All you have to do when you play A&A Europe is simply alter the Rules slightly For example in order for Germany to win it has to take over Britain and hold it tell its next turn. This basically makes the game totally even.
So once Germany takes Russia it gains russia’s ipcs and then the axis Ipcs are equal to the allied ipcs and thus the game at this stage is even, Germany can take convoy money and the allies have to defend convoy zones, BUT the allies have more places to amphibous assault and thus the Germans have more land to defend just like the allies have more convoys to defend, SO its an even based game.
Another alteration to the AAE rules are Germany has to take over all of Russia and all of Africa and than hold it until its next turn in order to win and i like this one because it is also historically correct, as Germany would have the main world oil supplies. Now with this new rule you may say then Germany can easily win like before, but the thing is Germany has to defend Tunisia as America is close to Tunisia and can therefore easily amphibous it and than resupply it and thus screw up Germany’s chances of winning.
I have only given you people 2 alterations to the rules and some tactics and pros that go with them, I think that everyone in these forums should at least play one of these rules and see how it goes.
Any problems or additions to these rules or tactics plz tell!
Enjoy the war while you can, because the peace is going to be hell - German People Of WWII
[ This Message was edited by: Seb on 2002-05-03 02:52 ]