Research & Development Discussion - Delta+1

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Bottom, page 4:  Added the condition that countries be at war to research technologies. (owning your capitol was already part of the rule.)

  • Sponsor


    Let me try explaining it differently (or what I think is different…)

    There has to be an economy of scale.  Getting 1 die for 20 IPC is worse than getting 3 dice for 24 IPC.  So if we allow a person to purchase just one die, we have to make the cost of each die higher to make up for the fact they are getting so many free dice throughout the game.  If we limit you so you can only purchase 4 to 6 dice, then we can reduce the individual cost of each die and make it more economical.

    Example 1:  Dice cost 15 IPC each, as was originally discussed.  You can purchase 1 die, 2 dice, etc but that gets prohibitively expensive as you go up, it’s cheaper if you just want 1 die.
    Example 2:  Dice cost 8 IPC each, but you have to buy at least 4 dice.  Now the cost is 32 IPC, but you get twice as many dice making this a cheaper solution over all.  Meanwhile, you keep the cost prohibitive while not making it ridiculously hard to get technologies by buying dice to help out.

    Keep in mind, purchasing dice to augment your freebies is a luxury, like getting a Lexus instead of a Honda, it should also cost more!

    our hands are not tied that way, we can make the scale any amount we wish, because we are trying to adapt it to an all ready existing income formula.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It’s an example, Grasshopper.  Just to demonstrate the fundamental theorem.

  • Sponsor


    Here’s my 2 cents……

    Research & Development (Version #5)

    I originally suggested that nations receive free tech rolls at the beginning of their turn in order to get technology into our games, because optional or not, players just weren’t buying rolls.

    My original thought in the house rules forum way back before Delta, was every power receives 1 free roll during the R&D phase (no purchasing), but there are more powers for the allies than the axis, and of course China can’t do squat with most technologies.

    In light of this concern I suggest the following:

    1. Nations that are without a capital may not make research rolls (free or purchased).

    This eliminates China and France from rolling which cuts down the extra amount of dice that the allies receive over the axis, and I would even go so far as taking away all technologies gained if you lose your capital.

    The next concern is that some people love their research rolls so much, that getting 1 free roll just ain’t enough. they need multiple free dice and the opportunity to purchase them if they wish. In light of this we created a chart for an amount of free dice per nation based on income, however, that raised the concern that the rich were getting richer and the poor got nothing. Here is my new free roll chart suggestion.

    $0-9= 0 roll
    $10-39 = 1 roll
    $40-80 = 2 rolls
    $80+ = 3 rolls

    Mantefan is right, we can’t have people saving money and leaving units off the board for a far fetched hope of secret weapons. It will prevent aggressiveness and put to much attention on R&D, which IMO should be an opening act for the big show, and not some nude streaker trying to steal the show. So, I suggest that……

    2. The Research & Development phase is now the last phase in the turn sequence.

    1. Facility and Capital Ship Repairs
    2. Purchase new units
    3. Combat movements
    4. Resolve combat
    5. Non-combat movements
    6. Place new units
    7. Collect income
    8. Purchase and/or roll free Research & Development dice.

    You may say “what if we want to base our purchases on, what tech we might get” well I think thats silly and you should wait until the next round, besides after the Americans split the atom, they still needed time to build the bomb and test it.

    **3. The income eligible for free R&D dice will be calculated by the amount earned on the income tracking chart, plus the amount earned for NOs (not cash held back from the purchase new units phase).

    4. Players may use cash held back from their purchase new units phase, plus money from their collect income phase in order to purchase additional Research dice at $10 each. However, only one technology can be won during each R&D phase regardless of how many 6s are rolled during research.**

    Sorry Jen, but I think we should keep the hairy naked streaker off the field.

    I have always thought it silly to have scientists working on a whatever, like when you roll and get a technology your nation may be stuck with something they can’t use…… well why were the scientists working on a useless tech to begin with.

    5. My suggestion is, we create 10 technologies and number them 1-10 on a chart. If a nation wins a technology, they may choose 6 of the 10 tech choices that they wish to develop. Based on their selection a new 1-6 chart is created (lowest to greatest from the original chart) in which that player will roll a 6 sided die to determine the technology that is won.

    I give more power to Jen’s suggestions when making this chart, because it was her chart that originally got voted in Delta. I also liked that she kept true to many of the original tech options and this way we have a few slots to be creative.

    OK, I think I’m up to 7 cents now.

    Does any one like my idea of choosing 6 tech from a list of 10, and than rolling the development dice?

  • i like that idea YG but we’re still working on how rolls are achieved.  Gotta go to work

  • Sponsor

    I think I my have lost some thing in all these pages, can someone explain what all this 4 for 6 or 4-6 dice thing is?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Mantle’s got the idea.

    Basically, if you limit a nation to buying four to six rolls you can increase their odds of getting a technology if they buy dice, while keeping the price pretty high.  If we were to say, charge 30 IPC a die, no one would ever buy dice.  But if we charge 32 IPC for 4 dice then nations would be more willing to spend the money.  We can argue on the price later, I want to establish the system of buying dice and then I can argue what price I want.

    Remember, each technology is twice or more than twice as powerful as they are in Alpha +2, because I combined them into just 6 possible technologies - many I boosted above that like war bonds are now best of two dice +2 income.  Given that they are more powerful, given that you get free shots at it, I think keeping the price high is very important - the trick is to find a price that nations are willing to spend, but is high enough that if the nation is not in clear control of his territories, would be taking a large risk in paying for.

