Grasshopper's Alternative R&D

  • Sponsor


    After the collect income phase, an eligible power (not China) may decide to commit funds in research for their chance to develop technology. If they choose to research, they must pay a minimum of $1 and roll 1d6, however, spending more (a maximum of $5) will help increase their odds of a successful research.


    $1=1 hit
    $2=1/2 hit
    $3=1/2/3 hit
    $4=1/2/3/4 hit
    $5=1/2/3/4/5 hit

    If a research roll is successful, a development die must be rolled to determine which technology has been gained. Refer to the development Ladder and roll the type of dice based on the successful power’s development status.

    Development status reveals the type of multi-sided die a power is eligible to roll when determining which technology has been gained. To begin game, every power’s development status is 1, it is upgraded by 1 every time that power makes a successful research roll, or spends the maximum $5 during the research phase.


    Development Status #1 = 1d4
    Development Status #2 = 1d6
    Development Status #3 = 1d8
    Development Status #4 = 1d10
    Development status #5 = 1d12
    Development Status #6+ = 1d20

    Example: After collecting income during turn one, Germany decides to spend $5 to make a research roll, and rolls a 3 (a successful roll). Next, Germany must roll a multi-sided die to determine which technology they have gained based on their development status which is 1, so Germany must roll 1d4 to determine which tech it now owns. Germany rolls a 4 and gains “advanced engineers” which will immediately take effect.

    Germany will be eligible to roll 1d6 when they develop technology next, because their development status has been upgraded to 2 for a successful research roll, expanding their possibility for better technologies. Even if their research attempt failed, Germany would still have their development status upgraded, because they spent the maximum $5 in the research phase.

    If a power has rolled for a technology it already owns, they must roll again, However, if the technology is upgradeable, that power may choose to upgrade it, or re-roll for a different technology. Upgradeable technologies are marked with a *red asterisk. Some technologies can be combined with others, these compatible technologies are marked with **2 red asterisk.

    Only Powers at war may research technology.


    1. Volunteer Conscripts
    Receive 1 Infantry unit during each purchase new units phase.

    2. Vehicle Conversion
    Receive 1 Mechanized Infantry unit during each purchase new units phase.

    3. Improved Production
    Receive 1 Artillery unit during each purchase new units phase.

    *4. Advanced Engineers
    Receive 1 Tank and 1 Submarine once, during any purchase new units phase.

    • Upgrade - Recieve 1 Destroyer and 1 Fighter once during any purchase new units phase.

    5. Refitted Transports
    All Transports may now carry any type of land units.

    6. Modified Carrier Decks
    All Aircraft Carriers may now carry up to 3 Fighters and/or Tactical Bombers.

    *7. Long Range Aircraft
    Choose one type of air unit, and increase their movement by 1.

    • Upgrade #1 - Choose a second type of air unit, and increase their movement by 1.
    • Upgrade #2- The movement of all air units has increased by 1.

    8. Strategic Strike
    Submarines now attack @3 when there are more than 1.

    9. Improved Blitzkrieg
    Each Mechanized Infantry may now pull an Artillery unit during any movement phase.

    10. Espionage
    You may develop a technology that an enemy power already possesses.

    All interceptors now defend @2
    **Combine with Jet fighters to defend @3

    12. Armored Hulls
    All Battleships now require 3 hits before sinking.

    13. Coastal Guns
    Each AA gun may fire 1@1 on enemy surface warships in an adjacent sea zone from which an amphibious assault is being conducted.

    **14. Paratroopers
    Each Bomber may be used to drop one Infantry unit into any hostile or friendly territory.
    **Combine with Heavy Bombers to drop 3 infantry units each into any hostile or friendly territory.

    15. Heavy Bombers
    All Bombers now roll 2 dice when attacking.

    16. Rockets
    Each AA Gun may fire a rocket at any enemy facility, from 3 spaces away, causing 2 points of damage each.

    *17. War Bonds
    Choose one military arm, all unit costs are decreased by $1.

