Hi again, here is a link to ebay auction:
Axis and Allies set sale
What we have here are several lots of minis from the board game ea. lot (country batch below # slip) is $5 plus shipping.
My shipping charges in the USA are as follows:
1-2 lots $4 3-5 lots $5, 6 lots or more $7.
Classic Axis and Allies:
Revised: (lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 sold )
Spring 42: (lot 19 sold)
Fortress America: (lot 22 sold )
Also have game boards and rules and anything not shown also available, but shipping might be costly (on boards) and such.
Give me a shipping estimate to Victoria British Columbia please. (assume I take 2 games, D-Day, BoTB)
Postal Code V8S 2N2
Give me a shipping estimate to Victoria British Columbia please.�  (assume I take 2 games, D-Day, BoTB)
Postal Code V8S 2N2
very cost prohibitive about $45 for just shipping, it would be priority since parcel or any other cheaper method not available.
this is figuring a total weight of about 8.5 LBs (not sure of exact weight except over 2LBs per box all my little scale goes up to, anyone know exact weight of each ?).
yeah I know, one of the reasons I don’t order from canada cause shipping is a killer, in the US it would cost under $20 for shipping for both games, but at least Canada is not as expensive as shipping to Australia, whoowhee thats pricey.
We’ll see who else is interested, and go from there. In Can, I get hit with Taxes too. It’s possible I could get my dad to bring them up (He visits the U.S. all the time) but we’ll just cross that bridge when we get there.
We’ll see who else is interested, and go from there. In Can, I get hit with Taxes too. It’s possible I could get my dad to bring them up (He visits the U.S. all the time) but we’ll just cross that bridge when we get there.
Well sadly someone snagged them up already and now waiting to find out how he wants me to ship them so can invoice him.
How SAD! Lol.
Glad you made the sale.
$25.00 Fortress America
What’s the condition of that one?
$25.00 Fortress America
What’s the condition of that one?
Well as I always say a pictures worth a thousand words.
the pieces in the plastic bag are extra pieces.
The rulebook has a BENT CORNER!
lol… In all seriousness, that’s in Excellent condition.
Hey Scar, if you end up going to Pacificon this Saturday, bring Fortress and I’ll take it from you…unless Hobbes wants it.
Hey Scar, if you end up going to Pacificon this Saturday, bring Fortress and I’ll take it from you…unless Hobbes wants it.
Sadly I will be unable to make it, that and spending $35 to get in for one day is pricey for me :-P
Hey Scar, if you end up going to Pacificon this Saturday, bring Fortress and I’ll take it from you…unless Hobbes wants it.
Take it. I live in Europe so the shipping wouldn’t be worth it and I think I’ll just buy the new 2012 edition.
Unless… Scarabis, do you live near San Francisco by any chance?
Hey Scar, if you end up going to Pacificon this Saturday, bring Fortress and I’ll take it from you…unless Hobbes wants it.
Take it. I live in Europe so the shipping wouldn’t be worth it and I think I’ll just buy the new 2012 edition. Â
Unless…Â Scarabis, do you live near San Francisco by any chance?
I’m in Stockton, Ca. about 90 miles east of San Francisco.
Hey Scar, if you end up going to Pacificon this Saturday, bring Fortress and I’ll take it from you…unless Hobbes wants it.
Take it. I live in Europe so the shipping wouldn’t be worth it and I think I’ll just buy the new 2012 edition. �
Unless…� Scarabis, do you live near San Francisco by any chance?
I’m in Stockton, Ca. about 90 miles east of San Francisco.
Actually, I think I’ve been there. I’ve lived in Patterson about 20 years ago :)
Hm. Well, I was thinking of seeing if my cousin studying could bring it back but I just realized the size of the box and I doubt that she’d have the space. Thanks anyway :)
Will let whats left go for $80 shipped in the US, $90 shipped out of US.
Black Friday Sale any 3 lots for $10 plus S&H.
Still have all of these lots available in the pictures still, if want all make me an offer.
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