Here is my Linguini squeeze. This blue print needs ANZAC and American ships to protect Calcutta.
United Kingdom #1
Purchase new units
(London) = $28
6 infantry
1 fighter
(India) = $17
4 infantry
1 AA gun
Combat movements
Attack SZ#96 with
1 aircraft carrier and 1 tactical bomber from SZ#98 (land in Egypt without casualty/on carrier with)
1 fighter from Gibraltar (land on aircraft carrier/use as casualty if needed)
1 fighter from Malta (land on aircraft carrier)
Attack subs in #106, #109, #111 or #110 (if possible) with
1 destroyer from #109 or #106
2 fighters from London (Gibraltar)
1 fighter from Scotland (London)
1 strategic bomber from London (London)
Non-combat movements
Move cruiser from 91 into 94
Move cruiser from 98 into 94
Move destroyer from 98 into 99
Move transport into 96, pick up 1 AA gun and 1 infantry, move into 81, drop units in Egypt.
Move destroyer from 71 to 81
Move cruiser and destroyer from 39 into 76
Move battleship from 37 into 78
Move 1 infantry and 1 mech infantry from Egypt and 1 tank from Alexandria to Anglo Egypt Sudan
Move 1 infantry and 1 artillery from Alexandria to Egypt
Move 2 infantry from south Africa to Rhodesia
Transport 2 infantry from India to Celebes
Fly fighter from India to Madagascar
Fly fighter from Burma to India
Move Canadian forces east
Transport Canadian infantry and tank to London (if possible)
Block Gibraltar with destroyer from 106 (if possible)
Transport 2 infantry to Gibraltar (if possible)
move 1 infantry from west India to eastern Persia
Move 1 infantry and 1 artillery from India to west India
Place new units
Place new units on respective Capitals
Collect income
London = $28 - convoy disruptions
Calcutta = $17 + $3 for Celebes Island = $20