• Are you asking about the Alpha2 rules?

  • Yes.

  • Official Q&A

    It doesn’t matter whether it’s Alpha or OOB, only attacking bombers are subject to AA fire in SBRs.  (Of course, bombers could include both strategic and tactical in Alpha if a base is being attacked.)

  • Thank you, it is not really clear in the rulebook.

    It’s written: ‘‘The target fires its AA defenses at the attacking aircraft at 1’’.

    I always tought that it was only the bomber, but the guy I was playing with was fighting me over the fact that it’s all the attacking aircrafts. But yeah, it makes sense, that it is the TARGET (in this case the complex) that defends itself from the aircrafts that are attacking it.

    Thanks for the clarification.

  • Another one for the road.

    We have an aircraft carrier on a side packed with a fighter and a tact per example. A submarine attacks it.

    The submarine only fights the carrier? It’s a 1 on 1 battle with the carrier having two hits, I guess? The two planes can’t do things about it? And if the sub take down the the carrier, the two planes if they don’t have anything to go in one space range are dead?

    If that happen in a bigger battle let’s say:

    Sub-Destroyer-Cruiser attacks Carrier-Fighter-Tact.

    The Fighter and Tactical can only defend againts the destroyer and cruiser, only the carrier’s defense hits can touch the submarine? That means that If I am the attacker, I just need to select my casualties in order to let the submarine survives last and if the sub is last and there is still a carrier-fighter left, it becomes the carrier againts the submarine since the tactical doesn’t have any targets anymore?

    Thanks again guys, I bought Global 40 last week and played about six games already with multiple friends and we love it! That’s why I got an influx of questions, one day I will leave you in peace, haha!

  • Ask all you need to Mighty, these are good questions.

    Actually, in the case of the sub vs. ftr and tac, the sub only needs to score ONE hit to prevent the air from landing on it.  They have one space to move or be lost.  They would be in the air when the sub attacks, so if the carrier is damaged and the air has nowhere to go, they SPLASH!!

    Defending carrier/fighter/tac yes only the carrier could hit the sub.  You have to take the maximum number of casualties possible, but yes you could keep the sub until last and if the defender takes a hit to the carrier (you need to roll your sub and destroyer separately because the defender can elect to take air off for a destroyer hit) then the air cannot land on the carrier!  If they can fly one space to safety it’s no biggie, but if you catch 'em away from an alternative safe landing site, then……  SPLASH!

    Subs rock!!

  • Sponsor

    I know this question might have been beaten to death, but I need to ask due to alot of confusion between my 2 groups. What powers or specific territories can Japan attack without  provoking the US into the war? Thanks.

  • @Trisdin:

    I know this question might have been beaten to death, but I need to ask due to alot of confusion between my 2 groups. What powers or specific territories can Japan attack without  provoking the US into the war? Thanks.

    China, Russia, France and neutrals. Regarding French Indochina it looks like you may also attack it without provoking the US but Japan will lose the NO.

    This brings me a question though: what if the UK/ANZAC move units to FIC? Do you need to declare war on them to attack FIC?

  • Official Q&A


  • Sponsor

    Can the UK or ANZAC attack Japan at any time or do they need to wait for a Japan attack or a designated round like the US?

  • @Trisdin:

    Can the UK or ANZAC attack Japan at any time or do they need to wait for a Japan attack or a designated round like the US?

    They can attack Japan at any time.

  • @Hobbes:


    Can the UK or ANZAC attack Japan at any time or do they need to wait for a Japan attack or a designated round like the US?

    They can attack Japan at any time.

    Which allows Japan to attack UK/ANZ without bringing USA into the war and as long as they leave FIC alone, Japan continues to collect the 10 IPC NO because war with UK/ANZ was unprovoked by Japan.

    But on the flip side, it’s a great way to rake in the NO’s for UK and also ANZ because they are now at war and Japan hasn’t had a chance to take anything from them yet.

    Recently I attacked a small stack of planes on Kwa on UK1 as my opponent was not suspecting a UK declaration.  Took out a couple bombers and other planes, although the dice prevented me from wiping the whole stack.  It was so worth it.  :lol:

  • Sponsor

    Great answers, good to know. Thanks

  • Hi all,  :-D

    we play “Axis & Aliies” for a some years, mostly in the Warzone.
    For 2 Weeks we decide to buy the new global Game for a greater game experience.
    Its really a big strategic Game and we enjoy it very much:

    But in your first  game we had a big game discussion with the new Alpha 2+ rules: Is Alpha+2 the same like 2nd Edition Rules?
    I be sure some of the experts here have the answer easily:

    in Alpha 2+
    1.) Can a Bomber and/or tac. Bomber attack an submarine without a destroyer?

    2.) Can a Fighter attack an submarine without a destroyer?

    3.) IF 1+2 is yes,  can the submarine submerge and retreat after the first round in an adjacent Seazone or only submerge in the seazone where the attack occurs?

    4.) Has a Destroyer on amphibious Attack=2 so reduced from 3?

    5.) Patriotic War Rule for russia is this rule valid: convert Allied Units, only in a territory that contains a Soviet Home Industrial Complex?
    If yes, can I convert also Air Units or only land-units, can i convert allies ships in the adjacent seazone? lets say in seazone 127 with is adjacent to Novgorod.

