Hello All. A while back, there was some discussion on the HBG thread about what kind of roundels he would come up with. A number of members expressed interest in a German roundels depicting the swastika. First of all, let me just say that I know many people do not like the swastika and I respect their beliefs. IF you are someone that is offended by seeing a swastika, then this thread is not for you. Please do not post here saying what an evil symbol it is or how bad the Nazis were. I know all of that and really don’t need your lectures.
This thread is for any members that are interested in obtaining German/Nazi swastika roundels. Another member, alphacentaurus, was nice enough to put up a template of 24 different roundels and included the Nazi symbol in one of them. I downloaded that template and managed to create my own template of 24 Nazi roundels. I then printed them out using the highest quality setting on my printer onto some self-adhesive label paper. I stuck that to some cardboard stock, covered it with laminating plastic to protect the ink and used a steel hollow punch to punch them out.
I have two styles available: small image and large image.
The small image has the entire red border with a circle of white around the edge.
The large image has just a bit of the red border at the very edge of the roundel. This is due to the original image being 2 cm which is too large for the roundels which are 1.85 cm, or 3/4 inch.
In the pictures below, the first simply shows both styles of roundels. The second is my roundels next to roundels from HBG and WOTC. I feel that my roundels are comparable to both HBG and WOTC in quality, or at least very close for a home-made product.
The third picture shows a random sampling of both styles. You might notice that a few of them are a little off-center. I included this pic so no one will be surprised thinking all will be perfect. While I tried very hard to get each roundel centered correctly, some of them got a little bit off-centered. It’s not drastically off and doesn’t mess up the image (I wouldn’t sell any that were off that badly), I just want any potential buyer to be aware. Most of them will not even be noticable.
I am asking $4.00 for a set of 24 roundels, plus $2.70 for shipping First Class Mail. That shipping cost will stay the same for more than one set as these are pretty light weight. I will ship them in a padded envelope. If anyone is interested, just e-mail me at knp7765@sbcglobal.net and tell me which style you want and how many sets. Then I will give you my Paypal address and we can go from there. I think you will be happy with these if this is what you are looking for.