• @JBlank360:

    I recently started painting my entire 1940 Europe/Pacific set because I’ve seen how awesome the pieces can look. I’m hoping to share my picture of what I have done so far, can anyone help me out with that? Thanks.

    You can do that two ways.

    1. hyperlink directly to them, if they are on an internet image server or website by using the picture icon next to the earth icon above the yellow smiley faces. or

    2. At the lower left of the typing window there is a drop-down for “additional options” where you can attach photos from your hard drive directly to the post. Normally I take this route. However, I and others have been unable to attach and upload items in posts because it comes up with an error that the upload folder is full. This is an issue outside of our control and I am not sure how or when it will be resolved.

    Hope that helps. Look forward to seeing yours sometime.

  • Awesome thank you! Well here’s what I have done so far:

    h t t p ://s1336.beta.photobucket.com/user/makingaccountsaregay/library/Axis%20and%20Allies%20paintings
    (You have to delete the spaces between http - It’s the only way I could post the link)

    I went for more of a distinct look instead of historical just for playing purposes. I’ve never really been into painting/art but seeing how well everyone’s pieces came out I got inspired and decided to give it a go. I’m pretty happy with how they’ve turned out so far.

    As you can probably tell I used a lot of other peoples ideas as far as how some pieces look and way to distinguish them. I’ve been using Army Painter Quickshade on most of my pieces and I like the results, it gives the pieces more of “warish” look. The only problem with it is it leaves the pieces with a glossy look so I’ve been using an anti-shine matte varnish to counter act that. I’m probably going to buy some decals to put on the planes/ships for greater distinctiveness because my hands aren’t steady enough to free hand them (I’ve tried and it came out poor).

  • @JBlank360:

    Awesome thank you! Well here’s what I have done so far:

    h t t p ://s1336.beta.photobucket.com/user/makingaccountsaregay/library/Axis%20and%20Allies%20paintings
    (You have to delete the spaces between http - It’s the only way I could post the link)

    I went for more of a distinct look instead of historical just for playing purposes. I’ve never really been into painting/art but seeing how well everyone’s pieces came out I got inspired and decided to give it a go. I’m pretty happy with how they’ve turned out so far.

    As you can probably tell I used a lot of other peoples ideas as far as how some pieces look and way to distinguish them. I’ve been using Army Painter Quickshade on most of my pieces and I like the results, it gives the pieces more of “warish” look. The only problem with it is it leaves the pieces with a glossy look so I’ve been using an anti-shine matte varnish to counter act that. I’m probably going to buy some decals to put on the planes/ships for greater distinctiveness because my hands aren’t steady enough to free hand them (I’ve tried and it came out poor).


  • Some of these are quite good. I especially like your infantry pieces. Simple, but very well done. I like that they are very easily identifiable by color. I feel like if A&A had them painted OOB then this is what they would look like. Nice job.

  • looking good.  I like your Panther Camo.  I agree, your Infantry look great.

  • Thanks for the positive feedback. I’ll continue to add more and update them regularly.

  • Looking Good There! Well Done. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Thanks! I just updated the link. I added decals to the German Air Force and Navy. I also started and finished the Russian ground force. I like the results but mannn it is tedious, took me hours to get them done.

  • Wow!  :-o  Fantastic stuff!  I keep glancing - can’t stop! eh eh ehe - any new units as of late?

    Heya, what company makes the minis you use? And is that city piece from Dust? or …?

  • Most of them are caesar minis. Go to plastic soldier review. com you ll see all of them.

  • Ahhh… should have just checked those out myself (face palm).  That’s what happens when I get all excited about some minis - type before thinking eh eh eh

  • This thread needs a bump… been doing some painting lately myself.

  • Toblerone77,

    ––I’d be quite happy to see your latest paint jobs. All of us inspire each other, not to mention we get to enjoy someone else’s cool paint jobs. As a matter of fact, LHoffman should be posting pics of the German aircraft ‘prototypes’ today or tomorrow on his thread. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your newest units.

    “Tall Paul”

  • @Tall:


    ––I’d be quite happy to see your latest paint jobs. All of us inspire each other, not to mention we get to enjoy someone else’s cool paint jobs. As a matter of fact, LHoffman should be posting pics of the German aircraft ‘prototypes’ today or tomorrow on his thread. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your newest units.

    “Tall Paul”

    I’m out of town right now but will post pics when I get back. I’m doing my old set from Milton Bradley right now. I had old Fortress America pieces mixed in. I posted those old pics but decided to repaint the ones I already have done. I have all th FA pieces done except some planes. Painting eight different color schemes on units that all look the same isn’t easy LOL!

    I bought some ANZAC, Italian, and French infantry from HBG I’ll be throwing in the mix too. I’m not sure people want to see the FA units so much on a WWII site but ehh I guess it’s related closely enough when contextualized.

    I have a technique I use that’s pretty unique and may post a tutorial eventually but who knows.

    Anyway I really have enjoyed painting miniatures and love seeing what everyone’s doing with these paintjobs.

  • @Tall:


    ––I’d be quite happy to see your latest paint jobs. All of us inspire each other, not to mention we get to enjoy someone else’s cool paint jobs. As a matter of fact, LHoffman should be posting pics of the German aircraft ‘prototypes’ today or tomorrow on his thread. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your newest units.

    “Tall Paul”

    LHoffman does some nice stuff I can’t wait to see that!

  • @Tall:


    ––I’d be quite happy to see your latest paint jobs. All of us inspire each other, not to mention we get to enjoy someone else’s cool paint jobs. As a matter of fact, LHoffman should be posting pics of the German aircraft ‘prototypes’ today or tomorrow on his thread. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your newest units.

    “Tall Paul”

    I tried painting the bases of my Infantry units, but after countless fails (maybe too much coffee. Or, too little. I dunno its a VERY fine line) i gave up. I may go back and do the air craft (I am thinking it may be an easier start to get the ball rolling) but only after i magnetise the ACC’s and the corresponding fighters and Tac bombers for Global 40.

  • Customizer

    Wartorn & Others,

    ––FYI,… the painted bases on the Infantry units were painted by an artist named Chad Coffman, a.k.a. “Allworkandnoclay” rather than LHoffman. He just finished another “batch” of units if you want to see pics of them. Lucas does an amazing job himself, especially on the tiniest of details like cockpit frames, etc.
    ––I’m always up for seeing some of your painted units,…it keeps us all inspirred.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Personally I do bases in black. Just because it is easier for jack boots or easy to paint leggings. It also makes it easier if you decide later to use modeling terrain such as grass or soil at a latter point.

  • Adding the national symbol to all those bases sure is time consuming, but it does help out in quickly knowing who’s forces are who’s. It would almost be easier to cut the base off, paint them and glue them back together.

  • Guys,


    Adding the national symbol to all those bases sure is time consuming, but it does help out in quickly knowing who’s forces are who’s. It would almost be easier to cut the base off, paint them and glue them back together.

    ––Having the bases of my Infantry units painted with their national insignia isn’t just to add to their “Cool Factor”,…it serves an actual purpose in that I find that I don’t need to use any
    “teritory control markers”
    on the gameboard, thus getting rid of some of the “clutter”, which is important even on a board that’s been enlarged to 4’ x 9’.

    “Tall Paul”

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







