early thorn if used.

    #2–followed w/ SZ 109 attack as above.  UK did scramble 2-fighters & w/ lucky roll hit all 3 of my subs in the 1st roll, while I scored no hits!

    Attack SZ 110 with SZ 103/108 subs, battleship, 3x fighters and 3x tac bombers.  The battleship isn’t good for anything else anyway, unless you’re planning Operation Sealion.  Even if UK scrambles, you have overwhelming odds.  Might as well take the battleship as a casualty over a fighter, as it’s good as dead in the counter attack.  The Germany tac bomber has to land in Holland, where it’d be susceptible to a counter attack from Normandy and/or the transport in SZ 109.  Therefore, don’t use this one there unless you take Normandy and expect to take the transport.  (Conversely, you can land all your aircraft there, expecting to lose at least one in either/both counterattack.)

    #3–Followed SZ110, as above, But Major question here—how do you get battleship from SZ 113 to SZ 110 on turn 1?  There is a French & UK cruisers located in SZ112!  So can’t move thru w/o battle to get to SZ110 on 1st round???
    So I lost both subs & 1-fighter in 1st die roll while only taking out 1-fighter & 1-damage hit on battleship!  Didn’t want to risk any more planes, so I retreated.
    #4–Since you didn’t mention anything about SZ112 allies cruisers x2, my Battleship, Cruiser, Transport & now 5-new Subs will be stuck & have to battle them on turn 2 to get out of the channel 1st, then to round 3-before can get to SZ110 in force.  By then UK will have 2-rounds to build/add units for SZ110 defense!  So whats up with this???

    Leave the SZ 111 fleet alone.  It can’t reach the Mediterranean or even Gibraltar.  Since it’s not at a naval base, it can only move 2 spaces.  Your 5 subs can get them in turn 2 b/c they’ll launch from a naval base.

    Attack Yugoslavia with: 6x infantry, 2 arty from Southern Germany; 2x infanty, 1x tank from Slovakia; 1x infantry and 1x tank from Romania; and tac bomber from Poland.  The fighter from Slovakia can either join and land in Southern Italy to scramble with the Italian fleet, or attack Southern France with 2x mech infantry from Western Germany.  I don’t recommend this, as it starts to stretch the forces thin.

    #5–Attacked Yugo, as above, & of-course took them over w/overwhelming force.

    Attack SZ 93 with: 2x bombers from Germany and 1x fighter from Western Germany.  This is important b/c the Italians need all the help they can get and the small French fleet can be an annoyance.  If the fighter survives it can land in Southern Italy and scramble if necessary.

    #6–Question here;  attack SZ 93 w/ 2x bombers & fighter from w.germany???
    1st–the german player only starts the game w/ 1-bomber, its in Germany. 
    2nd–The fighters not in w.germany because you already had me send it to SZ110 (3x fighters & 3x Tac Bombers).
    So did not do this attack @ all because didn’t want to risk my only bomber for a French cruiser, when it looks like the Italians might be able to handle them w/ either their fighters &/or their sea force in the 1st round.

    I recommend taking out Normandy.  If you land your air units in Western Germany, they will need Holland or Normandy to reach SZ 109 on turn 2 with the newly bought 5 subs, should the SZ 111 fleet try to regroup there.

    #7–A) I tried for Normandy w/ 2-arty & 3-tanks from Holland, but retreated when I was down to 2-tanks & normandy still had 1.  So wouldn’t have been enough ground forces left to hold off invasion w/ my ground forces left for either Normandy or Holland since the UK still has SZ 109 & 110 w/transports!
    Send everything else into France.  It’s a much tougher battle than it looks.  Fortunately, there is no real Western Front for several turns, so it doesn’t matter if your forces are decimated, as long as they win.
    B) Tried for France w/ all remaining from w.germany & 4-inf from Holland— But again retreated when I was down to i-arty & 2-mech.inf  & French still had 2-tanks, 2-arty & a fighter.  *So a BUST for france too!

