Glad to help out our service men. This is not an official answer I just have 20+ years of experience. I’ll type the answer in your quotes to make it easy.
Hey guys im currently serving in afghan and a bunch of this brought Axis & Allies Anniversary 40th Edition to pass the time when we are not working, at the moment we are getting 1 move a night lol but it seams quite good.
The problems we are having is no one fully understands the rules, i think it is because we are used to playing risk.
If it is possible would anyone like to chip in a few answers for us.
ok here we go.
1, fighter attacks infantry and misses infantry rolls a hit and the fighter is removed from the game, is that right?
Each unit fires with the attacker rolling first, the defender choosing casualties and then the defenders roll to see if they hit…after 1 round remove the units that were hit. Yes the fighter is removed. Note they could have both been hit as each unit fires. (exception is subs during surprise strike, see rules)
2, When attacking defending, you are rolling against your self to score a hit not the other person? so if yuo both score under 2 you both take hits and are both removed from the game.
3, when attacking countries you are only allowed to attack from 1 country at a time? for instance say one country is attacking the country oppsite it i have to wait for that battle to end before i can blitz tanks through my friendly country before i can join the attack.
No, move all units during combat move, after all units that you want to move have moved, begin combat phase. This is done by picking a battle and resolving it completely before choosing the next battle to resolve. You have to resolve a sea battle before its respective amphibious assault. In short, each piece on the board that can move and you want to move, moves into an enemy territory for combat. Once you are done moving, do all combats one at a time.
4, If a submarine is submerged can it still attack submerged?
No, it either stays and fights or runs (submerges). It cannot submerge if an enemy Destroyer is part of the attacking force. If it rolls a die it cannot submerge until the next round. So you choose before rolling a die for it.
5, say you have 3 tanks and a fighter, fighting against 2 infantry and a tank and yuo miss with the fighter but the tank hits, is it the defender who decides what peice is hit or the attacker?
The attacker rolls his hits, then the defender assigns what hits he has taken to his units, then he rolls his hits and the attacker chooses to assign hits to his units. The only time the attack chooses, is if two country’s units are defending and they can’t choose. Remember air units cannot hit subs without a destroyer on their side, and subs can never assign hits to an air unit.
6, how does the strict neutral, friendly neutral and unfriendly neutral work?
If the neutral is on your side (pro allies if you are allies in this example), you move in during non combat, increase your countries production and get the number of infantry printed as free units to place on that territory. If the neutral is pro axis and you are allied, then you move in during combat, fight that many infantry (the number printed on the territory) and if you win, increase your production based on the value of the zone. If you lose, place the surviving infantry on that territory (pick a color, does not matter which pieces you use) those men will become infantry for the axis player that moves in first in this example. If it is true neutral, you have just declared war on all true neutrals, they band together and join the side of your opponent by becoming pro axis if you are allies, or pro allies if you are axis…this is handled as above when you move into them.
7, if a person leaves a country with no peices and an apposing country on his movement turn enters that country, does the country then become the new owners country.
If the country is enemy controlled yes, if it is your allies no. If it is your allies territory that has an enemy control marker on it and your ally does not have a capital you can temporarily take control until that capital is liberated.
8, Can a plane land at an opposing countrys airbase if that country is unoccupied? and take that county as his own.
Nope, just like in real life, you need boots on the ground. You can only capture territory (and then use their structures on your next turn) with land units. Ships and air units do not capture land territories.
9, also do ships have the capability to defend against air or is it just a one way battle, (not including carriers who have planes on board)
Just like in world war II, ships and planes can certainly mix it up. Remember subs as above they are an exception, but every unit gets to roll its combat dice to determine hits…air units are nice cause they can help in land or sea. Otherwise its just another combat. Attacker rolls at attack values, defender rolls at his defending values…remove hits, and continue until the attacker retreats or wins.
10, when a transtport is used is that the end of both turns or is the transport then allowed to move accross the board and then waits for the next turn to unload. Or can it during the combat phase move into waters and then unload via an amphibiuous attack?
Transports only move during the combat phase if they are conducting an amphibious assault. Remember the units it picks up, do not move on their own, they forgo movement to be transported instead. After a transport unloads, its turn ends. Meaning it drops off in one territory and may not move anymore regardless of which phase it moves. Also a transport may move up to 2 spaces, picking up its limit as it goes and can then unload once (1 or 2 units) to end its movement. Units may stay on board, but that is risky. Transports sink with their cargo when destroyed while loaded.
Any of these would be great, at the moment we spend 3 hours playing and 1 hour of that is arguing lol.
Cheers Guys
I responded in red, feel free to ask me anything. Its the least I can do for you guys.