In all games with Japan, i’ve never really succeed with them. What is the ultimate strategy that you guys use with Japan, what do I need to do in order to become a beast at this game? :)
I didn’t bother to read the rest of this thread so I hope I’m not repeating anybody, and I don’t often post here or spend too much time reading so if this old hat or common then forgive me, I’m ignorant to the Interwebz ultimate win strat.
BUT I always open the same way. J1 I build a Naval Base in Hainan (and 2 research but this is discretionary). I then move every ship the IJN has except for 3 destroyers and the 2 subs to SZ36. I leave a defense force of 4inf in both Manchuria and Korea in case the Soviets leave a big force, but I will reduce that number over the game as they do if they pull them back to Moscow/Timguska. I never invade the Soviet Union in the Amur region as it takes up too much resources and yields little benefit. I instead focus heavily with my starting units into China. Don’t take French Indo-China either. Just attack Chahar, Anhwe, Hunan, and of course Yunnan. Use as much of your air power here as possible. Landing all of it that you can either in Kwangsi or SZ36 on your carriers. Load all 3 transports and move them to SZ36 as well, dumping them on Kwangsi until you reload them on J2.
At the end of J1 I have 3 Destroyers off Japan, they will serve as blockers for the US on later turns. The 2 subs are off of the Caroline Is. to serve as I see fit later on, they can often cause some kind of mischief. The rest of the IJN are in SZ36, the carriers loaded, the transports empty, and the land units in Kwangsi until their pickup the following turn. All the air should be in Kwangsi or on carriers in SZ36, there can be a few stragglers around China after your J1 push into China, but get them there by J2! You should collect 40 IPCs, 26, +4 for the 4 Chinese territories you took, and +10 for your NO of not being at war with the Allies (aside from China ofc)
On J2 build whatever you like but I prefer a Small Factory in Manchuria, (much more effecient than going all transports, but always have a few around). I also will build an Air Base in Kwangsi as a form of insurance in case things don’t go well this turn. I then attack more in China using the Air force to make all the battles last only 1 round, thereby taking as few casualties as possible, but also ensuring I land every last air unit I have in Kwangsi or on the carriers. Next I non-combat move all the ships from SZ36 (and your new Naval Base) 3 spaces to SZ39 just off India. The Allies can’t block this move because you’re not yet at war (at least I doubt it lol) You don’t attack on J2 you just move the whole fleet next to India for some nice sight seeing. You should have 2 battleships, 2 cruisers, a Destroyer, 3 loaded carriers and 3 loaded transports (ideally with 3inf, 2 art, and 1 arm, but 4inf, 1art, 1arm is also acceptable). Now your plan should be obvious to the allies (you’re going to take India by J3) but I bet until you make the move they will assume you are trying some crazy sack Australia strat… This will also through them off and likely many of their units will already be off of India moving up the Burma Road or towards Egypt. Lastly don’t forget to Non Combat Move a destroyer to SZ25 to block the US fleet buildup on Hawaii from hitting you too soon in Japan.
On J3 you attack India! If the Allied player is caught totally unawares by this you can hit India with 4 shore bombards from your fleet, 6 land units, and every single plane Japan starts with (you should not have lost any yet!!!). I don’t care what the UK player builds, he cannot stop this, he can only make it more painful for you to take. But likely they will be caught at least somewhat unawares and you will take it while only losing a few planes. Note it might be neccessary to hit any combat units they have adjacent to India with excess planes if there is a force substantial enough to take India back after you sack it. I’ve done this before with 1 transport and some planes on occasion.
There are few problems with this if the UK player is clever. He could declare war first on UK1 and thereby block your naval movement. If he does it throws this out the window, but you’re in a prime position to fan out and take all the DEI without bringing the US into the war on J2!!! OR they might declare war on UK2 to try to re-take Yunnan and thereby prevent you from having a landing zone for your fighters. Even if they do this you can still attack with 14 planes. that’s 6 fighters, 6 tac bombers and 2 strats. This is done by 3 fighters, 3 tacs, and the 2 strats taking off from Kwangsi and the fighters and tacs will land on the carriers while the 2 strats go back to kwangsi. Then the 3 tacs and 3 fighters from the carriers hit india and then land in kwangsi. So by them switching places they can double their attacking air units. Any excess air that can’t hit india from Kwangsi cuz they’d have nowhere to land can hit any counter attacking force in Burma instead. If there isn’t one they can retake Yunnan and/or go into China. Also take FiC on J3. And lastly, since its J3, if you can snipe any US targets of opportunity with your subs and destroyers, or have to take SZ25 back from them, do it since they will get their money this turn anyways.
There you have it. By J3 you should have wiped out the UK in the pacific, hold India, and have a working factory in Manchuria. China should be near death and you should be ready to churn out tanks to go into Russia via China and the Middle East by J4. (I find a mix of tanks out of India, and Mech Inf in Manchuria is best as its cheaper) The IJN should sweep back and take the DEI on J4 and J5 and your economy should explode. Then just spar with the US in the pacific and avoid a major confrontation, delaying them while hammering Russia until Germany can Take Moscow (if your German player is good this will happen around G6 or G7 at the latest, and you will be well into Russia by then helping)