Added new rule clarification:
If the British units in Paris are destroyed prior to France’s turn, France gets 4 infantry for free.
I got my copy of 1941 today and I was showing it to some people and a kid from China looked at it and recognized it, saying that they had it on China (some sort of a copy) and it was called ‘A&A’.
Has anyone heard about this?
Well, a lot of the components of the game are made in China. Perhaps they simply marketed the game in China under a different name. Some American products are often marketed in foreign countries under different names.
I was watching an episode of TMZ where they were talking about different movies and how their titles are changed overseas. Some of them were kind of funny.
Did you think that maybe they just -sold- Axis and Allies in China?
and that the kid is refering to one of the many versions?
The censors over there might have issues with a game that represents China with American forces.
The censors over there might have issues with a game that represents China with American forces.
And they’d have even more problems with the use of the roundels showing the blue and white Chinese Republican flag.
The censors over there might have issues with a game that represents China with American forces.
And they’d have even more problems with the use of the roundels showing the blue and white Chinese Republican flag.
Oh yeah! They would look at the roundels and say “Hey, this symbol doesn’t represent China. We beat those guys more than 50 years ago!”
I wasn’t able to ask him again. What really surprised me was that he’s just 17 and recognized the game right away.