I don’t considering picketing pointless, because as a Russian player picketing not only slows down the Japanese player, but allows you more time to prepare defense. Let’s say that Japan has 10 armor, 2 fighters, and a bomber in Yakut and attacks the one infantry in Novo.
That’s a horrible example. Why would you want to slow down japan? I’ll take my 24 infantry against your 10 armor, 2 fighters, and a bomber anyday, and beat you 99 out of 100 times and more.
Obviously, if Japan had 30 armor, it’d be a different story. But lets instead say that Japan (more likely) has 5 armor, 25 infantry, 4 fighters, and a bomber. I still say not to picket. He can attack your 24 infantry in moscow, blitzing through, with 5 armor, 4 fighters, and a bomber. Not really a big deal. If you don’t picket, he will not attack moscow, but will attack novo. If you do picket, he will not attack moscow, but will attack novo. That infantry will die on the first round, and maybe, just maybe, get a shot off. I fail to see how using a picket “slows” japan down. If japan wants to come down the pipe with raw armor, I say bring it on.
Only in certain circumstances does it slow japan down. In a lot of cases, like the above, it is just a pointless waste of an infantry.