Which country would I most enjoy playing as?

  • i want to know what country i would enjoy playing as most.
    Here are the things I like

    1. I like to have a high income
    2. I want a country that is very easy to play.
    3. There needs to be room for a few mistakes because I make mistakes.
    4. _I prefer lan_d and air battles. I do not like sea battles because they are very expensive and costly.
    5. I don’t enjoy taking on hard challenges.

  • 1.Germany and US usually fit the bill
    2. Russia and Germany
    3. US can make a few mistakes, as can japan and Germany
    4. Russia and Germany don’t do sea battles
    5. Not sure

    I think you’d like Germany

  • can any other people please respond? I need more than 1 opinion

  • Only Germany qualifies to your wishes

  • Other than the low income, Russia fits your bill perfectly. It’s easy, so you won’t make too many mistakes, and it doesn’t pose a hard challenge, just keep the Germans and Japs out of Moscow.

    Germany has a higher income and thusly allows for more mistakes, but it’s harder to play good (3 fronts: East, Atlantic, Africa) and poses a greater challenge, and makes you play with a navy.

    All the other nations need a big navy, making the game more complex, so those are a no-go. All in all, you just want a nation that’s easy to play, and Russia is the easiest one. But what’s the point of playing A&A if you’re not into complex games?


    Only Germany qualifies to your wishes

    No, it doesn’t: it’s not easy to play and it does have a navy. But then again, there are no nations that qualify to all your wishes. My advice: look up some Russian strategies, and try to play that one, it is by far the easiest. Good luck!

  • @HolKann:

    Other than the low income, Russia fits your bill perfectly. It’s easy, so you won’t make too many mistakes, and it doesn’t pose a hard challenge, just keep the Germans and Japs out of Moscow.

    Germany has a higher income and thusly allows for more mistakes, but it’s harder to play good (3 fronts: East, Atlantic, Africa) and poses a greater challenge, and makes you play with a navy.

    All the other nations need a big navy, making the game more complex, so those are a no-go. All in all, you just want a nation that’s easy to play, and Russia is the easiest one. But what’s the point of playing A&A if you’re not into complex games?


    Only Germany qualifies to your wishes

    No, it doesn’t: it’s not easy to play and it does have a navy. But then again, there are no nations that qualify to all your wishes. My advice: look up some Russian strategies, and try to play that one, it is by far the easiest. Good luck!

    Does one sub count as a navy?

  • @HolKann:

    Other than the low income, Russia fits your bill perfectly. It’s easy, so you won’t make too many mistakes, and it doesn’t pose a hard challenge, just keep the Germans and Japs out of Moscow.

    I kinda disagree with Russia being easy to play. To me it is the most challenging (and fun) country because it has to deal with both Japan and Germany. But on the other hand, I guess it’s better if new players figure out how to use/deal with Russia as quickly as possible.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    My recommendation for you would be, to play the USA. And as your allies, you’d need a competent USSR player and a strong UK player.
    The USA gives you high income, and it’s a safe place to be: no enemy troops hammering down your front door any time soon. I also think that if you and your opponents are not generally very strong players, the USA is the easiest nation to play, and you can afford quite a few mistakes.
    Go for a straightforward KGF strategy and ignore Japan completely, unless of course they’re actually invading America, in which case you need to kick them out again (and doing so is not a very good plan for Japan anyway).
    The USA, of course, does have a navy. But the only sea battle you would have to fight (and inevitably lose), would be Pearl Harbor. Because in your KGF strategy, the task of dealing with the German fleet would typically fall to the UK, and while you would need to build ships to get your troops across to Europe, you wouldn’t actually need to fight in the Atlantic. Beware of a last-ditch Luftwaffe strike though, so buy some protection for your transports (and AC with two fighters helps a lot), or make sure that the Brits help you there.

    I think that by playing the USA in that manner, you can be actively involved in the fight, and be on the winning side even if you’ve made a few mistakes yourself. The basic idea is simple: all you need to do is ship troops to the UK turn after turn, and then use those troops to invade Europe. Find a strong player to side with you as the UK, and coordinate your strategy with him.

  • @HolKann:

    Other than the low income, Russia fits your bill perfectly. It’s easy, so you won’t make too many mistakes, and it doesn’t pose a hard challenge, just keep the Germans and Japs out of Moscow.

    Germany has a higher income and thusly allows for more mistakes, but it’s harder to play good (3 fronts: East, Atlantic, Africa) and poses a greater challenge, and makes you play with a navy.

