• There are more areas of Stacked inf. in Global.  If you are looking at 10 or more defending Inf, then the attacker will likely have to bring a lot of air power. 
    AA guns will pay off in these situations.  They only roll once per aircraft before combat, but one aa gun may roll more than other units prior to combat than other units during the rounds  of the battle.

  • Do AA guns fire on each wave of the fighter/bomber’s attack or only on the 1st wave?

    Does the defender pick which of the type of aircraft is downed for each hit or does the attacker?

  • Official Q&A

    AA guns fire only once per battle, before the first combat round.  Each type of air unit is rolled for separately.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    AA Guns are a strategic deterent.

    They make your opponent think twice before attacking.

    And for any of you who’ve played the game long enough… you’ve been burned by AA Fire.

  • Japan starts out with 20 planes.  I’d say that alone makes AA guns worth it.  If Japan attacks a land territory with even 3 planes, you have a decent chance of shooting down at least one before the battle even starts, which is definitely with 5 IPCs.

    This is a bit unrelated, since it’s Europe, but in my last game I built an AA gun in Ukraine and it destroyed 3 German fighters and a tac bomber.  Eliminating 41 IPCs worth of enemy units for 5 IPCs is definitely worth it, even if that is pretty lucky.

  • As somebody who lost 4 out of 5 planes to an AA gun - I fear AA guns and will possible utilize them more in the future somehow.

  • AA guns have never been as usefull as in AAP40!

    I would say that their main advantage is that they prevent the so called “Japanese Airforce Overkill Strategy”, which would consist in using only 2-3 barges and a sh*t load of planes to attack steadily defended territories, hoping to destroy the enemy resistance in one turn and to suffer few enough casualties to only have to eliminate insignificant ground troops.

    With AA guns, the Japanese player fears loosing too many planes, in the overkill, and therefore will send fewer, giving the defender a chance to survive a couple rounds, hence having a chance at inflicting enough casualties forcing the attacker to have to eliminate planes to take the territory.

  • I would like to talk to you, to me is what to tell.

  • TripleA

    Unless I’m mistaken, don’t AA-guns in 1940 only fire at a max of 3 enemy planes?

  • @mastermind93:

    Unless I’m mistaken, don’t AA-guns in 1940 only fire at a max of 3 enemy planes?

    The number of AA shots is either 3x the number of AA,or the number of planes,whichever is the lesser. Right Krieg?

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