I’m currently looking for a fold out table big enough for Axis and Allies Global 1940. I’m struggling to find one. Could someone give me a link to a good fold out table that is big enough?
I got my email telling me my order has shipped today I’m very excited to see the new pieces.
I got my email telling me my order has shipped today I’m very excited to see the new pieces.
That is awesome! They made my day, when I got mine! :-D
just checked they are suppose to be here on tuesday I’m excited.
just checked they are suppose to be here on tuesday I’m excited.
That is awesome man! Happy for you! :-D
Can someone tell me which HBG tank is the same as the OOB German Panther, or has one not been made yet?
Is the one on the new German Axis Minor 2 set suppose to replace it?
I’m just confused on the names of the tanks.
Thanks for any help! :-)
Can someone tell me which HBG tank is the same as the OOB German Panther
“The same” in what sense? The one that’s closest in sculpt size? The one which representes the same real-life Panther tank? As far as I know, the only tanks which HBG has produced or is in the process of producing are:
German & Axis Minors Supplement Set 1
38t Light Tanks
Panzer III Medium Tanks
Stug IIIG Tank Destroyers
WW2 Germany Expansion Set
Panzer II Light Tank
Tiger 1 Heavy Tank
WW2 Axis Minor 2 (Not yet available)
PzIVG Medium Tank
Amerika (Not yet available)
Panther II
GW Panther
Can someone tell me which HBG tank is the same as the OOB German Panther
“The same” in what sense? The one that’s closest in sculpt size? The one which representes the same real-life Panther tank? As far as I know, the only tanks which HBG has produced or is in the process of producing are:
German & Axis Minors Supplement Set 1
38t Light Tanks
Panzer III Medium Tanks
Stug IIIG Tank DestroyersWW2 Germany Expansion Set
Panzer II Light Tank
Tiger 1 Heavy TankWW2 Axis Minor 2 (Not yet available)
PzIVG Medium TankAmerika (Not yet available)
Panther II
GW Panther
Do we have an HBG equivalent is probably how I should have asked the question?
Sorry, should have made my question more clear!
Do we have an HBG equivalent is probably how I should have asked the question?
I think that at the moment the answer is no, but the Amerika game is supposed to have a “Panther II” (whatever that is).
Do we have an HBG equivalent is probably how I should have asked the question?
I think that at the moment the answer is no, but the Amerika game is supposed to have a “Panther II” (whatever that is).
OK, thanks Marc! :-)
The Axis Minors 2 set is also going to have a Panther tank in it. HBG removed the Tiger since we already got it in the German Expansion set. The Tiger I still shows up in the photo gallery on the Axis Minors 2 page, but that is just because he hasn’t gotten around to updating it yet. Been too busy getting out the Japanese Expansion sets and trying to get Amerika finished.
The Axis Minors 2 set is also going to have a Panther tank in it. HBG removed the Tiger since we already got it in the German Expansion set. The Tiger I still shows up in the photo gallery on the Axis Minors 2 page, but that is just because he hasn’t gotten around to updating it yet. Been too busy getting out the Japanese Expansion sets and trying to get Amerika finished.
Ok, cool, I was wondering about that. Thanks for the info! :-D
Do we have an HBG equivalent is probably how I should have asked the question?
I think that at the moment the answer is no, but the Amerika game is supposed to have a “Panther II” (whatever that is).
Panther II is the next generation, instead of the 75L70 gun , it was to mount the 88L71 (same gun as the Tiger II).
Do we have an HBG equivalent is probably how I should have asked the question?
I think that at the moment the answer is no, but the Amerika game is supposed to have a “Panther II” (whatever that is).
Panther II is the next generation, instead of the 75L70 gun , it was to mount the 88L71 (same gun as the Tiger II).
OK, I got you. Thanks for the info.
About how long do you expect before the new Japanese pieces are available individually?
I got my Japanese pieces in today. Everything looks awesome. Good Job guys.
I got my Japanese pieces in today. Everything looks awesome. Good Job guys.
Congratulations! What color or colors did you get? :-D
I just got OOB orange. and I did get a German coaster which made me laugh
I just got OOB orange. and I did get a German coaster which made me laugh
Well, I’m glad you got them. :-D
and I did get a German coaster which made me laugh
The Japanese coaster is by far the best. Red disk on one side, rising sun on the other; looks really cool. Sitting on my desk at work right now. I have a friend here who is into Japanese television, culture and cars and he was kinda jealous of it. I think I might order one for him next time I get some pieces.
and I did get a German coaster which made me laugh
The Japanese coaster is by far the best. Red disk on one side, rising sun on the other; looks really cool. Sitting on my desk at work right now. I have a friend here who is into Japanese television, culture and cars and he was kinda jealous of it. I think I might order one for him next time I get some pieces.
Yes, I agree. It is my favorite as well. :-D