Will the U.S. and China eventually come into conflict?

  • Yanny don’t make me laugh with your 200 million man Chinese army.

    The logistic problems make it laughable.

    Also, the Chinese need U.S. dolars more than we need their products. An end to trade would hurt them more. Why do you think they have left Taiwan alone?

  • @yourbuttocks:

    Third, I doubt we’ll develop more advanced weapons until we get off this rock.

    I’m assuming we’ll be off this rock in 50 years. :)

  • Over 55 years ago in WW2, SINGLE MINUTES went by where more than 200,000 bullets were flying through the air. How long could it really take to mow down a Commie army that we could already Daist-cut to smitherines ahead of time?

  • @city:

    Over 55 years ago in WW2, SINGLE MINUTES went by where more than 200,000 bullets were flying through the air. How long could it really take to mow down a Commie army that we could already Daist-cut to smitherines ahead of time?

    Hmmm, are you talking of Vietnam?

  • I didn’t say they could have a 200 million man army. I said they have a 200 million man pool of people. This means they could raise a 50 million man army, and replace any losses without trouble. A 1.5 billion person workforce backing this up. They will have the resources to attack many places at once, more places than we can defend. Imagine them going into Taiwan, South Korea, and South Asia at once.

    China has ICBMs. We stole our nuclear secrets from the Germans (at least the last piece of the puzzle), and the Russians did the same to us (stole the last piece of the puzzle).

  • Yanny said:

    Imagine them going into Taiwan, South Korea, and South Asia at once.

    3 major offensives at once? One of them an amphib assault, talk about the logistics nightmare from hell.

  • @Jazz:

    Yanny said:

    Imagine them going into Taiwan, South Korea, and South Asia at once.

    3 major offensives at once? One of them an amphib assault, talk about the logistics nightmare from hell.

    oh, i could do it. 8)

  • Well of course you could CC, if you were the leader of China i would be building a fall out shelter :)

  • @Yanny:

    I didn’t say they could have a 200 million man army. I said they have a 200 million man pool of people. This means they could raise a 50 million man army, and replace any losses without trouble. A 1.5 billion person workforce backing this up. They will have the resources to attack many places at once, more places than we can defend. Imagine them going into Taiwan, South Korea, and South Asia at once.

    China has ICBMs. We stole our nuclear secrets from the Germans (at least the last piece of the puzzle), and the Russians did the same to us (stole the last piece of the puzzle).

    Actually, they’d move into Taiwan, Mongolia and Siberia. Those are the areas that they have a land claim to. They might ally with North Korea and help them take over South Korea, but I doubt they’d advance much further. Russia would most likely collapse from an invasion. It would most likely be one amphibious assault with further expansions into mainland Asia.

  • @EmuGod:


    I didn’t say they could have a 200 million man army. I said they have a 200 million man pool of people. This means they could raise a 50 million man army, and replace any losses without trouble. A 1.5 billion person workforce backing this up. They will have the resources to attack many places at once, more places than we can defend. Imagine them going into Taiwan, South Korea, and South Asia at once.

    China has ICBMs. We stole our nuclear secrets from the Germans (at least the last piece of the puzzle), and the Russians did the same to us (stole the last piece of the puzzle).

    Actually, they’d move into Taiwan, Mongolia and Siberia. Those are the areas that they have a land claim to. They might ally with North Korea and help them take over South Korea, but I doubt they’d advance much further. Russia would most likely collapse from an invasion. It would most likely be one amphibious assault with further expansions into mainland Asia.

    If this interests you and you enjoy Tom Clancey, his “The Bear and The Dragon” might be a fun read for you.

  • I guess i have a unique oppinon of what is gonna happen with China. I think there is gonna be a revolt. Maybe like the russian one, maybe like the American, but who knows. Something is gonna happen, the people are too oppressed.

  • Also, the US pulled out of the AABM treaty. We have ABM’s in Alaska, china’s single-warhead, shartranged ICBM are becoming less and less a problem. Also, China is NOT in bed with Russia, in fact, they have had many disagreements in the past. And now Russia is finding itself more and more an allie of the west.

  • This is the deal: all American wars for the last century were, in principle, defensive ones. If China invaded its nieghbors, we COULD and WOULD bomb their armies a step past pergatory, because the US doesn’t want their land. On the other hand, China would never nuke South Korea, something that they DO want…

    And a side note… I’ve studied about what China’s military was like in the late sixties… if the US HAD BEEN ALLOWED to win the Vietnam war, we could have sent 10 Divisions, (Which we DID have) fought north along the coastline, turned left, and NOT STOPPED UNTIL TURKMENISTAN. China coulda shoulda woulda been toast.

  • Yea, good point city.

    The truly biggest reason that Veitnam was the horrible mess that is was, is becuase our government turned it into too much of a political war. We had politicians with wAY too much influence on our military strategy and what we should do next. With better leadership, our Veitnam could have turned out to be a much brighter picture.

  • A war between China and Russia would go Nuclear. Got that out of another Tom Clancy book ) (reading Executive Order now)

  • Why does Tom Clancy have such a following. I enjoy his books but dont think that just because he wrote something it will come true. I read a fiction book on Area 51, but I dont think there are aliens and little green men running around.

  • Rogue Spear is a tight T.C. book.

  • Dont get me wrong, they are good books.

  • I know what your saying Jazz
    I think T.C. popularity is do to the fact that he considered an expert in reguards to the military.
    And he’s stories may hide hidden truths……er something like that anyway.

    His stories bring a sense of what could be.

  • The whole 9/11 thing is something that I could have seen TC writting about.

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