More links added, working on more
Axis and Allies Express Series
Hey Everyone,
Several people, myself included, have now begun to make express games, there have been several claims for different battles and many maps seem to be in development. Each individual game should get its own topic but this can be the central topic for discussing making one all inclusive rule book, map claims, and other such topics.
Spartan Solider
Claims: the person who can prove they had the first post about an idea for a certain map or campaign should hold the intellectual rights for that battle, please no stealing.
So far current map claims are:
Croesos: East Africa, New Guinea, Norway, Aleutians, and Anglo-Iraq
Pvt. Ryan: Operation Exporter, Battle of Berlin, and Operation Market Garden
Sun_Tzu: Midway, Okinawa, Iwo Gima, Wake Island and Guam
Spartan Solider: Battle of Greece, the Winter War, Stalingrad, Operation Torch, and Operation Husky
Unclaimed: Amdaman Islands, The Changkufeng Incident, The Battles of Khalkhin Gol, The Soviet invasion of Manchuria, The Dieppe Raid, Arakan Campaign, Plan Blue, Crimean Campaign, Anvil-Dragoon, Battle of Kohima, Battle of Corregidor, Indian Ocean Raid, Battle of Budapest, Invasion of Hong Kong, Operation Lüttich, China, and Falaise Pocket
If you have any disputes, new claims, or new battle ideas, or just imput on rules please post so I can keep this list updated
I just saw the new Axis and Allies Express Series thread. It’s a good central location so I’m re-posting here my Operation Exporter suggestion from the other thread:
Here’s an operation that somebody might want to use for an Express game: the Syria-Lebanon campaign (also known as Operation Exporter), which was the Allied invasion of Vichy French-controlled Syria and Lebanon, in June-July 1941. The main forces were the British (plus some Commonwealth units) and the Free French on one side, versus Vichy France and Germany on the other:
I also thought of another operation that might be good for a very small-scale amphibious assault game: the Japanese occupation of the Andaman Islands in 1942:
I’m not planning to design any Express games, so anybody who wants to tackle these scenarios is welcome to claim them. If I think of any other obscure battles that might be usable for Express, I’ll post them here.
A couple of ideas for people who’d like to see the Russians lock horns with the Japanese:
- The Soviet–Japanese Border Wars of 1938 and 1939, consisting of:
a) The Changkufeng Incident The Battles of Khalkhin Gol in that last one the presence of an obscure Russian general named Georgy Zhukov…)
- The Soviet invasion of Manchuria in 1945:
So far current map claims are:
East Africa seems to be missing from the list.
I would like to take Syria. Also im interested in a Russian-Japanese border skirmish but i already have to much on my plate. Also im having trouble finding good maps for hundred regiments and shanghai. Please PM me any useful maps u may find.
I already took Okinawa… It was my idea originally. I either posted that in Croesus or reloader-1’s topic page under variants if you want proof. :lol:
So far current map claims are:
East Africa seems to be missing from the list.
your right
Here are some more ideas, in no particular order. Some are well-known operations, others less so.
The Dieppe Raid First Arakan Campaign–1943The Chindit Expeditions Caucasus Campaign (the parallel operation to the Stalingrad Campaign) Crimean Campaign and the Siege of Sevastopol (the invasion of Southern France soon after D-Day) Husky (The invasion of Sicily) Battle of Kohima ("the “Stalingrad of the East”)
The Battle of Imphal (“the biggest Japanese defeat of the war on land”) Battle of Wake Island Battle of Guam (1944) First Battle of Corregidor
The Second Battle of Corregidor Invasion of Yugoslavia Market-Garden Indian Ocean Raid (1942) Battle of Budapest (“The Stalingrad of the Waffen SS”) Invasion of Hong Kong -
I’m already using Wake Island and Guam in my Japanese Empire conquest one
Ummm Im gonna drop the Chinese ones to take up some of these. I call Operation Market Garden. CWO i think you deserve a full mention and credit in the creators of this game. Without you half of this wouldn’t have been possible. Well it would but it wouldn’t have been as good.
Alright I have made a VERY ROUGH edition of my Syria&Lebanon Campaign. Most territories (excluding Iraqi territories, trans Jordon territories, and The Duck’s Bill) are named after cities found on the Syria map on the wiki page CWO found. I used Microsoft Paint to make it. I included few sea zones as sea battle was little use in the syrian campaign. However the player that controls the sea can use it to ferry troops around. The lines you see between territories are rails, rodes, and tracks (i guessed they meant paths). Because Syria is mainly desert these are used for movment. Im not totally sure how it will work but I havent focused on the rules much. Also I am dropping the Chinese campaigns (srry to those who got excited about them) and i will work on operation market garden. I prefer the European and African theaters.
Pvt. Ryan please start another topic for the Syria campaign :x also the list of claims has been updated!
alright ill start a new topic. also u said the list was updated. on here? i dont see many changes
I am still fixing it but some changes have been made
Invasion of Yugoslavia is going to be incorporated in my Greece game.
Cool. youll need a bigger board though. How can u show the invasion of an entire country with just one territory? (well i guess they did do it with france :lol:)
Because all Yugoslavian units surrenderd very quickly and there was almost no conflict
btw I call operation husky
Awesome. So your keeping it to just one territory? Will german reinforcments be able to enter play from there?
Maybe there should be a child board set up for this so that it is easier to find all the maps.
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