So I came out with an ideia, what if there were oil wells …
These wells would give an extra 3 IPC income because of trade and also reduce the convoy disruption, I mean, if an enemy nation has a sea unit in one of you convoys and you have 1 oil well nothing happends, only if there are more than one sea units.
For example Germany has 3 sea units in a UK convoy and UK has a oil factory somewhere in the map,insteady of losing 3 IPC, UK only loses 2 IPC.
Oil wells defend against bombers like normal factories and if a nation wants to destroy a oil factory they can conduct a bombing raid but insteady of attacking the normal factory it attacks the oil well ( the attacker decides which one he wants to attack).
Since I’m already busy with the new sculpts for air transports and the paratroopers I’m going to do the same little symbols for oil factories has the navy, air and factory.
It will be something like this: