Sendspace works as well. I don’t think china allows media fire. For our international gamer friends :)
TG played a game against TM but he is being reluctant to post the results of the game. For tanks, they have to be researched. As for trench warfare, I’ve created a territorial imporvement, kinda like an IC, called a trench that affects the battles that take place in the territory. France and Germany have them in order to make the Western Front realistic. From what I heard, the playtesters really liked the game which is good, because I hate to thin kthat I wasted my time.
and this is on an aae map or your own map?
Yah, it’s real fun except things get a bit cluttered up a times. :)
it wuld be good with Ralph’s europe map
It’s my own modification of Der Panzinator’s Advanced AAE map.
cna you post it ?
Once I’m done playtesting the scenario and I finish creating everything needed for it. Then I’ll post it all.
OK 8)
So basically you can help by yelling at the playtesters such as TG to hurry up and try the updated rules.
I hope that gets TG’s attention, or maybe TM will come online one of these days and see it.
you should PM him
Hey Emugod,
See I’m still lurking around. I am interested in how you set this senerio up send me an email when you have time. I have some friends that I play with and if I can get them interested I might be able to try it out for you.
That would be great! What would be even better is if my curent playtesters, I won’t mention any names cough TG cough would hurry up and finish this round of playtesting and give em the results. If they say that it is balanced, then I’l lput it up and you can play the final version, which would mean no looking for bugs, rather just having fun.