• Ive played about 10 times… Germany always wins.

    Here’s what purchases are
    g1: 12inf, art
    g2: 8tanks
    g3: 9tanks

    basically, the english navy is destroyed on g1 (except for canada’s navy and the egyptian navy)… all troops in eastern france, belgium, denmark go to Germany on g1 and mass together with the first build

    england is unable to make a landing in west europe until e3. russia always falls on g5 ALWAYS

    does anyone have a good strategy to defeat germany?

  • how fast is US?
    How aggresive is the Russians?

    i have had the reverse be true more times then not with the Allies winning even when Germany dose well early.

  • russia is typically passive, anytime there is german artillery that is relatively unprotected, the russians will take it out

    the key is to leave very little russian units exposed to the inevitable german counterattack

    the us is slow of course… usually builds two trns and destroyer on turn one while clearing the atlantic of subs on a1 and landing in africa

    what are good purchases for e1 and a1 in your opinion?

  • it has been a long time so i couldn’t say for sure.
    Russia should be more agresive. a pacive Russia in all versions is a dead Russia IMO.
    US should do the sea clear and land in Africa early, just to take out the Germans there, or atleast take a cheap hit. but an Africa Campaghn for any one to do is high in cost. the US should divert out of Africa on US2 and start preparing for the landing in Europe right away with lots of transports, fighters, bombers, and ground pounders.
    UK should also be building up for a landing but also be sending troops to Russia to boost there gains and sacure there boarders.

    it has been a long time but i have not had overlly much troubel with the Allies in the past, i don’t think i ever lost Moscow, if i did it wasn’t for long.

  • If you are too hasty, you can also lend-lease USA and UK fighters to USSR. Bombers are not so good because they not defend well and can can aid better the allied landings than USSR trades.

    Beware of losing Leningrad in the first turn by baltic trannie/s. It is a great blow for USSR because prevent fast Lend-Lease and stacking

  • does anyone have a good strategy to defeat Germany?

    That game is broken the repair involves 2 things:

    After the Germans move during any ONE turn of the game the Soviet player may declare severe winter. All German units attack at 1, and all Soviet units defend at +1 for all combat rounds.

    Also, once per game the Soviet player may recall his Siberian reinforcements anytime on or after the Soviets 3rd turn.

    Siberian Army:
    Historically, the Russian position in the fall of 1941 was critical. German forces were approaching Moscow, encircling Leningrad, and generally overrunning and destroying all remaining European Soviet military power. The Russians however had an ace up their sleeve in the form of their Asian armies. These tough Siberian units had been held in Asia to guard against any aggressive moves by the Japanese. However, Russian intelligence confirmed that the Japanese had made the decision to attack the US and avoid conflict with Russia. This allowed Russia to transfer these formidable forces west. These units arrived in the Moscow area just as the German forces were appearing on the outskirts of Moscow. These forces, along with the Russian winter, finally stopped the Nazi advance.
        At the beginning of the third Russian turn, the Russian player rolls a die. The result determines the size and composition of the Siberian reinforcements.

    Die Roll: Siberian Reinforcements:
    1 8 x inf, 4 x tank, 4 x arty, 1 x fighter
    2 8 x inf, 3 x tank, 4 x arty
    3 7 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty
    4 7 x inf, 3 x arty
    5 6 x inf, 2 x arty
    6 6 x inf

    The resulting reinforcements are immediately placed in Moscow. If Moscow has been captured, the reinforcements are placed in any original Russian territory still under Russian control.

    now Germans wont win so many times. fixed.

  • I;ve played three games and I have only had one German victory and it was in 4 turns. I played a REALLY passive Russia that game and he just marched right in. I lend leased a fighter from UK -> Karelia -> Russia and from Malta -> Palestine -> Stalingrad but that really didnt turn out so hot.

    My opponent’s beginning placement for Germany was 2 Armor in Poland keeping 2 IPCs and my Allies went for 4 Infantries: 2 in East Poland, 1 in Vyburg and 1 in Moscow.

  • @Funcioneta:

    If you are too hasty, you can also lend-lease USA and UK fighters to USSR.

    That’s exactly what my regular FTF opponent does. Facing 12+ converted spitfires makes a big difference and the “superior” German tank dash is only successful about half the time. ~ZP

  • when I say passive … i mean there aren’t any major offensives

    two territories are usually attacked for the first few turns. russia has a bomber and fighter to use the first turn and usually two more fighters to use on the third turn (lend leased)

    however, Ive found that if you try attacking the Germans with too many forces, the Germans will easily decimate the Russian units on their counterattack

    Im playing a game right now where England saves their 1st round income in order to build a larger fleet on the second turn so that the germans dont wipe out a weaker fleet on g2. i dont know whether or not it will work

  • also the Germans attack Leningrad by amphibious attack which is another trick. basically the German tank push is unstoppable if played correctly.

  • Interesting, IL. I would like see the tank dash playing as allies and try countering. Sadly, my usual Germany’s FtF opponent is a moron and does things such buying 1 BB, 1 tra, 2 art for G1  :-P.