    During non-combat, don’t forget to walk your Romanian into Bulgaria.  Use the transport to bring an infantry and arty into Finland.  Move your forces eastward toward Poland.  This keeps them available for the transport.  You can always decide how much to move south just before turn 4.

    #8–You say here to take a transport & bring arty & inf to Finland?  Can’t due to 2-russian ships in SZ 115----or are you able to occupy same sea zone w/Russia since we’re not @ war yet???

    Place your 5 subs in SZ 113.  They’ll be able to reach the SZ 111 wherever they go, unless they flee for 118/123, which is out of the game anyway.

    #9–You want 5-new Subs to go from SZ113 to 111 in next round for UK ships.  But as I said, you forgot about the ships in SZ112 blocking access w/o a fight.  So on Uk’s turn, they simply moved their SZ 111 ships to SZ 110 to support fleet there.  Thus making an even more imposing force on round one & obviously building an even more insurmountable force by round 3, before I could ever get my ships from SZ 113 to 110!

    ** So all in all, either I’ve misunderstood something, or you forgot a few things in your set ups & postings?
    So were not even done w/ round 1 yet, Italy is next up & the Germans are in a hell of a mess! 
    A) With now more French & UK troops & planes (moved up to france & normandy in UK’s non-com move),  B) only 2-tanks, 1-fighter, & 3-Tac bombers in Holland,    C) only 1-arty, 2-mech.inf, 1-fighter, 1-tac bomber, & 1-stat.bomber in w.germany,    D) troops already spread thin in the heartland due to moving out to reinforce the borders,    E) 5-subs, Battleship, cruiser & transport stuck in SZ 113, that must now battle french cruiser in SZ 112 & take til turn 3 to be able to get to SZ 110 (thats if the french are smart enough to leave it there  to block me & use it as fodder).
    ** So help me here—did I go wrong or what happened???  Can you respond w/ my Quotes to make these answers easier to follow.  Thanx much.
    On turn 2, purchase 10x artillery for Germany and the rest mech infantry for West Germany.  Take Southern France if it remains and Greece with the Yugoslavia tanks and Bulgarian infantry.  Take out what remains of the SZ 110 fleet.

    On turn 3, purchase all tanks for Germany.  You’ll need them for Barbarossa on turn 4.

    On turn 4, purchase 3 subs for Southern France and all of the rest on mech infantry into Germany to resupply the Eastern Front.

    On turn 5 and thereafter, purchase 3 tanks for every USSR factor your capture.  Purchase 3 subs for Southern France.  Use the rest to purchase infantry/arty for France/Normandy and aircraft.  You will soon need to challenge the US fleet.

  • Sorry for the screwed up post guys, I can’t figure out how to get the “Quote” in the blue box & my post in Black & White to separate it–-so it looks like its all the original quote.  :|

    It looks like a few of you are reviewing it but no one with any help yet, so I figured it might be because of the blue “quote box” use be a little confusing?

    But my questions are in there after the “Orig quote”  marked with the #'s of my Questions.  So thanx for reviewing, & if anyone can help with the “Quote Box”  use clarification, I would appreciate that as well.  :-)

  • '12


    …so thanx for reviewing, & if anyone can help with the “Quote Box”  use clarification, I would appreciate that as well.   :-)

    I answered this in the other thread discussing the USA during its neutral period.

  • Hey Eggman, thanx for response here, but I looked in “Strict Neutrals” thread & didn’t see any mention of this procedure.    Just the clarification on the Neutrals only, which, thanks by the way, definitely clarifies.  So can you redirect me to your post?

  • '12


    Hey Eggman, thanx for response here, but I looked in “Strict Neutrals” thread & didn’t see any mention of this procedure.

    I can see where that would be confusing.  The main body of the thread mostly discusses the USA’s neutrality but that isn’t the thread title:

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