Looking for turn based computer games

  • I’m including older games, non-Windows computers, and console games, as noted. Sorry for duplicates, I’m in Deep Think Mode trying to remember all the ones I like.

    Ghengis Khan – Koei – both for NES (8-bit) and PC (DOS)
    Ghengis Khan 2 – Koei – I think maybe only SNES
    Nobunaga’s Ambition – Koei – possibly just NES
    Shingen the Ruler – I think Tecmo, not sure – NES, rumored PC too
    Defender of the Crown – Don’t remember – NES and PC (DOS)
    Europa Univeralis – CodeWarriors/E-Sim Games – PC
    Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri – Microprose??? – PC
    Sid Meier’s Colinzation – Microprose i think – PC (buggy, save often)
    Conflict: Middle East – ??? – PC (DOS)
    Castles II – ??? – PC (DOS, not purely turn-based, but largely)
    Acquire – mult. versions by mult. companies – several platform (Business sim, but strategy skills help… same as AH’s board game)
    Solar Wars – http://members.bellatlantic.net/~jme69/solarwars.htm – freeware! Windows
    Master of Orion – Microprose – PC. (I like MOO and MOO2, but MOO3 was a disappointment)
    Conquest – multiple ports – multiple platforms (PC (Windows console) at http://www.simtel.net/pub/pd/60586.html)

    I may think of more later.

  • Turn based games are whacky!
    Real time strategy all the way!
    Sudden strike, Cossacks or American Conquest!
    Great games.

    On topic I’d say Panzer General 1 is still ok.

  • The best TBS game in my opinion is the Age of Wonders series. I used to play Masters of Orion and Heroes of Might and Magic, but they are collecting dust now! Age of Wonders II: The Wizards Throne, by take2-interactive, is THE TBS-Fantasy. Check it out on www.ageofwonders2.com

    A third release, named Shadow Magic is planned for september!

    Enjoy playing!!

  • '19 Moderator

    I guess I didn’t see this thread before, but I was reading through it ad was reminded of when I first got CIV I back in college. I can remember my alarm going off while I tried to get in one last turn. then I would sleep through class so that I could come back home and get back into the game.

    The CIV series are the type of games that when I play them I have dreams about them. Of course the same thing happens the night before a big A&A game. :lol:

  • Anyone of you tried a game called something like !1914 - the Great War"?
    Sounded interesting, and i can remember a very old game that covered that topic… anyone here knows the new one and can tell something about it?

  • '19 Moderator

    Guns of August is a good one for WWI.

  • Star Trek: Birth of the Federation is one of my favorite turn-based strategy computer games. I’m definitly no Trekky but I really got into this game. It’s a galaxy-wide map where you duke it out as one of five major Star Trek empires: The United Federation of Planets, The Klingon Empire, The Cardassian Union, The Ferengi Alliance and The Romulan Star Empire (my personal favorite). Each of these five races has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. For example, the Romulans and Cardassians both have buff intel forces that can destory structures and even steal enemy ships. The Federation, however, is pathetically weak when it comes to Intel, but the’re strength is in technology research. The diplomacy is a little weak and as your empire gets bigger and bigger, anyone who doesn’t like to micromanage every star system might get frusterated. I’ve been playing this game for the last 3 years and I think it might have been a year or so old back then, so the graphics aren’t going to be anything special by today’s standards, but the Space Combat graphics are better than Masters of Orion II. Star Trek: Birth of the Federation was made by Microprose.

    Has anyone played Masters of Orion III yet?

  • i see you have gotten alot of great tips here. I’ll repeat the ones i can vouch for:

    -CivIII , altough i dont find this game as good as i had hoped, it can help you pass your time :D

    -Heroes of Might and Magic, I, II, III and IV - they all rock!!!

    -Call to Power, I and II ! For all that have played and enjoyed Civ, this is heaven!!! Imho this is one of the greater games in history :D
    Its got excellent multiplayer playability online aswell. And its easy to find on places like: Kazaa and Direct Connect.

    Good luck :wink:

  • Freeverse just released Solace:


    PC and Mac downloads are available. Plays a lot like Axis & Allies, also supports network and play-by-email games.


  • @F_alk:

    Anyone of you tried a game called something like !1914 - the Great War"?
    Sounded interesting, and i can remember a very old game that covered that topic… anyone here knows the new one and can tell something about it?

    Yes know it, played it, not bad, but not great either… much like Battle Isle just in a WWI setting…

    Why dont you people mention Combat mission I - II GREAT games!!! :)
    there are also:

    Third Reich, Colonization, Imperialism to name a few more :)

    But Star Wars Rebellion is NOT a turn based game…

  • I guess a good general rule for turn based strategy games: look wether it’s from SSI or not. THey probably produced some of the best turn based games ever (PG, a lot for the good ole C= 64, and a game about the battle in the Ardennes which was very close to a board game, and very nice to play. Gotta look wether i still have that somewhere).

  • And how could we forget…

    The ultimate CIV game… Master of Magic :D
    SimTex knew what they were doing then…

  • Mr_Mischief - My god, someone out there remembers Conflict - Middle East, that game was bad arse! You could try the diplomatic route to make friends with everyone as you started as Israel, or you could just start waging war and building your nuke program. You could buy weapons from the Russians, French or the US, oh man that game was great.

    What about Age of Empires, I have lost alot of sleep over that game carrying out of a few years. And not really what we are talking about here but it popped in my head and thought I would see how many people remember door games on BBS, in particuler Legand of the Red Dragon and VGA Planets…oh the days…

  • AoE is not really turn based, is it? At least AOE2 isn’t…
    VGA Planets… oh yeah… that were the days…

  • Yeah, AoE isn’t really turn based, at my current state of mind that just sort of slipped out, guess I was just too happy to see I turned into a regular finally on here :D Go Me!

  • @F_alk:

    AoE is not really turn based, is it? At least AOE2 isn’t…
    VGA Planets… oh yeah… that were the days…

    Ohhh yes VGA Planets… and what about good ol’ STARS! and of couse there were the Battle Isle series…

  • There are also Europa Univeralis II (but you cant play Denmark :cry: )

    But a ok game non the less :)

  • you like TBS games eh…


    check this guy out. he built Civ2 in a different format but same game play.

    it’s called cevo. when you get to the website above click on the second link down to get the newest version(which this guy keeps on building bigger and better) the playout is rett cool for TB and it also can be built on so whenever you go to this ebsite programmers constantly(it seems like )build upgrades for this :D … plenty of military strategy goverment planning rescource build up and goes from 10,000 B.C. to 3000 A.D. :wink:

  • beun, since when is it not possible to play Denmark in EU2 ?
    I don’t see why you could be allowed to play …say the Cree… or Sweden (both i played), but not Denmark…
    Maybe: You have to left-click one of the flags in the scenario menue, and then scroll until you see denmark… or did you try that already?

    BTW: EU2 rocks, it’s much more than “ok”, but close to “the game i always wanted” … at least for me

  • I know it’s not exactly turned based, but with the pause button, I would have to say Hearts of Iron. Great game once they fixed all the bugs inside of it.

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