The South African Environmental Summit -
At the first one, in 1992, the delegates adopted almost 2,500 recommendations, of which less than 1% have been enacted by the majority of governments which sent representatives.
At the current Summit, the delegates are discussing hunger while enjoying extravagant luncheons. One of these luncheons included over
1000 pound of lobster,
450 pounds of salmon,
300 pounds of patee,
200 pounds of caviar, and
this is just a partial list.
The Environment-
The US had eliminated 98% of it’s 1974 automobile emisssions by 1992.
In 1925 environmentalists said we would run out of oil in 20 years(1945).
In 1945 environmentalists said we would run out of oil in 30 years(1975).
In 1970 environmentalists said we would run out of oil in 100 years(2070).
In 1995 environmentalists said we would run out of oil in 200 years(2195).
Sounds like we’ve found more oil and become more efficient in its’ use.
Yquote -
“Bush didn’t go, but Colin Powell did go. Bush was busy on vacation in Texas.”
Y, His vacation consists of DAILY meetings to keep him updated on hotspots and important events. Unlike 535 US legislators who take fact
finding trips to Paris(France) with their wives . . . or pop into their home district office once a week and call it work. Why don’t liberals talk about the legislators’ vacations?
F_kquote -
“axis of ecological evil”
Oh, how original!
Sound like the Have Nots complaining again.
Mt. Pinatubo(sp?) spewed more pollution in one shot than the US did in the last 100 years. The Earth cleaned it up in 2 years.
Environmentalists worried about the Alaskan frozen tundra and carribou(sp?) when the Alaskan pipeline was built, but now acknowledge that the carribou are doing better now(since they have a warmer place to congregate, but the Tundra hasn’t thawed.
The Exxon Valdez was the worst oil tanker spill in known history. It was said that the Alaskan coast would never recover, no, in 100 years, no, in 20 years. Most environmentalists now acknowledge that the Alaskan coast had recovered within 10 years of the accident! They discovered that the oceans clean themselves(like a washing machine[in the news in the mid '90’s], and that the oceans pollute themselves on a regular basis[in the news this year]).
“CO2 Metric tons per capita - 1996”
Lawn grasses and weeds produce CO2 in large quantities. The US has more weeds and lawn grasses than these countries. Oh, I almost forgot! We also produce and export a great quantity of items, too.And how about China and India’s production/pollution today?
Liberals cannot handle the truth. Too bad I don’t know it all. -Xi