  • Sponsor

    I’m not really a fan of all that, my suggestion is to keep things simple, free dice if elegible + your choice of purchasing additional dice for $10 each.

    Gotta have your capital
    Gotta be at war
    Can only gain 1 tech per turn
    Pick 6 from from a chart of 10, than roll.

    That’s the sum of what I will be pushing for.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’d go that route if you had to buy 6 dice and picked the technology you wanted.  Since on average it takes 6 dice to get one 6.

  • Sponsor


    I’d go that route if you had to buy 6 dice and picked the technology you wanted.  Since on average it takes 6 dice to get one 6.

    So your 6 dice minimum, is only for purchased dice right? Nothing to do with the free dice scale? I know that I won’t be spending $60 for dice, so sure, they can pick their own tech if they buy 6 dice in 1 turn.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I’d go that route if you had to buy 6 dice and picked the technology you wanted.  Since on average it takes 6 dice to get one 6.

    So your 6 dice minimum, is only for purchased dice right? Nothing to do with the free dice scale? I know that I won’t be spending $60 for dice, so sure, they can pick their own tech if they buy 6 dice in 1 turn.

    Yes.  Maybe the price should by 8 IPC per die (so you blow 48 IPC and you get your technology.)  If you buy dice, this replaces the need to roll your free dice - one can never get two technologies in the same turn - for any reason.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator





    I’d go that route if you had to buy 6 dice and picked the technology you wanted.  Since on average it takes 6 dice to get one 6.

    So your 6 dice minimum, is only for purchased dice right? Nothing to do with the free dice scale? I know that I won’t be spending $60 for dice, so sure, they can pick their own tech if they buy 6 dice in 1 turn.

    Yes.  Maybe the price should by 8 IPC per die (so you blow 48 IPC and you get your technology.)  If you buy dice, this replaces the need to roll your free dice - one can never get two technologies in the same turn - for any reason.

    I’d like to make it clear that just because some dice might be bought and others might be free, in my idea they would all be rolled at once dso there is no risk of getting 2 techs.

    It is so worded already, mantlefan.  There is no possible way for a nation to get two technologies in the same turn.  I’m also proposing an amendment that India’s income is added to England’s for purposes of determining free dice and purchased dice - as per the two nations, one economy rule already established by Larry.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Yes, the fixed cost is you have to buy 6 dice at 8 IPC and you get the technology of your choice.

    Basically, 48 IPC buys you a technology. (We can negotiate the actual price later.)  No luck.  Or you rely on your “free” dice to find you something. (I envision this as your private citizens and college campuses experimenting on their own time with their own money - which is why it’s free and based on income, which represents your productivity.)

  • Sponsor

    I agree with everything on this page, let’s not ruin this moment with some crazy tech stealing espionage rule.

  • @Young:

    I’m not really a fan of all that, my suggestion is to keep things simple, free dice if elegible + your choice of purchasing additional dice for $10 each.

    Gotta have your capital
    Gotta be at war
    Can only gain 1 tech per turn
    Pick 6 from from a chart of 10, than roll.

    That’s the sum of what I will be pushing for.

    I also don’t like the 4-6 limit, because it is going to be prohibitive for poorer countries to buy extra research dice.  They may only be able to afford 1 die.  I agree with mantlefan that we shouldn’t have limits for limits sake.  The less we add the better our additions are.

    One other factor to consider.  I bet we see tech researched after the fall of a capital.  Flush with ipcs, Germany is best poised to throw ipcs at tech after the fall of France, UK and Russia which would have a big effect on their tech rolls if going by CoH over territorial income + NOs.

  • @Cmdr:

    private citizens and college campuses experimenting on their own time with their own money

    I can relate to this.  I should have been a dentist.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    What we have now is this:

    Free Dice for just about every nation up too (and in some cases including) the round they are going to lose their capitol in.
    Purchased Technology for 48 IPC (you don’t buy dice, you just buy a technology and find out which one it is when you roll the d6.)

    Personally, I liked the 8 IPC but you had to buy at least 4 dice and no more than 6 dice.  You already get free dice, adding more is a luxury, not a right and these smaller nations don’t have the infrastructure, manpower and/or resources needed to buy dice if they cannot afford more than what they get free - in my mind.  It’s like the United States of America gets Nuclear Bombs in 1944, Iran gets them in 2012.  Difference?  The United States could buy more dice, Iran had to rely on free dice.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Or we can go this route:

    Additional Research Dice Rule - an Amendment to Technology

    In addition to any free dice your nation may, or may not, receive to develop technologies nations may purchase more dice at 8 IPC each based on the 4:2 Rule - quoted below:

    The 4:2 Tech Rule
    -The first time you roll for a particular Tech, you MUST purchase a minimum of 4 rolls that turn
    -The second time you roll for that Tech, you MUST purchase a minimum of 2 rolls that turn, but you receive the Tech
    -You MAY purchase ALL 6 rolls in ONE turn, and receive the Tech automatically
    -In all cases, Tech doesn’t come into effect until the Mobilize Units Phase you receive it.

  • Sponsor

    Jen, I appreciate your effort and you have a few good ideas, I will be posting my amended suggestion later.

    BTW…. Your meat loaf recipe must be 5 pages long.

  • That is the same way I feel about CHina in Korea.  Its not complicated, lets not make it so.

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