Game History
Round: 5 Purchase Units - Americans Note to players Americans: <body><b>America joins the Entente and declares war on the Central Powers!<b></body> Trigger AmericansRemoveRestrictions: Setting movementRestrictionTerritories cleared for rulesAttachment attached to Americans Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for AustroHungarians and Americans from Neutral to War Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for Russians and Americans from Neutral to Allied Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for Germans and Americans from Neutral to War Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for French and Americans from Neutral to Allied Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for British and Americans from Neutral to Allied Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for Ottomans and Americans from Neutral to War Trigger AmericansJoinWar: Changing Relationship for Italians and Americans from Neutral to Allied Americans buy 6 infantry; Remaining resources: 2 PUs; Combat Move - Americans 8 infantry moved from United States of America to SZ 1 8 infantry and 4 transports moved from SZ 1 to SZ 14 8 infantry moved from SZ 14 to Morocco 2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from United States of America to SZ 1 2 artilleries, 4 infantry and 3 transports moved from SZ 1 to SZ 14 2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from SZ 14 to Morocco Combat Move - Americans Place Units - Americans 6 infantry placed in United States of America Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 20 PUs; end with 22 PUsBotider (Axis) vs Jen (Allies) G40A2 +NO -Tech Gm3
sub @ 2, ftr @ 3, tbmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 21@2: (2)1@3: (6)1@4: (1)
dd @ 2
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 11@2: (1)
and of course the u.s. dd hits… man’s those guys are consistent…
2 ftr, 4 tbmb sz2 > japan
ftr, tbmb sz1 > sz10
dd sz2 > sz1
dd sz2 > sz9
remaining fleet sz2 > sz10
inf amur > manchuriadeployment
$4 + $10 saved = $14 -
ugh,… japan again. it seems like it’s always japan’s turn…
Well, now that’s just impossible, Germany has to go sometime. =p
That Japanese fleet is eventually going to wear itself out, one destroyer at a time!
- 12 Infantry
- 2 Armor
- 1 Submarine
- 6 Transports
Combat Moves:
Fleet to SZ 9
4 Infnatry, 2 Armor to SurnameSZ 9 defender:
Rolls: 1@2; Total Hits: 01@2: (4)
3 Inf, Art, 3 Arm to SZ 9
3 Fig, 3 Tac, 3 AC to SZ 88Build: 10 Infantry in C. USA
Build: 2 INfantry, 2 Armor in E. USA
Build: 1 Submarine, 6 Transports in SZ 101Collect: 94 IPC - 13 CRD = 81 IPC
- 6 Infantry
- 2 Artillery
Build: 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery in Jehol
Collect: 26 IPC
- 4 Armor
- Save 1
Combat Moves:
4 Infantry from India to Iraq
2 Fighters from E. Persia to IraqCombat:
Rolls: 4@1 2@3; Total Hits: 24@1: (5, 1, 3, 4)2@3: (1, 5)
Rolls: 2@4; Total Hits: 22@4: (1, 4)
2 Infantry to E. Persia
8 Infantry, Artillery, 4 Armor, AA Gun, 2 Fighters to C. PersiaBuild: 4 Armor in India
Collect: 5 Natural Territories + 20 Territories + 1 Saved = 26 IPC
- Minor IC
- Transport
- Armor
- Destroyer
3 Inf, Art to C. Persia
BB, DD< SS< 2 TRN to SZ 80
AC, SS< Trn to SZ 39
Trn to SZ 56
2 Inf to India
2 Inf, to W. AustraliaBuild: Minor in Queensland
Build: DD, Trn in SZ 62
Build: Armor in NSWCollect: 24 IPC
Forgot to add China’s builds. Would you add 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery to Jehol for me please?
Forgot to add China’s builds. Would you add 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery to Jehol for me please?
absolutely not… that is not fair. 8 chinese units? what are they, rabbits? ;)
got it… italians are eating lunch. we’ll get to it later…
Well, they ARE Chinese! If you lined em all up and walked them past you in a parade, you would NEVER reach the end of the Parade!
Map with builds
okay… good, you caught the british tanks in india… for a second i was all excited until i realized you forgot to place them, too. :-P
okay… good, you caught the british tanks in india… for a second i was all excited until i realized you forgot to place them, too. :-P
Yea…need those! lol.
Watch for those American ships off the coast of Suriname (North of Brazil) they can pummel your Japanese fleet if you move it SE.
yes, unfortunately i have seen that. the american fleet has nearly-nuclear capability… they are everywhere! only chance is to try to catch the russians leaning the wrong way, but the bottleneck in the middle east is proving a tough go.
i’m sure play testing resulted in the ipc values of those various countries between egypt and india. if italy could build a major ic somewhere in the south-eastern mediterranean (egypt or iraq), the game would be over quickly. or if the british ic in india was minor… but then, those things would change the dynamic very quickly and make relatively unimportant territories suddent the key strategic places in the game.
game still tilts allies without a bid, although i think the axis can win about 1 in 4 games given fairly even dice. it is just so far to moscow… jeez… if the u.s. goes full pacific from the outset, i don’t see how the axis can win, barring freakish dice…
They wouldnt be able too anyway, since none of the territories would be Italian nationality, but only conquered lands.
I would like to see Libya increased from 1 IPC to 2 IPC so that Italy can build a minor complex in N. Africa, however.
Just a game reminder
haven’t forgotten… a crazy weekend complete with kidney stones! :/
italy 13
7 inf, rtl, 6 arm… spend $61combat
caucasus (13 inf, 2 rtl, mech, 10 arm)
14 inf, 7 rtl, 9 arm, ftr, tbmb northwest persiairaq (2 inf)
3 inf, tbmb syria -
7 inf @ 1, 7 inf/7 rtl @ 2, 9 arm/ftr @ 3, tbmb @ 4
Rolls: 7@1 14@2 10@3 1@4; Total Hits: 127@1: (1, 4, 6, 2, 2, 1, 6)14@2: (5, 4, 4, 5, 5, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 1, 5, 3)10@3: (2, 4, 5, 5, 5, 2, 4, 1, 3, 2)1@4: (1)
13 inf/2 rtl/mech @ 2, 10 arm @ 3
Rolls: 16@2 10@3; Total Hits: 1116@2: (6, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 5, 5, 3, 1)10@3: (3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 4, 2, 4)
12 russian infantry killed,… 11 italian infantry killed
3 inf/7 rtl @ 2, 9 arm/ftr @ 3, tbmb @ 4
Rolls: 10@2 10@3 1@4; Total Hits: 1210@2: (6, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4)10@3: (5, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 1, 4, 1)1@4: (4)
inf/2 rtl/mech @ 2, 10 arm @ 3
Rolls: 4@2 10@3; Total Hits: 94@2: (4, 1, 1, 1)10@3: (1, 2, 5, 5, 3, 2, 5, 1, 5, 1)
wow,… well above average on both sides…
russians lose inf, 2 rtl, mech and 8 arm
italians lose 3 inf, 6 rtlcaucasus
rtl @ 2, 9 arm/ftr @ 3, tbmb @ 4
Rolls: 1@2 10@3 1@4; Total Hits: 61@2: (2)10@3: (6, 3, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 5)1@4: (5)
2 arm @ 3
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (5, 3)
caucasus taken w/ 9 arm
3 inf @ 1, tbmb @ 3
Rolls: 3@1 1@3; Total Hits: 23@1: (1, 5, 1)1@3: (5)
2 inf @ 2
Rolls: 2@2; Total Hits: 02@2: (6, 4)