I’ve got my plan worked out - all I need to do is decide how many of which units to buy individually. I have some specific questions. For all of these questions, assume I am doing the maximum amount of chipping possible, so the questions below (except possibly for capital ships) is really about how many different spaces one might have troops in. In Classic and 1942 (the ones I’ve played), a side generally has no more than a couple of separate armies or fleets, so 3 of naval units and 8 of land and tac air are enough. Is this dramatically different in Global?
I’ve got mech inf taken care of.
1. How many fighters, tanks, and arty do the French need? Less than 8, I assume. 2
2. Same question, but ships - DD, CA, and subs. Do they need capital ships (carriers and battleships)?
3. Same as 1+2, but for the ANZACs.
3.5. And again, for the Italians.
4. How many subs do the Germans need?
5. How many tac bombers do the Germans need?
6. Are 10 tac bombers enough for Japan?
7. Are 9 enough for Germany?
8. The Classic battleships are the size of 1942 cruisers. What about the BBs from the 199 Europe and 2001 Pacific games?
9. How many fighters does Japan need?
10. does anyone need more than 4 strategic bombers?
11. How many capital ships do Britain, the US, and Japan need?
12. Which sides don’t use many tacs (i.e. 3 pieces would be enough). Someone said that the UK uses few - are there others?
13. Again, I received feedback that the US and UK don’t use many mechs. So they would be good with 3-4, and the Germans, Russians, and Japan need a lot?
14. How many artillery does China need - i.e., at most, how many different territories would they have artillery units in?
In addition, I am not sure if the reason some figs don’t run out in Global is because the major powers get more of some units (e.g. German inf, Japanese units, and the double US/UK) or because they just don’t get used much. At the bottom of this post are links to the unit counts of the 1940 games and unit count from 1942 - for the units that are included in 1942, will there be enough?
A. Are the tanks, arty, and fighters that the Germans get (12/8/8) in 1942 enough?
B. What about the Russians (10/8/8). I’ve heard that they run out of artillery.
C. Are 8 fighters, 6 arty, and 6 tanks enough for Japan?
D. How many ships do the Japanese need: are 6 each trans, dest, and sub + 4 each Cruiser, BB and CV sufficient?
E. Do UK and US need the double numbers they get from the 1940 sets?
Europe 1940 count: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?action=printpage;topic=19828.0
Pacific 1940 count: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?action=printpage;topic=16056.0
15 Infantry
6 Artillery
6 Armor
8 P-38 Fighters
6 S. Bombers
6 Submarines
6 Destroyers
4 Cruisers
4 Battleships
4 Aircraft Carriers
6 Transports
20 Infantry
6 Artillery
6 Armor
8 Fighters
4 S. Bombers
6 Submarines
6 Destroyers
4 Cruisers
4 Battleships
4 Aircraft Carriers
6 Transports
20 Infantry
6 Artillery
8 Armor
8 Fighters
6 S. Bombers
6 Submarines
6 Destroyers
4 Cruisers
4 Battleships
2 Aircraft Carriers
6 Transports
20 Infantry
8 Artillery
12 Armor
8 Fighters
4 S. Bombers
6 Submarines
6 Destroyers
4 Cruisers
2 Battleships
2 Aircraft Carriers
6 Transports
20 Infantry
8 Artillery
10 Armor
8 Fighters
2 S. Bombers
4 Submarines
4 Destroyers
2 Cruisers
2 Battleships
2 Aircraft Carriers
4 Transports