Depending on the specifics, you should be ok. Sounds like you let the allies grab Caroline Islands, if he is able to hit the Asian mainland. I always keep a small fighter force there to protect it from small transport fleets.
I would get the Dutch east indies islands as soon as possible to boost your money.
Keep whats left of your air force on Japan for extra defense. Scramble is Japan’s biggest advantage in Pacific.
I believe Hawaii may be easier to take then Australia as you can build transports on Japan and threaten a take over the next turn. If the U.S. is being stubborn, build a few extra carriers to break his defense of Hawaii. Remember if you stage your planes properly, it is possible to launch planes from the carriers, have them land on an island and send an equal number of planes from Japan that may now land on the carriers…Double the air force for the attack effectively.
If Hawaii is too hard to grab, consider a major factory on Malaya for quick access to Australia as your last city. That location would help in securing the Islands.
If you can draw the American fleet far into the south Pacific, be mindful that transports from Japan can take the Canadian territory above W. USA. Build bombers the turn you land on Canada and they can strike from Japan and land on Canada as the 7th movement point. This works best if you can stage infantry in Japan, plop down a bunch of transports (7-10) when the Yanks head Southwest and catch Hollywood unaware. Remember, it would have to be a large force, somewhere between 14-20 land units since the US will have 1 production to prepare. If you are in the 48-60 IPC range with Japan, you’ll have 4-5 bombers for offense. Don’t forget, you can hide some of the land units in plain site by dropping them in Korea, it will look like you are marching into Asia if done early in the game.
Hope this helped. Good luck.