• @calvinhobbesliker:



    Func, Mickelson didn’t have the NO’s right.

    The other UK NO is ALL original territories of UK AND ANZAC!

    NOT Canada + ANZAC!

    Can anyone direct me to an accurate online list of G40 and E40 NOs?

    They’re in preview 5 on AA.org

    Yes, but are they all 100% accurate, Calvin?  I thought you didn’t even have the manual because you were asking a question about advanced artillery that’s very plain in the book.  Or did you just not have your book with you?

  • @gamerman01:




    Func, Mickelson didn’t have the NO’s right.

    The other UK NO is ALL original territories of UK AND ANZAC!

    NOT Canada + ANZAC!

    Can anyone direct me to an accurate online list of G40 and E40 NOs?

    They’re in preview 5 on AA.org

    Yes, but are they all 100% accurate, Calvin?  I thought you didn’t even have the manual because you were asking a question about advanced artillery that’s very plain in the book.  Or did you just not have your book with you?

    I think they are. I didn’t have the book at the time

  • No, that post “preview 5” is rife with errors.  I will just post them all here, then.  Stoney, you don’t have the manual??

  • Straight from the rulebook:


    1. 5 IPC’s when Germany and Soviet Union are not at war.
    2. 5 IPC’s per territory when Axis controls Novgorod, Volgograd, or Russia
    3. 3 IPC’s if at least one German land unit is in Egypt (Egypt may be controlled by Italy or Japan at the time)
    4. 5 IPC’s if Germany controls both Denmark and Norway while Sweden is either neutral or controlled by the Axis.

    Notice that the Egypt NO is THREE IPC’s!!! (It is 5 only in E40 - there’s been a lot of confusion over this)

  • Soviet Union:

    1. 5 IPC’s if the Soviet Union is at war (later clarified by Krieg to mean at war with EURO AXIS - argh - get it right the first time), the convoy in sea zone 125 is free of Axis warships (preview 5 incorrectly says no Axis ships in 125, which is incorrect - a transport does not nullify this NO, but is a ship), Archangel is controlled by the Soviet Union, and there are no units belonging to other Allied powers present in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union
    2. 6 IPC’s for each German territory the Soviet Union controls as long as the Soviet Union controls all of its own original territories.


    1. 5 IPC’s for each - Honolulu, Sydney, and/or Calcutta (why not be consistent with other NO’s and name territory names??  :roll:)
    2. 5 IPC’s if Japan controls all of the following territories: Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Celebes

  • UK:
    1)  5 IPCs if it and ANZAC control all of their respective territories.  This includes the territories of Canada.  (OK why did you print the stupid maple leaves on the map anyway?)
    2)  5 IPC’s if there are no German subs anywhere on the board.

    1)  5 IPCs if the Allies (not including the Dutch) control Dutch New Guinea, New Guinea, New Britain, and the Solomons
    2)  3 IPC’s if Allied powers (why not say “Allies” like immediately above??  :roll:) control Malaya and ANZAC controls all of its own original territories (OK, that’s TWO NO’s disrupted for losing a single ANZAC territory, including the little bitty islands  :roll:)

  • Italy:
    1)  5 for Axis controlling Egypt, Greece, and South France
    2)  5 for no Allied SURFACE warships in the Med (92 through 99)


    1. 30 when at war

    1)  6 for Burma road completely open, and can purchase artillery

    1)  Troop bonus of 4 French infantry on France the first time France is liberated.  Once per game.

    That’s all of them, precisely from the rulebook, flaws and all.

  • @Stoney229:


    Func, Mickelson didn’t have the NO’s right.

    The other UK NO is ALL original territories of UK AND ANZAC!

    NOT Canada + ANZAC!

    Can anyone direct me to an accurate online list of G40 and E40 NOs?

    Um - is this a sign that we’re going to get a nice new, pretty module for 1940 soon?  :-)
    Guys, it was awesome that we’ve been able to use Func’s Beta for the past few weeks.  It’s definitely functional, and doesn’t even look too bad.  Looking forward to the finished product!!  How’s it coming??!

  • @gamerman01:



    Func, Mickelson didn’t have the NO’s right.

    The other UK NO is ALL original territories of UK AND ANZAC!

    NOT Canada + ANZAC!

    Can anyone direct me to an accurate online list of G40 and E40 NOs?

    Um - is this a sign that we’re going to get a nice new, pretty module for 1940 soon?  :-)
    Guys, it was awesome that we’ve been able to use Func’s Beta for the past few weeks.  It’s definitely functional, and doesn’t even look too bad.  Looking forward to the finished product!!  How’s it coming??!

