@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
As much as I want to stir the pot and laugh at you all fighting each other… I’m going to do something at aa.org JUST ONCE ;)
Basically… allweneedislove is the concience of this tournament the beacon of fairness, objectivety, and also… the DEADLINE.
When the time elapses he informs all parties ( and also in advance). Then it’s MY JOB to make a ruling. Right then and there…
However, some of these games are SO GOOD, and in some cases close enough… that I’d rather see it play out just a little bit longer.
But I can’t tell that to allweneedislove. He won’t take it for an answer… so basically, it’s my job to B.S. him and buy as much time as possible, before he PM’s me back and says “Really? just make the damn ruling!”.
That’s why you’ve seen Vague dates… and ambiguous postings. The only person running a stalling tactic, is me, and it looks like my time is up.
I bet I don’t have long now… I can hear the drums in the deep… the centre can not hold! Allweneedistank is coming :S and he is certainly going to force my hand to make rulings in the next 24 hours… ish.
All I said was that you guys should flip a coin or roll a dice for a winner. I gave no opinion on who wins or loses. I am saying it is a tight income game as of right now.
In a tight income game can you objectively decide who wins? Not really. Both sides have room for growth in income.
From my experience income games tend to stall out until one side decides to push. When it is apparent that one side is going to lose the income war then they push for a capital. Allies can’t exactly take capitals like the other boards so the onus is usually on the axis to push, so no one can complain about the ruling.
From my experience income games tend to stall out until one side decides to push. When it is apparent that one side is going to lose the income war then they push for a capital. Allies can’t exactly take capitals like the other boards so the onus is usually on the axis to push, so no one can complain about the ruling.
as usual your “logic” is impenetrable.
i don’t mind waiting
Just don’t cut into the time of the next game!
However, some of these games are SO GOOD, and in some cases close enough… that I’d rather see it play out just a little bit longer.
But I can’t tell that to allweneedislove. He won’t take it for an answer… so basically, it’s my job to B.S. him and buy as much time as possible, before he PM’s me back and says “Really? just make the damn ruling!”.
That’s why you’ve seen Vague dates… and ambiguous postings. The only person running a stalling tactic, is me, and it looks like my time is up.
I bet I don’t have long now… I can hear the drums in the deep… the centre can not hold! Allweneedistank is coming :S and he is certainly going to force my hand to make rulings in the next 24 hours… ish.
too funny garg. funny because it is true.
it was surprising to me that boldutch and ancients did not take death by dice’s generous offer to start both games as a means to prevent their game going to decision. garg has given you WAY too much time as an extension already, robbing the next round of several days.
numenoreans and fighting mongooses we did not forget about you, but atlanta axis said they were too busy to start both games.
boldutch, ancients, numenoreans, and fighting mongooses. stand by for decisions. when you see a puff of white smoke you will have your decision.
I think the allies are going to win both of the stalled out matches.
As much as I have a grudge on bold+dutch, just do not see it happening now. I did not want to face the ancients as they are the better team plus they are 3 players so it takes them longer to post naturally. USA-UK-China is not one player, which is going to create time between posts.
So I would prefer to be the allies against the ancients so they can all their own thing going. I do not care which side I get against bolddutch.
I tried to make a match happen. Hats off to the Ancients. Between Germany’s lack of planning and the Japan with no balls, you did enough to take advantage of it. I really wanted to blow these guys out and exploit them.
Saddle up Veqryn, we got a real match in front of us, we will never get a break!
Soo looks like ancients are going to win this one. I am thinking I will start the bid at 10 and give it to them at 9? They seem more on the conservative spectrum like the other team.
I’ll take Germany/Italy. You take Japan. I was thinking of doing a G6 timing attack on Russia. Lately I been trying to see what I can get away with as Germany/Italy and I think I am just going to do a traditional sea lion feign followed by a G6 or G7 timing on Russia. If I get a solid crack at UK, I am taking it, otherwise feigning is pointless, so do not freakout if I make something happen.
If we are the allies, I will take Russia, ANZAC, and France. I think you got the hang of USA/China/UK. It is not hard. I think I am going to bring some of Russia to the pacific. Good times await! We got to do something non traditional for a gain to draw action out of them. I think if we are the axis we can just play solid and dictate where the game goes and time our attacks so that once I go attack Russia if that fails then you are ready to win it in the pacific. I think we can time it.
Did you get my last PM? It is not in my outbox.
Did you get my last PM? It is not in my outbox.
This is a really old joke cow - time to come up with something new :lol:
Death by Dice is a strong team, you should worry about them. They have a very aggressive style which I like.
If I somehow win this tournament sometime late this year, garg will you make me a gold patron 2013 and mail me a stuffed animal cow instead my $100 half?
If I somehow win this tournament sometime late this year, garg will you make me a gold patron 2013 and mail me a stuffed animal cow instead my $100 half?
Cow u are wonderfully deluded.
If you have to play death by dice, you will get smoked, it won’t even be a close game and you will blame the dice.
They are the team that has improved the most during the tournament.
Atlanta Axis is strong, I will admit that we should have lost that game. I will not take allies under 9 against them, that is for sure. Also I should buy a transport for the pacific early on, so I can get to carolines no problem and make things happen from there. My early game allies was too conservative, was playing for Veqryn and unsure which direction he prefers so I tried to keep options open and ended up keeping none.
Anyway. The extra death bracket is strong.
Anyway. The extra death bracket is strong.
that’s bad news for you, as you will be joining it QUITE soon.
Anyway. The extra death bracket is strong.
that’s bad news for you, as you will be joining it QUITE soon.
especially if you look at our map and really do see the allies winning. :-o :lol:
tell you what Cow. here’s my offer to you - for our game, we will offer you the allies +20 (1 unit per territory) on the current map of our ancients game - R11. you can take over from there and we will play it out instead of starting a new game. sound good?
You are stupid to think that you would come out on top against me.
You are stupid to think that you would come out on top against me.
so you accept this challenge?