I am not saying that we don’t need the Tiger. I was just pointing out that it is already in FMG’s set and as Go Sanchez pointed out, also going to be in the new games coming from WOTC. Also, HBG will be selling the German pieces individually. So, we will have several options to obtain Tiger tanks.
I just don’t want to lose the Panzer IVs and Panzer IIs. At present, we have NO option to get those tanks unless Coach decides to put them back in the line-up.
As for the availability of FMG pieces on HBG’s site, Coach gets many sets from FMG so he should have a large number to sell. I’ll grant you that demand for the Tiger tanks will be higher than probably any of the other units, but he should have a lot shortly after they come out. As for the Italian tanks, it’s been a while since the FMG Italian sets came out. I would imagine sales have dropped quite a bit from when he first started selling them so he’s probably wary about restocking his supply now. After all, tanks do sell quicker and he’s probably got a ton of subs, trucks, destroyers, aircraft carriers, etc. – all the stuff most players don’t want or need for Italy.