Combat moves posted - scramble in Hawaii?
Tyzoq (Axis) vs BigBadBruce (Allies) G40 A.2 -Tech
ATK: 2 Inf, 2 Arm, 2 CA, 1 BB
Rolls: 2@1 2@3 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 32@1: (2, 2)2@3: (2, 4)2@3: (1, 3)1@4: (5)
DEF: 2 Inf
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 12@2: (6, 2)
ATK: 3 Inf, 1 Art
Rolls: 2@1 2@2; Total Hits: 12@1: (5, 5)2@2: (5, 2)
DEF: 1 Inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)
South France
ATK: 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Ftr
Rolls: 1@1 2@2 1@3; Total Hits: 21@1: (3)2@2: (5, 1)1@3: (2)
DEF: 1 Inf, 1 Art
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (5, 4)
Sea Zone 93
ATK: 1 Sub, 1 DD, 1 Ftr, 1 Tac
Rolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 5)1@3: (4)1@4: (5)
DEF: 1 DD, 1 CA
Rolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)1@3: (5)
Sea Zone 93: Round 2
ATK: 1 DD, 1 Ftr, 1 Tac
Rolls: 1@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@2: (2)1@3: (1)1@4: (6)
DEF: 1 DD, 1 CA
Rolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)1@3: (5)
**Italy 1
Purchase ($10)**
1 Inf ($3), 1 Sub ($9), $1 SavedCombat
#1) Trans Jordan
w/ 1 Inf Sita & 1 Art Nita via Trn sz 95
Wade In
#2) Egypt
2 Inf, 2 Arm, 2 CA, 1 BB vs 2 Inf
w/ 2 Inf Sita & 1 Arm Alb & 1 Arm Nita via 2 Trn sz97
w/ 1 CA, 1 BB sz97
w/ 1 CA sz95
Taken with loss of 1 Inf#3) Alexandria
3 Inf, 1 Art vs 1 Inf
w/ 3 Inf, 1 Art Tob
Taken without loss#4) South France
2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Ftr vs 1 Inf, 1 Art
w/ 2 Inf, 1 Art Nita
w/ 1 Ftr Sita
Taken without loss#5) Sea Zone 93
1 Sub, 1 DD, 1 Ftr, 1 Tac vs 1 DD, 1 CA
w/ 1 Sub, 1 DD sz95
w/ 1 Ftr, 1 Tac Nita
Cleared with loss of 1 SubNoncombat Moves
1 Ftr Sfr > Sita
1 Ftr, 1 Tac sz93 > Sita
1 Mech, 1 Arm Tob > Egy
1 Inf, 1 Art Lib > Tob
1 DD sz95 > sz94Mobilize
1 Inf - Nita
1 Sub - sz97Collect
$15 + $1 Saved = $16 -
Fool me! :| :x
I realize just now that I didn’t move Indian planes… must stop playing at night… bedtime! :lol: -
Where were you planning on moving them? I’ll be okay with you moving them if it won’t effect my Italy turn.
Bah, go ahead with Germany. It could affect Italy since I would have move them towards Africa.