    • Upgrade #1 - Choose a second military arm, all unit costs are decreased by $1
    • Upgrade #2 - The cost of all units have decreased by $1.

    18. Jet Fighters
    All fighters now attack @4, and defend @5.

    19. Propaganda
    Choose 1 strict neutral territory of your choice, that territory is now a friendly neutral.

    20. Nuclear warfare
    Place a bomb marker under one Bomber, than fly that Bomber over 1 hostile territory or sea zone and remove 5 units (defenders choice). Also, if it is a territory, it no longer has any IPC value. If the bomber carrying the bomb is destroyed, so is the bomb.

  • Pretty cool! But some should be a tech tree, like conscript 1-4

  • Sponsor


    Pretty cool! But some should be a tech tree, like conscript 1-4

    OK, I have modified the Rule, What do you think? Would you use it in your games?

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I dont understand what the roll is supposed to be when rolling D4’s or D20’s?

    Are you looking for a 1? Or a six? or ?

  • Sponsor


    I dont understand what the roll is supposed to be when rolling D4’s or D20’s?

    Are you looking for a 1? Or a six? or ?

    You pay for, and make a roll on the Research Ladder, if you succeed, you than make a roll using the Development Ladder which determines which technology you gain. When rolling for a gained technology, you must roll a d4 for your first development, a d6 for your second, etc….

    Example: After collecting income during turn one, Germany decides to spend $5 and make a research roll on a d6 and rolls a 3 (a successful roll) next, Germany must roll a dice to determine which technology they have gained, because this is the first time developing a tech, Germany must roll 1d4 to determine which tech it now owns, but it is only possible to gain #1-4 on the tech ladder this early in the game. Germany will be eligible to roll 1d6 when they develop technology next, expanding their possibilities for better technologies etc…

  • '18

    I am with Gargantua here trying to understand 1d4, 1d6, 1d8 etc.  I get that you can only achieve #'s 1-4 on your first roll, and 1-6 on the tech tree on your second roll.  After that though do you plan on using 8 sided dice, 10 sided dice and so forth?  Otherwise I don’t get how you achieve the higher numbers.  If you roll a 5 or 6 (after achieving tech the first time) you just re-roll since you can only get #'s 1-4?

    The progression of tech looks good to me, just need some help understanding the shorthand you are using.

  • Sponsor

    It’s easier than you think.

    After you roll a 4 sided dice once, you would automatically upgrade your next development roll on a 6 sided dice, after you use a 6 sided dice once, you would next roll an 8 sided dice when you develop a tech for the 3rd time. Obviously, the goal would be to get to the point where you can roll a d20 in order to gain the best techs on the ladder. You can’t achieve “Propaganda” which is #19, by rolling a d4, d6, d8, d10, or even a d12, therefore it is impossible to get any tech #13 or higher until the 6th round.

  • All the dice I own have 6 sides, but I suppose I could always roll here like this (or buy some fancy dice):

    DiceRolling 4d6:
    (1, 2, 4, 6)

    The other part could be made a little easier to remember if you had it like this:
    $1= 1 hits
    $2= 1 or 2 hits
    $3= 1, 2 or 3 hits
    $4= 1, 2, 3 or 4 hits
    $5= 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 hits

  • Sponsor


    All the dice I own have 6 sides, but I suppose I could always roll here like this (or buy some fancy dice):

    DiceRolling 4d6:
    (1, 2, 4, 6)

    The other part could be made a little easier to remember if you had it like this:
    $1= 1 hits
    $2= 1 or 2 hits
    $3= 1, 2 or 3 hits
    $4= 1, 2, 3 or 4 hits
    $5= 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 hits

    That’s a good idea for the Research Ladder, I’m going to change it so that 6s are an automatic miss.

    As for the random roller, it’s not going to work. A set of Multi sided D&D dice go for about $10 at any gaming store. I guess I’m only thinking about my table top group and how we can get some tech excitement into the game with a fair risk vs. reward balance.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The only worry I have is not everyone has d# other than d6.

  • Sponsor


    The only worry I have is not everyone has d# other than d6.

