Thanks for the review. Never hurts to be on the winning side. So I hear…. :|
94Canuck's Global 1940 Alpha +3 Setup Charts and Game Aids
Awesome sauce, thanks a lot!
Super Job!
Perhaps one little ‘mistake’: On the research chart there was a picture of an AA Gun in the Rocket Reserach field. I think an Airbase was a better picture, because, the Airbases launch now the rockets…We will take your great charts for our games. Best greetings!
Sweet Thank you! :-D
One more little point:
The Germans get the 5 IPC NO, if they controls Volgograd, Leningrad and / or Moscow. But in your NO Chart, there stay: If the Axis…
“When Germany Is at War with the Soviet Union:
• 5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow). Theme: High strategic and propaganda value.” -
Wow, thanks for the fast update! Yesterday, i have enough time to check all of your charts.
I find this two points for the accuracy:1. Your wrote on the NO Chart for the Russians NO: “3 IPC for EACH original AXIS or pro-Axis neutral territory under Soviet control.”
I think, that someone can understand this incorrect and collect perhaps this NO, if for example Russia occupies Korea from Japan.
This was the original text from Larry Harris: “3 IPCs for each original German, Italian, or pro-Axis neutral territory that the Soviet Union controls.”2. Setup Chart UK: added: “France: 1 Tank, 1 Artillerie”
I the best sense, greetings!
I notice that on France set up chart you have a Cruiser on sz112. It should be on sz110.
Thanks for the hard work on these charts! -
Are these compatible with 1940.2?
Are these compatible with 1940.2?
a question I was wondering, too. I love 94Canuck’s game aids for 1942… guess got to control it myself
These are awesome!! I am printing them on photo paper, then laminating. Great job 94Canuck.
sorry to be the one to ask this (again) i really like your charts and i’m really thankful that you made them…but…any chance you will be updateing these charts anytime soon to match the “2nd eddition” out of the box set up and NO’s and stuff? i think its some minor tweaks but since i have no clue how to do all this way cool stuff…maybe its more work than i think it is.
anyway…thanks again for these charts.
Thanks is WOW…
But i need a strategic raid, battle strip
Is just an idea -
Man how do you come up with this stuff? Thanks a lot! Hey, have you played a game with this set up and these rules? How did it go?
Will these ever be updated for second edition? They are too great to be forgotten.