  • '11

    If their is one player for each Allied nation and they coordinate an effective offensive, I think Germany would be hard pressed to win the game. Obviously Germany has to be very aggressive in the early game, or they will be worn quickly away and I have seen one player do this. However, if the Allies quickly respond to Russia’s need with fighters, transporting troops, while France & Africa are getting attacked, then Germany will have to rethink ther strategy on all fronts. Basically, as long as the Allied players form a strong network to oppose Germany and act together quickly, Germany will be reeling from their combined might.

  • @Antholin:

    If their is one player for each Allied nation and they coordinate an effective offensive, I think Germany would be hard pressed to win the game. Obviously Germany has to be very aggressive in the early game, or they will be worn quickly away and I have seen one player do this. However, if the Allies quickly respond to Russia’s need with fighters, transporting troops, while France & Africa are getting attacked, then Germany will have to rethink ther strategy on all fronts. Basically, as long as the Allied players form a strong network to oppose Germany and act together quickly, Germany will be reeling from their combined might.

    Sending planes and troops to Russia is easier said than done. (actually, planes are easy to send)

    However, if you try newly built planes to Russia, you won’t be able to land troops in Europe because the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine will still have enought punch to wipe out small Allied fleets. After the G1, Germany will more than likely have 5 fighters and a bomber stationed on the Atlantic coast with at least one sub touching England. The English Atlantic fleet will only consist of the Canadian transport and destoyer. The Brits only have 25 IPCs to spend. If they use some of it on planes to send to Russia, their fleet will not be able to defend itself. Even if you do spend all your money on a fleet, Germany can still do damage to it.

    Meanwhile, every unit in Europe heads to Moscow.

    Like I said, we’ve played at least 10 games … even when Germany rolls way below average, they are still winning. Nothing can beat the tank dash.

    We are competent players. The game is NOT balanced.

  • '11

    I’m not saying that you are not a competent player. I was just writing from my own experiences with A&AE. I do know where you are coming from as far as the Germans. If you are agressive in the beginning, they you should be able to keep up a succesful offensive against Russia. I was just pointing out that If there is at east one good Allied player, who effectively coordinates their resources, that Germany can have a hard time dealing with all three Allies. I personally prefer playing as Germany, as it is much more challenging and more rewarding in the end.

  • Im sorry if I sounded like I was accusing you of “name-calling”.

    I am however bitter at the fact that I spent 40 bucks on a game that I can’t figure out how to beat as Allies.

    I’m not really into modifying games at all… but I am seriously considering modifying the game so that the Germans have little chance of winning but instead must survive a certain number of turns (similar to how Battle of the Bulge and D-Day). That way, things have a better chance of matching historical events.

  • '11

    No need to apologize. I do see where you are coming from, where Germany has such a massive military buildup at the start. However, I have played as Germany several times and as the Allies just as many. I have won more with Germnay, but I was able to win with the Allies, albeit very close to losing. It can definitely be a one sided game for Germany and I could see where having some house rules could come in handy to help balance it out a bit. I know that there are various other posts throughout the forum which incorporate different rules in the game, similar to the National Advantages, where you could give the Allies a bit of a boost.

  • When I play Germany, I can win very easily by making massive tank attacks, as you tell, in G5. Infantry, infantry, then TANKS and TANKS and TANKS…

    When I play Allies, with UK and US i send to Russia at least ONE fighter per turn (one with US and one with UK) every turn, plus the two bombers they got at the begin. With Russia I’m not passive, but I make “soft” attacks. I send ALL I can against a Geman territory, I conduct one or two rounds of fire and so, when I’ve destroyed almost all his infantry, I retreat and then I reinforce the territory where I’m retired during non-combat phase. Usually, this tactic can slow Germany well.

    But, in effect, when I’m Allied my friend (that’s my opponent…)  doesn’t love to make massive tanks attacks, he tells it isn’t funny…  So he buys a lot of infantry and subs too and he plays defensive! Funny, maybe, but not a winning style of playing…

  • '11

    Mass tank attacks are a lot of fun, but they can get bogged down with Russia’s seemingly endless infantry. I try to keep the pressure on Russia, not just from their western front, but also from their southern flank by taking the Middle East. If you can convey enough troops and have an effective presence in the Middle East, then Russua will eventually be looking to defend their southern assets and hopefully pull a little pressure off your western front attack force.

  • When I play Germany, I can win very easily by making massive tank attacks, as you tell, in G5. Infantry, infantry, then TANKS and TANKS and TANKS…

    thats all you need to do and a possible first turn invasion at leningrad. the game needs some house rules to repair it because that system wins everytime.

  • '11

    It would be cool to see an updated version of A&A Europe released, possibly with Italy included. I know that there were some previous posts to the above on another section of the forum. I think A&AE is the best expansion to play and I would love to see a newer version with the revised rules incorporated. Oh well, something to dream of. To that effect, will there actually be any more A&A releases after the Anniversary edition? There’s not too many more epic battles that they can release expansions on.

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