New HBG Airfield and Naval Base Markers

  • OK some issues…

    I bought them from LItko way back… i prefer larger tokens or really new plastic units. They are way too small and hard to read from far.

    I hope the AA gun and Factory can be new plastic pieces, the AB and NB could be either way i guess.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    These are different from the Litko ones in design as they are smaller and a bit different graphically. Same colors more or less and same concept. These are for people who think the Litko ones are too big. Other designs are probably forthcoming.

  • Customizer


    While I applaud “the Coach” and HBG’s efforts at replacing the “Cardboard Cr**”
    Air & Naval bases that came with the game, I would still prefer something
    more 3-D and sizable.

    My idea for this was using the Victory City markers(Monopoly) and Airfield Markers(A&A Guadalcanal game) that I bought from HBG with some I-49 decals. Both Air & Naval bases were to have the Airfield Markers as a foundation. The Naval bases were to have theirs’ upside down and painted Blue/White to resemble waves and also have a small wooden dock along one side. Both types were to have either “Air Force” or “Navy” decals on their roofs for further I.D. Some pics are below.


    These were being done for me by a painter (“McLovin”) before he “blew a fuse” with a personal problem and stopped working on everything. Up to this point( 1 year later) he has refused to return my money, units, or other property that he has of mine,…or for that matter even answer my e-mails. Sad to say,…but I’m afraid LEGAL ACTION is forthcoming for this gentleman.

    “Tall Paul”


  • Customizer

    More pics. It’s sad to say,…But pics are all I ever received from “McLovin” although I had already PAID him.

    “Tall Paul”


  • I think you should make a big batch of those and sell them to Coach. I think people would like those. You can also make a drydock label and make the NB.

  • Customizer


    I’ve been trying to buy more of the “Cardboard Airfield Markers” from HBG for the last year or so. So far, HBG hasn’t gotten any more in stock and my “Air/Naval Base” project has ground to a halt. I Might never be able to now because HBG has made their own A/N bases. I’d imagine he’d prefer to sell his own units.

    As far as the Naval Bases, just imagine a wooden pier about the size of a match along one side of the water and “NAVY” decals on the roof of the gray building. Of course the Air Bases would have “AIR FORCE” decals on their roofs.

    “McLovin” had more than 3 dozen of these when he “flaked-out” if I remember correctly. I really would like to get these back, along with all of my other property he still has.
    The *****!

    “Tall Paul”

  • I think Mclovin is on the bad traders list for AAM.

    Well i suggest you come up with NB as well

  • Customizer


    I’d be absolutely “giddy” if HBG would sell me 48 or 60 of the “Cardboard Airfield Markers” from the A&A Gualdalcanal game. I check at least once a day to see if the ever get any more of these, and I’ve put in a request for them, too. Without them, I’m afraid this project is dead.

    I could probably make the Naval bases out of something else, but I loved the aircraft and runways represented on the ABMs and wanted both the AB and NB to be the same size.

    “Tall Paul”


    And I’m not at all surprised that the ***** “McLovin” is on the AAM BAD TRADERS list.

  • why would you want that many?

  • Customizer


    To replace the “Out-Of-Box” Air & Naval bases, and to have extras for any additional bases we might choose to purchase during the game(s). Twenty-five of each(Naval & Air Bases) seems to be an approprite number to me. Wouldn’t you agree?

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer

    Tall Paul,
    You might need more than that. With the current Alpha+3.9 setup, there are 22 Naval Bases and 20 Air Bases just for starting out. Then you have to think of any bases you might want to buy during the course of the game.

    I got some of those Litko base tokens and decided on 50 of each, just to make sure I have enough.

  • Customizer


    Yep, and if players decide to use the “House Rule” that the Illustrious Leader and I have been promoting that “Paratroop Drops must begin from a country with an Airbase” there might be a need for even more of them.

    Then you should consider the Airbases you might add for non-combat Air Transport movement of troops around the map.

    There are some NEW IDEAS being considered for producing these. Stay tuned.

    “Tall Paul”


    I also think i just peed myself…

  • '14

    If you have the naval bases and air bases bigger an in a 3d model your talkig about taking up a lot of space for units that won’t move. I think having the thicker plastic pieces like this is the better idea!!  I don’t like the cardboard, and a 3d piece would be cool but the games are already crowded!

  • Customizer


    Anyone wanting the smaller “symbols” for Air and Naval Bases can use either the
    HBG or LITKO ones.

    However, I prefer Good-Looking, 3-dimentional units that closer resemble
    Air and/or Naval Bases
    . These won’t take up “a lot of space” and should be exactly the same size as the ones from the A&A-Guadalcanal game.

    Also, by making Airbases the same size as the ones from the A&A-Guadalcanal game
    **HBG could market them as an improvement to that game,…

    OR for use in any A&A game**.


    For use in “New A&A-type games” such as an enlarged, improved “Gualdalcanal Game”
    I envision having 3 or 4 different Airbase “levels”:

    1. Short grass runway……Small number of Fighters ONLY
    2. Longer surfaced runways…Larger number of Fighters and Bombers
    3. Fully enlarged Air Base……Maximum number of Fighters and Bombers with
    ……an increased defensive factor(AAA Guns)

    4. Seaplane Base……for basing Seaplanes that HBG
    ……may one day produce

    What do Ya’ll Think?

    “Tall Paul”

  • '14

    Tall Paul,

    I understand what your saying an I agree, but most people do not have the table space that we have! On a map that is 35x60 or 36x72 the games are really crowded. Airbases especially can have units placed on top of them in initial setup and crowded zones but a 3G model would add to the crowd!!  This is just my thought on the issue.

    If HBG makes these 3d bases im definetly buying sOme!

  • Customizer


    The Air Bases that I’m talking about would be 95% flat. The only 3-D part of it would be the House (hanger/warehouse) glued to the top of one end of it just like in the pics of my earlier efforts, below.

    The most interesting aspect of this would be the different graphics that could be produced to represent different “levels” of Air Bases. I was expecting that a player might place his aircraft on top of these Airbases and thus minimize the amount of room needed.

    These would be inexspensive to produce and I believe that most, if not all players would buy these for their A&A games.


    If HBG makes these 3d bases im definetly buying sOme!

    I’m ready to buy 50 Air Bases and 50 Naval Bases RIGHT NOW!

    “Tall Paul”

    What do Ya’ll Think?


  • Tall Paul, i think they look great, on a huge custom made map im sure they would work great too. But on the OOB G40 map there is not room for these.

    Btw the bases are EXCELLENT!!!

    So much better than the cardboard ;)
    Great work HBG

  • Customizer


    If you prefer the smaller “Symbols” for you Air Bases, that’s great! Buy them.

    I had stated earlier that it is expected that units would be placed ON TOP of the runway area of the Air Base leaving the House (Hanger) the ONLY thing not covered. This way, it would be EVEN SMALLER than the “symbols” you favor.

    Think About It!

    “Tall Paul”

  • '20 '19 '18 '16 '15 '11 '10

    Tall Paul,

    I think these look really cool and I’m thinking of putting something like this together for my '39 map. Where did you get the “houses”; monopoly?

    Anyway, a game is planned for this weekend. I may try experimenting with your airfield idea if I can get the new Italians, Marines and GHQ stuff painted in time. I did get the Litco airfield markers from HBG and they look good (a lot better than the OOB pieces) but, like you, I prefer 3D stuff if I can make it/get it.

    Do you have any suggestions for fortifications? I make my own now, but I’m not completely satisfied.

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