    I think he talked about that somewhere else. Search his posts

  • @gamerman01:



    Func, Mickelson didn’t have the NO’s right.

    The other UK NO is ALL original territories of UK AND ANZAC!

    NOT Canada + ANZAC!

    Can anyone direct me to an accurate online list of G40 and E40 NOs?

    Um - is this a sign that we’re going to get a nice new, pretty module for 1940 soon?  :-)
    Guys, it was awesome that we’ve been able to use Func’s Beta for the past few weeks.  It’s definitely functional, and doesn’t even look too bad.  Looking forward to the finished product!!  How’s it coming??!

    Thank very much Gamerman!  May I kindly ask for the Europe NOs too?  I do not have the rulebook - I don’t really have anyone to play with face-to-face and nowadays I probably won’t even have time to PBF (haven’t played one yet, and only played I think 4.5 P40 games)… but I do enjoy making the modules just because I like learning new things and seeing what I can make.  My time has been very short lately but I’ve spent so much time on the G40 modules already it would be a shame for me not to finish it, plus I am curious to see how my graphics idea turns out.  I have a 24-hour flight next Sunday, so I’m hoping to be able to work on it on the flight (hopefully my seat will have power).  After that my time and internet access may be very limited so I don’t know what I will be able to do afterward, but first I will see what I can do on the plane.  I can’t say whether or not I will be able to get as far as adding the NOs anytime soon but I will need a list eventually and if I can get them soon I will copy them to my desktop in case I do get that far while I’m without internet access.

  • Yes, Europe NO’s coming right up.

    And by the way, I had Calvin audit me on my accuracy of those Global NO’s, and he assured me that they’re all good (unlike many other places on this site).

  • Germany:

    1. 5 IPC’s if Axis controls all:
      Southern France
    2. 5 if Axis controls EITHER Novgorod or Volgograd (so not 5 each, unlike Global)
    3. 5 for at least one German land unit in Egypt (Egypt may be controlled by Italy at the time) (NOT 3 like Global)
    4. 5 if Germany controls both Denmark and Norway while Sweden is either neutral or controlled by Axis.


  • Soviet Union:

    1. 5 if at war, convoy in 125 is free of Axis WARSHIPS (includes sub), Archangel is controlled by Soviet Union, and there are no units belonging to other Allied powers present in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.
      2)  3 for each German territory the S.U. controls as long as the S.U. controls all of its own original territories.


    1. 5 if there are no German subs anywhere on the board.
    2. 5 ONE TIME ONLY the first time UK captures or liberates one of the following territories:
      West Germany

  • Italy:

    1. 5 if Axis controls Egypt, Greece, and Southern France
    2. 5 if no Allied SURFACE WARSHIPS in the Med (92 - 99)
    3. 5 if Africa is free of Allied units (Krieg said this includes all facilities and AA guns, and Africa includes Madagascar)


    1. 30 if at war AND controls CUS (and EUS - duh)
    2. 5 ONE TIME ONLY the first time AMERICAN forces capture or liberate one of the following territories:
      West Ger
      (same ones as UK.  UK and US can each collect this NO when each respective power takes one of these territories for the first time)

  • Thanks very much Gamerman!  Hopefully I will be able to put your work to use!

  • @Stoney229:

    Thanks very much Gamerman!  Hopefully I will be able to put your work to use!

    Thank you, and we eagerly await your finished product.  Where is the thread where you’re talking about your progress (Calvin was saying something about it)?

  • @gamerman01:


    Thanks very much Gamerman!  Hopefully I will be able to put your work to use!

    Thank you, and we eagerly await your finished product.  Where is the thread where you’re talking about your progress (Calvin was saying something about it)?

    he was probably referring to this

  • This must be stickyed.

  • Hey - bad news.  I worked on the module on the plane, but was unable to finish it.  I will continue to work on it if I ever get the opportunity, but that is unlikely.  I am living in a village with no electricity and with the limited time I do have electricity there is a lot of work to do…  sorry for the news, I hope you are able to have a functional module.  Remember to use the tutorial I wrote if you want to try to make your own, and if someone else does not make another module, perhaps I will finish after we get some electricity to our home.  Thanks!

  • If that’s the case, I’ll try end a full version of my module soon or later. That means that I’ll have to deal with the dreaded convoy system  :| I have not much time now in autumm, so let’s see what can I do … anyway, the graphics will not be very good even in my full version

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