look at Websites that print vinyl banners. You can get them as low as $50. I printed my map using cheapbanners.com
Thanks… I’ll check it out.
the game comes with all of the counter/bases in files for you to print out. A good method is to print them out on glossy label paper (they are sized to be printed out on 8.5x11 inch solid sheets). Print out on an inkjet printer and then stick the whole sheet on white styrene plastic sheets. Then score the individual counters using a round razor wheel that is attached to a plastic guide (available at most stationary stores) to create your counters.
Our group also mounted the planes on small metal wire pegs so the planes stand up off of the counters by a quarter of an inch or so - you can get sense of what you can do with that in the pic below:
I believe Imperious Leader has this game and may have even showcased one or two years ago at a convention. Maybe he can give us some info on it. I looked at the game’s own forum and IL was talking about getting it and showcasing it.
WOw Auk… that is such an awesome looking setup you have. :-o
IL was one of the first buyers of the first edition game several years ago. I think we turned him on to Skytrex and tumbling dice… Anyway, we learned a lot of what people liked and did not like so much with the first game. We took a lot of good ideas from different people and built this second edition a few years ago. The pics above are all from the second edition game.
I have been living abroad for the last few years so have not had much time to play or take it to conventions, but that is beginning to change. We will be taking this game to Origins in Ohio at the end of the month (as well as a playtest version of the Asia/Pacific theater) and am looking forward to taking over the World, er, I mean playing it there for a few days. :evil:
Finally getting back to posting some of the pictures from the Origins Con in Ohio earlier this Summer. We had a blast playing a 3 day game of Struggle for Europe with 10-12 players coming in and out over the course of the game and about 3-4 die hards that played it through to the bitter end!
Here are some pics of the action - I’ll post more later so you can see how the game progressed:
Fall of France in 1940 - German battles in the Spring and the battle board of Guderian’s battle for Champaigne which pretty much sealed France’s fate. . .Note the placement of front line, support and reserve units on the battleboard which is unique to the game system. Better leaders can move more units from reserve to front line every round of combat.
Wow, I love that battle board! Great idea having a ‘front line’, ‘support’ and ‘reserves’ sections. All sorts of possibilities here… Larry, take note! :-)
Here are some more shots of the Origins game:
Army Group South’s deep penetration of the Ukraine all the way to the gates of Stalingrad in Autumn 1941 (the Germans attacked Russia early in the Spring of 1941).
Also - Rommel’s advance into Egypt. . .
Jumping forward - By the Spring 1942, the Russians had stabilized their front in the Ukraine. By Spring 1943, the Allies had invaded North Africa and driven the Axis back into Tunisia.
I owned the european version of the game and I just purchased the pacific one. Amazing map, game mechanic very clever, no downtime for anybody, you should guys check this game out. These pics are from the 1939 pacific set up. US vavies, in West Coast and the Hawaian islds
US at Somoa islds and the Philippines
Chinese forces are split with Nationalists and Communists, both armies start 1939 at war with Japan
And the coast of China with Manchuria on the top right
Commonwealth forces in India
And Australia
Japaneses forces in the Pacific in 1939
Japaneses forces in the Pacific in 1939
And an overview of the whole map
Thanks George for sharing. It looks like a cool game. :-D
Does it play similar to A&A?
How old is the game?
The new version is about 2 yrs old, it plays very similar to A&A you collect income for territories, purchase units, and battle. The major difference is that you move with a chit draw, aka the leaders in the game, you should go on their website and take a better look at it.
The new version is about 2 yrs old, it plays very similar to A&A you collect income for territories, purchase units, and battle. The major difference is that you move with a chit draw, aka the leaders in the game, you should go on their website and take a better look at it.
OK, cool! Thanks George! :-)