––WOW! :-o
––While ALL of these German a/c look GREAT,…My favorites are the JU-52 air transports, closely followed by the
HE-111 medium bombers and JU-87 dive bombers. :-D
----Your unique skill of minute detail painting is very evident on these a/c and makes the paint jobs really “pop”. It might only be the angle of the pic,…but unless I’m wrong the JU-52 transports didn’t seem to have the “cockpit framing” paint that you’re known for. Did I miss it? :?
----IMHO the JU-52 air transports being the ONLY a/c having White coloring, (engine nacelles, fuselage stripe, and wingtips) and being the only a/c with wingtip coloring really sets them apart without making them garish or gaudy. The White wingtips are just enough to make them very evident to all players as to their special status (Paratroop Drops) and subliminally reminds players of the White parachutes that the on-board airborne troopers carry.
––The “Alpha” character classification that I asked you decal them with worked out great. IMHO these not only LOOK cool,….but will assist in players being able to quickly identify the different TYPES of a/c from a distance.
----All of the time and effort you put into decalling these a/c with the small letters/numbers is REALLY WORTH IT!
----Do you have any pics of the a/c that are more of a side view which would show their lettering better?
“Tall Paul”