Thanks all for answering! It was just something I hadn’t taken into consideration till I thought about it…
Love this forum as always .org!
Maybe WOTC could get together with the Franklin Mint for such a set. I used to have the Franklin Mint’s Monopoly game. The game board was on a big mahogany wood case with a little drawer for the money and pieces. The little houses were metal with silver plating and the hotels were metal with gold plating. It was all very cool but too fancy to play with on a regular basis and took up too much space so I ended up selling it. The game cost me roughly $600 and that was back in the 90s. I can’t imagine what some sort of super deluxe collector’s version of A&A would cost at today’s prices.
Maybe WOTC could get together with the Franklin Mint for such a set. I used to have the Franklin Mint’s Monopoly game. The game board was on a big mahogany wood case with a little drawer for the money and pieces. The little houses were metal with silver plating and the hotels were metal with gold plating. It was all very cool but too fancy to play with on a regular basis and took up too much space so I ended up selling it. The game cost me roughly $600 and that was back in the 90s. I can’t imagine what some sort of super deluxe collector’s version of A&A would cost at today’s prices.
Precisely what I was thinking of!
Build-your-own-table Kit?
Build-your-own-table Kit?
I did, for Revised. It has little toggle switches to change the color of the territory (All are clear when the table is unplugged) which is kind of cool, at least I think so. I am SOOO not putting the time, effort and money into one for Global! For one thing, it’d be way too large to store anywhere! For another, my Revised table cost me over $300 to make (mostly for the furniture grade mahogony.)
I’m working on building a gaming table for Global, each country has 4 compartments (one for Land, Air, Naval units, and a misc. box for AA Guns, NB, AB, IC’s and grey/red markers) and a recess for the game board itself to sit in. When not being used I’ll put the top on it and it can be used for other things. All black cherry stained mahogany. Once I get my units painted and sealed I’ll have a setup that should survive me :).
The toggle switches are an interesting touch, would be a lot of wiring I would think. You have different colors for every territory? Or just an Axis controlled, Allied controlled and a neutral?
Build-your-own-table Kit?
I did, for Revised. It has little toggle switches to change the color of the territory (All are clear when the table is unplugged) which is kind of cool, at least I think so. I am SOOO not putting the time, effort and money into one for Global! For one thing, it’d be way too large to store anywhere! For another, my Revised table cost me over $300 to make (mostly for the furniture grade mahogony.)
Holy crap! How is that even possible? That would take like 100+ hours of work.
Build-your-own-table Kit?
I did, for Revised. It has little toggle switches to change the color of the territory (All are clear when the table is unplugged) which is kind of cool, at least I think so. I am SOOO not putting the time, effort and money into one for Global! For one thing, it’d be way too large to store anywhere! For another, my Revised table cost me over $300 to make (mostly for the furniture grade mahogony.)
Holy crap! How is that even possible? That would take like 100+ hours of work.
Something like that, yes. Hand painted, stained wood with a polish to a high luster. Had to get car sized lightbulbs for it as well (all those used car parts from the junkyard!) It’s beautiful!
I don’t think I want to do it for Global 1940, and I’ve been informed that I cannot make them and market them without getting permission and so I won’t be doing that anyway…that is even if I could find someone nuts enough to buy it!
I see Larry posted on his site Sounds like alpha 3 is it he’s moved on to something else
HAHA, if I was Larry I’d be thinking the same thing. Drop this turd and move on!
A few questions about rockets. Is it only airbases that can fire rocket or can aaguns still do it too, though only with 3 spaces as normal?
If i fire against londons IC from germany, can i also fire from paris(germany) to london choosing a different target?
So is it a safe bet this thing is done? I haven’t played it yet because I didn’t want to get any wrong ideas. I’m dying to give it a go.
A few questions about rockets. Is it only airbases that can fire rocket or can aaguns still do it too, though only with 3 spaces as normal?
If i fire against londons IC from germany, can i also fire from paris(germany) to london choosing a different target?
4 Spaces for Rockets and yes only Air Bases launch rockets now.
Each Airbase may fire one rocket - total.
So is it a safe bet this thing is done? I haven’t played it yet because I didn’t want to get any wrong ideas. I’m dying to give it a go.
I’m rather sure Alpha +4 will be released sometime in Feb.
So is it a safe bet this thing is done? I haven’t played it yet because I didn’t want to get any wrong ideas. I’m dying to give it a go.
I’m rather sure Alpha +4 will be released sometime in Feb.
I think cyscott1 was referring to the official (Alpha+3 ? :? ) rules - which is the heading for this thread, the rules approved/backed by Larry. Cyscott1?
Cyscott1, I guess the rumor is that the “omega” is done… but who’s to say that there aren’t some more changes that we won’t know about until the copy is in our hands? Eh eh eh… kinda like the military, ‘hurry up and wait…’
I’m rather sure Alpha +4 will be released sometime in Feb.
What leads you to believe that? I’ve been skimming on Larry’s site but haven’t seen anything to suggest that. He’s being kind of vague, setting a deadline for the finished rules and then updating them afterwards…
I’m rather sure Alpha +4 will be released sometime in Feb.
What leads you to believe that? I’ve been skimming on Larry’s site but haven’t seen anything to suggest that. He’s being kind of vague, setting a deadline for the finished rules and then updating them afterwards…
The fact that you have almost a 100% chance of getting England and India by round 5 tells me that. I’ve sent numerous game reports and detailed instructions to Larry (via his website) demonstrating the futility of trying to keep either capitol.
With both capitols in your pocket, the game is very difficult for the allies to recover now. I’ve got one game going that even after Japan won, we’re seeing if Germany can recover and push teh 70 IPC a round Russians back out. (BTW, looks like it might be a success in the next 5 rounds, which is very sad since there have been almost no Axis ships in the Atlantic for most the game…I just turtled and waited for Japan.)
Sounds like Global is still broken. From reading several threads it was starting to sound like it was finished. Looks like this will be a case of leaving it to the community to work out the bugs over the next years. We had so many house rules in the old game it wasn’t much different. Still looks like it will be fun to work on.
Does it work well if I play only the pacific with alpha 3+ rules and setups but with pacific NOs
I’ve been looking at this for a few days now and I still can’t figure out whats going on with this rule set. Seems like so much duct tape holding a headlight on my car. The NO’s seem really outa wack. Is the idea to script the game to run like WW2? How does it help the game to tell the players what their plans are before the game even starts? Scrambling seems like a fight waiting to start. Dude, I can so move my planes during your turn! So bases do basicly nothing? I better keep reading.
Global +3 is pretty well balanced from my experiences playing it tableside.
Whats the confusion over scramble?
I disagree with Jennifer’s conclusions. There’s a lot of room for strategic maneuver and thinking… I find it difficult to believe that your rapid fire forums games versus single opponents explores every tactical possibility.
Does it work well if I play only the pacific with alpha 3+ rules and setups but with pacific NOs
No. Still crush India round 3 - probably can do it better now that you don’t have Germany throwing a monkey wrench in the game by opening the door to America a half turn early.