I just looked… turns out you are correct.
Back in the days when destroyers cost 12, and rolled 3,3, +2 for shore bombard. WOW.
Quick question.
When does the defender remove a casualty from a sb? Right after the sub fires and hits, or only after all attacking dice have been thrown?
It depends. The casualties from subs getting Surprise Strikes are removed after all Surprise Strikes (if any) for both sides have been resolved. The casualties from subs not getting Surprise Strikes are removed after all remaining firing for the round has been resolved.
You are fast! Thanks.
And this is for every round, if I understand this right? So if there were DDs in round 1 there is no surprise strike, but if the DDs are gone in round 2 I now get the surprise strike?
Wait, wait, wait. Surprise strikes are before EVERY round in a sea battle? If so, I’ve been using subs wrong the whole time I’ve played Axis and Allies.
Wait, wait, wait. Surprise strikes are before EVERY round in a sea battle? If so, I’ve been using subs wrong the whole time I’ve played Axis and Allies.
Unless the other side has destoryers yep.