give me some time to sht shower shave, look over this sht, and cook dinner. Also you already did the allies turns and buys. I may want to make changes to them. already opened a thread in the gameplay forum. the game may be fine and bearable for me.
I already know I want to edit a buy.
What time zone are you in?
I did no allied buys, CMs or NCMs.
I am in Central Time Zone. I take it this is the thread. (http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=22551.0)
Once we iron out the details, I will post Germany and you can post Russia. The above map was in reference to how the Axis forces should be aligned at the end of Round 1.
The only issue is that knowing what will occur, ahead of time, the Allies might have a leg up in stopping it. I take that lightly, as NCSCSwitch knew ahead of time in AAR that Russia would go gangbusters on Germany while America stayed out of it for the most part, focusing mostly on Japan, and it did him no good, and he was one of the best players on the forum. Then again, he was a formula player and had a near impossible time making up ways to counter non-traditional strategies. You, on the other hand, I have never played before, so I am not sure how your imagination works.
AFAIK: Game 1: Japan works on establishing naval supremecy, then destroying England and ANZAC before turning on America, China and Russia if any of them.
Game 2: Japan ignores America entirely, perhaps taking Philippines and/or some unprotected Islands on Round 3 or 4 as you wish. (Cow plays axis on game 2.)
The only question here is: Can Japan stop America from being too powerful navally and will stopping it make the game easier in the long run.
Will crushing China make it easier?
That is, in essence, what we are attempting, right?
I see what you are saying, but I think you missed the idea. The idea is to remove America as an effective force by crushing it’s naval power early (and thus, preventing them from ever getting a navy of any decent power.)
Since England has only a Cruiser, 2 Destroyers and a Transport, France has a Destroyer and ANZAC only has a Cruiser, Destroyer and Transport at the start of the game, Japan does not really have to invest against them.
By round 3, those two powers will probably only have a few submarines as well which is still not much of an investment.
Now, it is possible for America to have good defending odds, using CAP fighters, so it is, theoretically, possible to keep the fleet in SZ 10. Unfortunately, it will also be trapped in SZ 10, and it will mean locking their fighters in W. USA and investing solely and fully in the Pacific with no aide to Europe.
Japan to will be locked, but honestly, Japan has no need to invest more, just to move surface ships over to counter the Americans, collecting the NO for Hawaii and denying it to America (along with denying them the Philippines NO) and put submarines in the water to sink whatever ANZAC/England put out. (A new carrier and some destroyers to protect a set of 5 transports, of which you should have all 5 by the end of round 1.)
I never said it was easy, but I do feel it is significantly easier than allowing the United States to amass an amazing force of undefeatable naval strength as is generally the case in every game where America is ignored until China and/or England has been conquered.
So I took the challenge, I have to attack America, virtually ignoring China until ANZAC and England are conquered and then focus on China and Cow, on his turn, has to ignore America until China and England are conquered. (By ignore, I take his meaning to be literally make no attacks against any American units or terrain, save for the Philippines.)
I believe my arrangement is far superior to his arrangement.