    All the other nations need a big navy, making the game more complex, so those are a no-go. All in all, you just want a nation that’s easy to play, and Russia is the easiest one. But what’s the point of playing A&A if you’re not into complex games?


    I’m into complex games and I love A&A
    Only Germany qualifies to your wishes

    No, it doesn’t: it’s not easy to play and it does have a navy. But then again, there are no nations that qualify to all your wishes. My advice: look up some Russian strategies, and try to play that one, it is by far the easiest. Good luck!

  • @nutbar:

    i want to know what country i would enjoy playing as most.
    Here are the things I like

    1. I like to have a high income
    2. I want a country that is very easy to play.
    3. There needs to be room for a few mistakes because I make mistakes.
    4. _I prefer lan_d and air battles. I do not like sea battles because they are very expensive and costly.
    5. I don’t enjoy taking on hard challenges.

    Easy, room for mistakes, no hard challenges… you’re sure you want to play Axis and Allies? Just kidding ;)

    I agree that U.S. will fit your request more often than not.

    I, personnaly, find that Japan is the easiest nation to play. And since KJF is less common than KGF, you usually have an income that grows. You will have sea battles, but you’re usually on the giving end, not the receiving one. I find that Japan’s fleet is usually easier to defend as well. Make some mistakes with the UK or US navy in the Atlantic and you might find yourselfin dire straits. So I’d recommend trying Japan.

  • Seems to me that you really want is to play Russia, Germany, or Japan against unskilled opponents that don’t much care whether they win or lose, with partner(s) that are very skilled, want to win, and won’t bother you with recommendations on what you should be doing.
    So what you’re really looking for is not a COUNTRY, but a certain set of players and play styles.

    Japan isn’t “easy” to play. If the Allies go KGF, you may not be punished by having your units destroyed, but if you muck around ineffectively, the Axis will lose as surely because of your lack of pressure at Moscow as if you had been Germany and lost all your tanks and air by Germany’s second turn.  Skilled players at the table will know it too.

  • @Bunnies:

    Japan isn’t “easy” to play. If the Allies go KGF, you may not be punished by having your units destroyed, but if you muck around ineffectively, the Axis will lose as surely because of your lack of pressure at Moscow as if you had been Germany and lost all your tanks and air by Germany’s second turn.  Skilled players at the table will know it too.

    Ahhh Bunny, I didn’t say Japan was easy, I say I find it easiest. None of the countries are “easy”. But an unskilled player as Russia will find itself reduced to nothing quick. A Japan player facing a KGF, will still find things to do and buy after a couple rounds. That said, he’ll still need a skilled German player to make a win happen. Just my feeling about Japan.

  • '16 Customizer

    Herr KaLeun put it well… just adding my opinion as well

    I agree that the USA is the best option for you. They have a VERY high income, they are usually easy to play, especially because you almost never have to defend your homeland. The only difficulty playing as the USA is being able to help your allies fast enough. The USA is a pretty loose nation strategy wise, so you should be fine with making some mistakes as long as the USSR player isn’t terrible. Sea battles, sorry can’t help you there. Almost every nation except the USSR has sea battles at some point.

  • @nutbar:

    i want to know what country i would enjoy playing as most.
    Here are the things I like

    1. I like to have a high income
    2. I want a country that is very easy to play.
    3. There needs to be room for a few mistakes because I make mistakes.
    4. _I prefer lan_d and air battles. I do not like sea battles because they are very expensive and costly.
    5. I don’t enjoy taking on hard challenges.

    Go to this link http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=ah/prod/axis and page 5 of the rule book might answer your question.

  • I would say Russia… only cause you dont have to worry about buying boats, which takes away half the choices of “what to buy”. as russia you can focus your attention on defensive/offensive land & air combat.  however… your criteria doesnt fit one country and with time you can expand into the other nations and learn to play them.  but russia is a good starting point… as for the 1 Russian sub, park and follow whatever allied ships in the area to help them out.

  • '16 Customizer


    I would say Russia…

    It is very true that Russia only has to worry about a few territories and doesn’t have a lot of buying opportunities. However, Russia is a tactical nightmare for anyone who wants tan easy game… Don’t expect to gain a lot of ground much less win as Russia unless you have REALLY good Allies. They also have a terrible income… But as Keredrex said, you only have to buy land units pretty much.

    For simplicity’s sake, yes Russia is easiest. But from a tactical/“winning”/strategy standpoint, it’s pretty hard.

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