Faster custom Global40 A3 variant

  • Please let me keep the topic here as it has better visibility here than in the variants forum.

    I had an idea for a faster, entertaining global40.

    The differences between the standard game would be minimal to the setup (if you don’t consider China and France).

    1* Anzac cease to exist as a power. Anzac becomes part of the UK pacific economy, but Anzac and UK India lose all their NOs, meaning they actually gain less but have to decide where to invest it.
    They still maintain 2capitals with a new rule: when Japan conquers one, it sacks both economies (meaning UKP and Anzac territories), but the other capital will keep collecting incomes after it.
    (and if you reinforce only India, I bet Japan will get Anzac)

    2* China cease to exist as a power. It won’t be played by anyone but it will be respresented by 3 Chinese infantry in each chinese territory excluding the ones owned by Japan at the beginning of the game. At the end of each US turn, the US player will add 1 chinese INF in a territory China controls.
    Those Chinese infantry never attack or move. They are there to be killed and to give Japan some casuality.
    Due to the amount of effort needed to conquer China, Japan will be awarded a #5 NO if there’s no more Chinese units on the board.

    3* France cease to exists as a power. Instead France gets 1inf in each french territory (excluding France, Normandy and South France that will keep the original setup). Those INFs cannot move, they are there just for def purpose, like China.
    At the end of each UK turn, the UK player will add France inf to a France controlled territory.
    France becomes a playable power when in control of Paris.

    The starting French Fleet scattered become UK’s, but the sz93 fleet is reduced to 1dd.

    Anyone would like to try this game? Improve it? Like it? Hate it? :D

  • Customizer

    Interesting idea.  I think it would speed things up some plus give the UK Pacific economy a little more flexibility (spending 27 IPCs instead of 17).  Making China purely defensive would be a time saver and could be enormous help to Japan, say if they wanted to bypass China and go after India.  Of course, with China getting 1 extra infantry every turn, it will be harder for Japan to totally take out China later on.
    I do have some questions regarding France.
    1 : Each turn that Paris is in Axis hands but France still has territories, UK puts 1 French infantry in any French territory.  Does that include Normandy and Southern France if the Axis did not take them yet?  Does that also include French Indo-China?
    2 : I had a game where both Germany and Italy failed to take Paris on round 1.  If that happens, I assume France is played like a normal power?
    3 : Why remove the French Cruiser in SZ 93?  Even if Paris is taken, I think the Italian Navy should still have to fight that cruiser to get control of the Med.  Don’t want to make it too easy for Italy.

  • Q1: yes, and French IndoChina starts with 1inf as well as all the other French territories.
    Q2: yes, if Paris is in France control, France plays like a regular power.
    Q3: the reason is that the navy is converted to UK navy, so they go before Italy. A ca and a dd would be too strong. On the other side, if the fleet was still french and unmovable (due to France not being played), Italy could just ignore it.

  • Customizer

    Thanks for the quick answers.  I may try this version out soon and see how much time I save not having to play those minor powers.

    In regards to #3, Italy couldn’t just ignore those ships even if they remain French and don’t move.  One of Italy’s NOs is no Allied surface warships in the Mediterranean.  So killing those French ships, plus the British, is worth $5 per round for Italy and they desperately need the money.
    Now, if you changed them to UK ships, I could see what you mean.  Most of the Italian fleet would be wiped out before they even get to move.

  • @knp7765:

    In regards to #3, Italy couldn’t just ignore those ships even if they remain French and don’t move.  One of Italy’s NOs is no Allied surface warships in the Mediterranean.

    You definitely have a point there. Might keep them French then but with the “no move” rule.

  • Maybe turn the french fleet in US ships? (or Russian?)

    When not at war with USA (or Russia) it doesn’t affect the italian NO.

    by the way: interesting speed-up idea.

  • Sponsor

    I applaude your wording and articulate discription, you seem to have a talent for rule writing.

    We could use your skills on delta in the house rules forum.

  • True, the delta threads are in the house rules…where they get less viewing:(

    I have to say though I think your China is broken.  Basically Japan needs to only take the territiories they want for their strategy, the rest are irrelevant 1ipc territories heavily defended by Static Chinese.  I see no reason for Japan to cut deep into China, instead they will just take the coast and perhaps yunnan to strike at India or Hold SEAsia.

  • @JimmyHat:

    True, the delta threads are in the house rules…where they get less viewing:(

    I have to say though I think your China is broken.  Basically Japan needs to only take the territiories they want for their strategy, the rest are irrelevant 1ipc territories heavily defended by Static Chinese.  I see no reason for Japan to cut deep into China, instead they will just take the coast and perhaps yunnan to strike at India or Hold SEAsia.

    Yeah I know that this issue would unbalance in favor of Japan, but I think India producing 27 should compensate it?

    This is still a draft, so any advice is welcomed.
    Would you make Yunnan an harder battle? Like 10-12inf there?

  • @Young:

    I applaude your wording and articulate discription, you seem to have a talent for rule writing.

    We could use your skills on delta in the house rules forum.

    Thanks, I think you’re overstimating my writing skills (specifically in english!), but thanks again, you have flattered me! :)

  • Customizer

    Hey Noll,
    I tried out your idea in a game.  I played Germany.
    Do you see any Germans?  Do you see any Italians?  Of course not!  They have been TOTALLY wiped out off the face of the earth.  They don’t even exist anymore.
    The attached pics show the end result of our game.  First you see Europe just crowded with British and Americans.  Then you see what’s left of Japan’s empire, just a few guys stuck out on some islands to go crazy by themselves.
    Okay, actually this isn’t really a result of your new game idea, but of a tremendous blunder on the part of our Japan player.  Actually, it was looking good for the Axis right at first.  Germany smashed the Royal Navy with minimal losses in aircraft.  Italy was showing strong in the Med and poised to take Egypt (with a shiny new IC placed by UK) and Japan had taken Hong Kong, Philippines, Malaya, half of the DEI and were in good shape to get Calcutta.
    That’s when Japan really screwed up.  They had purchased some warships to fight off the US fleet, most of which was by Hawaii, but had NOT A SINGLE UNIT ON JAPAN ITSELF!  All land units were on transports taking Hong Kong, etc. and all the planes were on the mainland or on carriers.
    Well, like I said, the US had a good size fleet at the naval base in Hawaii so on the US turn 2, they floated right up to SZ 6 and promptly sank the Japanese warships there.  Then they “walked” onto Japan with 1 transport worth of units – 1 infantry + 1 artillery – and took out Japan.  US got about 50 IPCs or so plundered from Japan, plus reduced their major IC to a minor.
    Japan did have enough stuff in range to take Japan back, but the US also had a back-up fleet, this one with 3 or 4 transports of men and equipment, ready to hit them again.  Which they did and took Japan again, gaining another 50 IPCs or so.  This time Japan lost all but 1 or 2 transports and those were out of range.  Japan was done for and after 2 or 3 rounds of mopping them up, ALL the Allies started heading for Europe.
    Germany managed to take Moscow but the USA took Rome in the same round.  USA and Germany traded Northern Italy for a couple of rounds until USA finally won the territory with enough left over to keep it.  It was only a matter of time after that.  USA and UK kept taking territories along the Atlantic, Moscow got liberated and Calcutta just kept sending tanks and bombers to Europe.  Finally, after 14 rounds, we ended up with what you see in the pics.
    I think if Japan hadn’t made such a moronic blunder, this could have very well been an Axis victory.  By the way, the rounds did go a little faster not having to mess with ANZAC, China and France.

    Axis Defeated Europe.JPG
    Axis Defeated Pacific.JPG

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