Personally I think at this point it should just stand as it is for a while and let people play. I mean, it’s a LONG game and people can’t get many plays in so it’s quite possible what looks like a balance issue in one or two games might just be play-style or even bad luck, yet the people who are losing those games can quite easily report the set up as a ‘problem’.
Case in point:
We played 2 games over the holidays with the Alpha +1 set up. In the first game, the Italians overran most of the Med and had a competitive navy etc. After that game, the Brit player thought he was just overmatched in the Med and didnt like the set up.
In the 2nd game, the Brits played differently (different player as well) and Italians lost half their fleet in the first round and the other half shortly thereafter. Italy was eventually run out of Africa and was pretty much a non-entity for the majority of the game. At the conclusion of that game, the Italian player was convinced that the Brit Med set up would never allow the Italians a chance in the Med.
Now that is two COMPLETELY different sets of conclusions drawn from the exact same set up, but played differently, the game came out very differently (luck wasnt a major factor in either game).
In addition, I pointed out to the 2nd Italian player that simply moving a German plane or two down into Italy on G1 would likely be more than sufficient to keep the Italians alive on UK1. So again, ‘opinion’ around the table reversed itself back to ‘UK will be overrun’ lol.
Soooo, IMO it’s time to leave well enough alone for a while and let people try alternate strategies with the SAME SETUP. And to be honest, the tweaks being made at this point are pretty minor so I dont think +1 Inf here or +1 Fighter - 1 Tac there is going to have anywhere near as much impact as a change in strategy (or even a few dice rolls either way).
Don’t get me wrong, I think the changes made in the Alpha setup(S) have been great for the game. The new Scramble rules are fantastic and a MUCH needed change. But they also completely change the complexion of the naval war in the game and it’s going to take a fair amount of time before people are experienced enough with it to be able to draw consistent conclusions.