    6.) Scorched Earth: lets say, Germany takes over london in Turn 5, but it is afraid that the USA can retract it. Can Germany destroy the Naval Base or the Airbase or both in his turn, so that later if the USA take london back, they dont have the advantage of an Air or Naval Base?

    Thanxs for your help!

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Babubaer!


    1.) Can a Bomber and/or tac. Bomber attack an submarine without a destroyer?

    2.) Can a Fighter attack an submarine without a destroyer?



    3.) IF 1+2 is yes,  can the submarine submerge and retreat after the first round in an adjacent Seazone or only submerge in the seazone where the attack occurs?

    Subs submerge only in the same sea zone.


    4.) Has a Destroyer on amphibious Attack=2 so reduced from 3?

    Destroyers do not bombard in amphibious assaults.


    5.) Patriotic War Rule for russia is this rule valid: convert Allied Units, only in a territory that contains a Soviet Home Industrial Complex?
    If yes, can I convert also Air Units or only land-units, can i convert allies ships in the adjacent seazone? lets say in seazone 127 with is adjacent to Novgorod.

    There is no such rule.  USSR cannot convert Allied units.


    6.) Scorched Earth: lets say, Germany takes over london in Turn 5, but it is afraid that the USA can retract it. Can Germany destroy the Naval Base or the Airbase or both in his turn, so that later if the USA take london back, they dont have the advantage of an Air or Naval Base?

    No.  You cannot voluntarily destroy facilities.  The only way that a facility can be destroyed is if a Japanese industrial complex built in a captured Chinese territory is recaptured by the Allies, in which case it is removed.

  • Thanks a lot Krieghund!  Wow that was a very fast answer.

    The support here is perfect!

  • Hey Babubaer, it sounds like some of the rules you got there are from the old A&A Europe.  Not A&A 1940…Europe.  Make sure you are playing with the correct game.  Basically Avalon Hill (or whoever it is these days) re-released old games but updated them so we would pay for them again…:)

  • @ thanxs for the tip JimmyHat i think that is the problem because we mix some different rules:

    3 more questions to the rules  **Alpha 2+**i ask because I have found different answers in this forum

    1.) If there is 1 UK-Carrier with 2 UK-Fighters on it, and germany attacks with 2 Subs: now the subs make 2 hits, what happens with the Fighters when the carrier is lost, how many movement points  have the Fighters or are they directly destroyed, they cant hit the submarines or?

    1. same situation, now there 1 UK-Carrier with 2 US-Fighter on it, and germany attacks with 2 subs: the subs make again 2 Hits, what happens with the US Fighter when the carrier is lost, how many movement points  have the Fighters or are they directly destroyed, they cant hit the submarines or?

    2. Lets say i have the 2 german submarins in seazone 110, its the turn from UK, UK purchase 1 destroyer and place it in seazone 110. Can the german on its next turn, move away with his 2 submarines from the seazone or cant germany  do that, because of the presence of an UK destroyer?

  • @Babubaer:

    @ thanxs for the tip JimmyHat i think that is the problem because we mix some different rules:

    3 more questions to the rules  **Alpha 2+**i ask because I have found different answers in this forum

    1.) If there is 1 UK-Carrier with 2 UK-Fighters on it, and germany attacks with 2 Subs: now the subs make 2 hits, what happens with the Fighters when the carrier is lost, how many movement points  have the Fighters or are they directly destroyed, they cant hit the submarines or?

    1. same situation, now there 1 UK-Carrier with 2 US-Fighter on it, and germany attacks with 2 subs: the subs make again 2 Hits, what happens with the US Fighter when the carrier is lost, how many movement points  have the Fighters or are they directly destroyed, they cant hit the submarines or?

    2. Lets say i have the 2 german submarins in seazone 110, its the turn from UK, UK purchase 1 destroyer and place it in seazone 110. Can the german on its next turn, move away with his 2 submarines from the seazone or cant germany  do that, because of the presence of an UK destroyer?

    The answer to your questions 1 or 2: The planes can only move one space adjacent to the territory that has been attacked, they must land on an available carrier or a friendly territory or else they are also destroyed in the fight, and no, the planes can’t defend againts the submarines if no destroyer are with them. That means that if your planes have nowhere to go, it will only take one hit from the submarine to sink both planes at least since the carrier will have to take a hit.

    Maybe someone else will have an answer to this, I don’t know if you can take your fighters as casualties tough, this is an interresting question that I would love to get an answer, I don’t think so since they are not part of the battle.

    As for your third question, once again I am not the expert, but I think that if they place some ships into the same place that your ships were, you have to option to move your ships one space away or engage in a battle as soon as he places them, with you defending and him attacking.

  • unless u have trident missles on those subs, they cannot fire at the aircraft.  the ftrs have 1 move to try and land.  Because the Germans are attacking and the allies on Def, the defending ftrs do not go down with the ship.

    As for the 3rd question, I believe you have the option of fighting on your next turn, or moving away.  Pretty sure the defender doesn’t get to decide if he gets a free move or not.  You cannot move when its not your turn.

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