I’m good with that mistake, gotta to live with it… so I do when I play live with the boardgame. :-)Looking forward to see G2! :-)
**Germany 2
Purchase ($70)**
10 Inf ($30), 10 Art ($70)BB in sz112 repaired
#1) Greece
3 Inf, 3 Arm, 2 Ftr, 3 Tac vs 4 Inf
w/ 3 Inf Bul
w/ 3 Arm Yug
w/ 2 Ftr Ita
w/ 3Tac Wgr#2) Sea Zone 104
1 Sub, 2 Tac, 1 Bmr vs 1 DD
w/ 1 Sub sz112
w/ 2 Tac Hol
w/ 1 Bmr Wgr -
ATK: 3 Inf, 3 Arm, 2 Ftr, 3 Tac
Rolls: 3@1 5@3 3@4; Total Hits: 33@1: (6, 4, 3)5@3: (1, 4, 5, 2, 5)3@4: (6, 6, 3)
DEF: 4 Inf
Rolls: 4@2; Total Hits: 24@2: (2, 6, 2, 6)
Greece: Round 2
ATK: 1 Inf, 3 Arm, 2 Ftr, 3 Tac
Rolls: 1@1 5@3 3@4; Total Hits: 41@1: (2)5@3: (6, 6, 3, 4, 1)3@4: (6, 1, 1)
DEF: 1 Inf
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (2)
Sea Zone 104
ATK: 1 Sub, 2 Tac, 1 Bmr
Rolls: 1@2 2@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@2: (1)2@3: (6, 6)1@4: (3)
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (5)
**Germany 2
Purchase ($70)**
10 Inf ($30), 10 Art ($70)BB in sz112 repaired
#1) Greece
3 Inf, 3 Arm, 2 Ftr, 3 Tac vs 4 Inf
w/ 3 Inf Bul
w/ 3 Arm Yug
w/ 2 Ftr Ita
w/ 3Tac Wgr
Taken with loss of 3 Inf#2) Sea Zone 104
1 Sub, 2 Tac, 1 Bmr vs 1 DD
w/ 1 Sub sz112
w/ 2 Tac Hol
w/ 1 Bmr Wgr
Cleared without lossNoncombat Moves
2 Ftr Gre > Egy
1 Ftr Wgr > Egy
3 Tac Gre > Ita
2 Tac sz104 > Wfr
2 Arm Fra > Wfr
1 Bmr sz104 > Wgr
1 AA Ger > Wgr
8 Inf Ger > Pol
2 Inf Wgr > Ger
3 Inf Bul > Rom
5 Inf, 2 Art Yug > Rom
1 Sub sz111 > sz119Mobilize
10 Art - Ger
7 Inf - Wgr
3 Inf - WfrCollect
$43 + $10 NOs = $53 -
RUSSIA 2 - Note called Barbarossa intercepted…
12Inf(36) = 36, save 2COMBAT MOVES
CAU > ROS : 2Inf
BAL > NOV : Inf
SMO > BEL : Art
YAK > BURY: Ftr, Tac
z112> z123: SubPLACES NEW UNITS
VOLG : 3Inf
SUKR : 3Inf
RUSS : 6InfCOLLECT : 37 + 2Saved = 39
**Japan 2
Purchase ($41)**
2 Inf ($6), 1 Mec ($10), 5 Sub ($40), $1 SavedCombat
#1) Suiyuan
w/ 2 Inf, 1 Art, 1 Mec Cha
Walk In#2) Hopei
w/ 6 Inf, 2 Art Anh
Walk InNoncombat Moves
6 Inf, 1 Art, 1 AA Jeh > Anh
4 Inf Man > Jeh
1 Arm Kor > Jeh
5 Inf Kor
2 Inf, 2 Art Jap > Kwa via 2 Trn sz6 > sz36
1 Inf Jap > Car via Trn sz6 > sz33
1 Sub, 1 CA, 1 BB sz6 > sz33
1 AC sz33 > sz36
1 Ftr, 1 Tac sz33 > Car
2 Sub, 1 DD sz6 > sz36
1 Ftr, 1 Tac Ksi > sz36
3 Ftr, 3 Tac Ksi > Anh
1 Ftr, 1 Tac Jeh > Anh
3 Ftr Ksi > Kwa
2 Bmr Jeh > KwaMobilize
2 Inf, 1 Mec - Ksu
5 Sub - sz6Collect
$31 + $10 NOs + $1 Saved = $42 -
UK 2 - RAF to sink the Bismarck… at all cost!
London(34) : 2Ftr(20) + Sub(6) + 2Art(8.) = 34, save 0
Calcutta(17) : Inf(3) + 2Art(8.) + Arm(6) = 17, save 0COMBAT MOVES
#1 z112 (BB, Cr)
GIB : Ftr, Tac
ENG : 2Ftr#2 Italian Solaliland (Inf)
SUD : Arm
ETH : MInf#3 z104 (Sub)
z92 : DD, Cr -
#1 z112
ATT : 3Ftr, Tac
Rolls: 3@3 1@4; Total Hits: 23@3: (5, 2, 4)1@4: (4)
DEF : BB, Cr
Rolls: 1@4 1@3; Total Hits: 21@4: (3)1@3: (3)
#1 z112 - Round2
ATT : Ftr, Tac
Rolls: 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@3: (3)1@4: (4)
Rolls: 1@4; Total Hits: 11@4: (3)