• Customizer

    As I get e-mailed rules questions, I’ll post the response here as well.

    Feel free to ask here on the forum instead.


    For initiative purposes, does attacking a space and taking control of it count towards initiative?

    Only attacks that involved ground units are counted towards initiative.  You must have won more ground battles than the opposing side in order to retain initiative on that particular front.

  • Customizer

    Pics for you to enjoy using FMG’s pieces.

    The map from HBG is much higher resolution, by the way.


  • Customizer

    1 more:


  • Customizer

    The maps for those that are curious:


  • Customizer

    The Europe half.  These are meant to be joined.


  • Customizer


    If units attack a space from another front, does winning combat there count towards the front the units came from?

    No.  For example:

    All battles that occur in the Eastern Front count towards initiative on the Eastern Front only.  Even if units came in from the Southern or Nerthern fronts to attack a space in Russia, the battle still occurs in the Eastern Front regardless of where the units came from.

  • Customizer


    When will the Pacific half be available?

    I have the map finalized, I just need to redraw in in higher resolution.  It needs to be playtested more as well, and then it needs to be play tested as a combined game.  I could use some playtesters.

  • Customizer


    In the rules, you don’t state if ships can intercept when out at sea.  Can they?

    Ships (unless on convoy duty) will always begin and end the turn in a port.  Your ships begin the turn in port.  On your turn, you will decide if you want the ships to perfrom a mission or stay in port.

    If the ships do perfrom a mission, they will have a movement allowance of 10 spaces, but they must return to the same port they originated from.

    Ships can rebase to another port, but must do so in Redeployment phase.

  • Customizer

    A peek at Pacific.

    China is broken up into Nationalist (light green) and Communist (red).  There are rules to simulate the friction between the 2.


  • Customizer



  • Customizer

    And finally:


  • Customizer

    Start date is spring 1941.  Working on this as well as a fall 1939 and spring 1943 set up.

  • Customizer

    A Europe game in progress.  Germany has advanced making a strong push through the center.  Russia is holding a defensive line behind the Dnieper River in the south.

    It is fall 1941.  Winter is next - trouble for the Axis.


  • Customizer

    UK is keeping all her convoy lanes filled.  German subs and BB are waiting to hit one of these on the next turn.

    Italy is facing off against the UK fleet that has managed to get a forward base for its fleet in North Africa.


  • Customizer

    Italy has managed to land in Alexandria and cut off the UK forces in Egypt.  The Italians are keeping themselves supplied via a convoy.


  • Customizer

    To mark the convoys, I use a water soluble marker.  Convoys are not permanently marked, as the routes can change or be abandoned altogether.  New convoys will be created as the needs arise in order to collect money from across water, or to keep armies supplied.

    To mark all possible convoys on the map overcluttered the map and made it confusing.  The best solution was to use these water soluble markers in order to draw and erase the convoys as needed.

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10


    What is your map printed on in order to use these markers? Are they dry erase like for a white board?

  • Customizer

    I laminate my maps to use this way.

    Oherwise, use the frontier markers from Battle of the Bulge to mark a convoy route.

    Or you can use strips of paper/cardstock and use blue for Allies and red for Axis.

  • Customizer

    Hey, you said you had rules for generals?

    Yes, I do.  I have cards that explain the attributes for each admiral/general.  Each leader starts the game with the rank they actually had.  As the game progresses, the leader’s rank is upgraded at certain points to reflect promotions.  These promotions allow the leader to influence more units.

    I’m still playtesting them.

  • TripleA '12

    Hey guys, what does ¦nbsp mean? Thanks.

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