    If that’s your only worry Jen, than I feel like I hit a grand slam homer, besides any game store worth a dam will have lots of multi-sided dice sets.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    The only worry I have is not everyone has d# other than d6.

    If that’s your only worry Jen, than I feel like I hit a grand slam homer, besides any game store worth a dam will have lots of multi-sided dice sets.

    Lol, am I really that hard to convince something is a good idea on?  Yes, they will, I was thinking of people who don’t want to drive to a game store. ^_^  Is okay, I have like 30 d4 anyway. (Dont ask.  There is a reason I have them, though I dont need them anymore.)

  • Sponsor

    Jen, what is your opinion of the tech ladder, how’s the upward progression from weak to strong? What’s your favorite and least favorite tech?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    So hard to say for sure but…

    I don’t really like the 3 aircraft on a carrier thing, mainly because you’re prone to knocking them down when trying to get them on the model.  Espionage is probably in the wrong place too, since a tank is 6 IPC but you are only giving 5 IPC with it.  Maybe bump that up a few slots.

    For rockets, since it’s #17, I’d say ALL AA Guns can take a turn, or 3 AA Guns can fire a rocket.  Make it worth something.

    Nukes should not blow up value if a capitol and the warhead itself (on top of the tech cost) should probably cost a few IPC as well.  Just my opinion.

    I love propaganda.  Might want to limit it to 2 IPC neutrals or less or something and apply it to hostile neutrals as well.

    And I like improved blitz with the artillery hitched to mech - after all, that’s why it’s MECH!  As far as I am concerned anyway.

  • Sponsor

    Thanks for the imput.

    Each AA Gun does fire, up to 3 damage each.
    (I will edit it to make it clear)

    Improved Engineers:
    Free tank or Sub, Gotta have something good in the first 4 to make it worth researching in the first place.

    Very high on the ladder, and you still need to fight the neutral army… no need limiting it IMO.

    Best tech on the ladder, if you can roll a 20 on a d20 after round 7, you should have a really strong tech. People will fear the bomb as they should.

    Again… Thanks for your imput.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yea, see, I didnt want to open my mouth, now you’re mad at me.

    Is your propaganda for true neutrals or opposing neutrals as well?

  • '10

    Well, that house rule is fun, and welcome if you want to play another game than Global as we know it. With basically 1 more tech per round for every power who wants it, it really becomes a tech game.
    It also adds a lot of units on the board since its of the best interest of each power to get at least one of the first 4 techs.

    I will give it a shot if other guys in my group are interested. We might refine/swap some things on the ladder though.

  • Sponsor


    Yea, see, I didnt want to open my mouth, now you’re mad at me.

    Is your propaganda for true neutrals or opposing neutrals as well?

    I’m not mad, I appreciate your opinion.

    Propaganda is for attacking 1 “true neutral” (your choice at any time) per game without making all others pro-enemy.

  • Sponsor


    Well, that house rule is fun, and welcome if you want to play another game than Global as we know it. With basically 1 more tech per round for every power who wants it, it really becomes a tech game.
    It also adds a lot of units on the board since its of the best interest of each power to get at least one of the first 4 techs.

    I will give it a shot if other guys in my group are interested. We might refine/swap some things on the ladder though.

    Cool, thanks for your intrest. Remember that only powers at war may research, so the states and Russia may be a little behind, which helps the Axis a little. However, it is possible for 5 different allied powers to gain tech in latter rounds, against only three axis powers (good reason not to attack early).

    Also, if a power spends less that $5 and fails they are stuck at the same development stage, but if a power spends the max $5 and fails, they still move up the development ladder even though they didn’t gain a tech.

    For Example: Germany already has volunteer conscripts and refitted transports, and they now pay $5 to research, but they roll a 6 and fail to gain a development roll on a d8. However, because they spent the maximum research fund, they will be allowed to roll on a d10 on their next successful attempt. If Germany spent less than $5 for their research attempt and failed, they would be limited to rolling a d8 next turn.

    Just courious Axisplaya, which tech would you modify?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Dont suppose you want to play a game to test it, YG?

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