Bob_A_Mickelson's AAG40 National Production/Objectives and Setup Charts

  • Customizer

    Those charts are plagiarized versions of my charts (in very poor grainy quality I might add).  I have asked that person to remove the link.

    Please be patient. I will release the Alpha setup (or whatever Larry ends up calling it) when it becomes official.

    Until then please be satisfied with the current version of the charts.

  • Thank you for the work !

  • I have laminated the Global charts and aids v2.2 which of these should I replace with these new ones?

  • is it maybe possible for you to post an unofficial version of the current alpha setup charts? that way the people who do want to wait for the setup to be finalised can still wait patiently but the impatient people can just get a quick alpha copy because who knows when the setup will be finalised. i mean its a win-win situation, and if the impatient people find that the balance isnt good because they didnt wait for it to be finalised then its their own fault and they are the ones who suffer, the rest wouldnt have anything to lose by you releasing an unofficial version of the alpha setup charts, and the people who had the unofficial charts if it suits them then they can just let it be but if it doesnt they can still wait for the official version. at least that way they can have a version of alpha even if not final but still resembling the final version to play with instead of the original mistake filled setup and not have to constantly check the progress of the finalisation on the internet

  • i dont want to sound demanding but have you ever considered having a 5 or 10 ipc bonus NO for japan for not entering the war? the reasons are immense and i have seen that suggestion in many places. i can understand if you dont want to because its not official and stuff but once again its ok to release unofficial ones if you think the reasons are good. if you have other reasons not to do it such as time i can understand too

  • @axisisthebest:

    is it maybe possible for you to post an unofficial version of the current alpha setup charts? that way the people who do want to wait for the setup to be finalised can still wait patiently but the impatient people can just get a quick alpha copy because who knows when the setup will be finalised. i mean its a win-win situation, and if the impatient people find that the balance isnt good because they didnt wait for it to be finalised then its their own fault and they are the ones who suffer, the rest wouldnt have anything to lose by you releasing an unofficial version of the alpha setup charts, and the people who had the unofficial charts if it suits them then they can just let it be but if it doesnt they can still wait for the official version. at least that way they can have a version of alpha even if not final but still resembling the final version to play with instead of the original mistake filled setup and not have to constantly check the progress of the finalisation on the internet

    There are unofficial ones which I linked to above, but they have been plagarized from Bob’s work.

  • @cminke:

    hey calvinhobesliker sry about the game (a lot of topic i know but still)

    it’s okay, but next time, send me a PM if it’s off topic

  • @calvinhobbesliker:


    is it maybe possible for you to post an unofficial version of the current alpha setup charts? that way the people who do want to wait for the setup to be finalised can still wait patiently but the impatient people can just get a quick alpha copy because who knows when the setup will be finalised. i mean its a win-win situation, and if the impatient people find that the balance isnt good because they didnt wait for it to be finalised then its their own fault and they are the ones who suffer, the rest wouldnt have anything to lose by you releasing an unofficial version of the alpha setup charts, and the people who had the unofficial charts if it suits them then they can just let it be but if it doesnt they can still wait for the official version. at least that way they can have a version of alpha even if not final but still resembling the final version to play with instead of the original mistake filled setup and not have to constantly check the progress of the finalisation on the internet

    There are unofficial ones which I linked to above, but they have been plagarized from Bob’s work.

    yeah but i dont want to use plagarised stuff and the font is bad. plus its only for global

  • the global national production chart requires an A3 page, how about the rest? can they fit on an A4 page? how many setup and global diplomacy charts can fit on an A3?

  • Customizer

    I do have some slightly altered alpha setup charts, however I am hesitant to post due to the fact that there are some errors and I have personal house rules implemented. I also dont wanna get too bogged down with requests to correct charts that I know that I will redo anyways.

    Personally I think I should probably stop dragging my feet and post some AAE40 charts. Alpha charts will be released when they become official. I suggest that those of you that want alpha charts should post your experience at Larry’s site. The posts have seemed to stall out lately making me fear that alpha may not happen.

    Link to Larry’s discussion:

  • these charts are so incedible and the fact that your doing this for free is mind numbing especcially when you look at how good these charts are done!

    so on one hand i feel bad for asking you this…BUT…did you happen to make a sheet of roundels for eachpower?  the ones that come with the games are always too thin and hard to picck up and worse, the onse that came in the AAP are printed on differnt materaial than the ones that came in my AAE (inconsistancey bugs me too).  i was hoping you had a sheet of roundels that i could print out and than mount onto somehting thicker and easier to pick up and that would be consistatn and enough of each power.

  • I think Imperious Leader has a download for roundels. 
    He states which Avery product to use in order to print them.

  • Customizer


    …did you happen to make a sheet of roundels for eachpower?

    Quite a few people have asked for images of the roundels, unfortunately I dont have them in the proper format to make them bigger. Some look bad at full size others I forgot to save origionals ect. If your looking for roundels this try the link below. I know Imperious and others have created roundels. Just look them up over the web, or scan the actual roundels them selves.

    hope this helps:

  • Wow thanks for this.

  • Errata

    advanced artillery can support 2 infantry and/or 2 light infantry

    please correct the tech chart

  • enhancement

    the battleboard would be nicer if there was a red silouete with all combined and tech developments.

    ex: red tac bomber attacking at 4
    red jetfighters atacking at 4 and so on



    advanced artillery can support 2 infantry and/or 2 light infantry

    please correct the tech chart

    or: advanced artillery can support 2 infantry and/or mechanized infantry

  • bob_a_mickelson, just wondering what is your response to all the changes being made to the alpha setup summarised here

    This is ALPHA plus the following:

    Setup changes:

    1UK inf on England
    1Fr inf on England
    1ANZAC inf in Egypt
    1ANZAC in in NSWales
    add 1AA to Sakha
    1inf, 1ftr added to Korea
    1tranny in z19
    Reduce EUS,WUS ICs to minors

    add Italian 1sub, 1destroyer in z95???

    Rule changes

    New British Gov’t in Exile rule

    Cancelation of the “sub pot shot” rule

    USSR political reaction to war are “theatre specific”

    US ICs on WUS and EUS change to majors in the turn after DOW

    Victory condition change- “Theatre Victory” for Axis 6/7VC-Pac, 8VC for Euro

    Immediate Allied win once all 3 Axis capitals are captured

    Restrict the construction of ICs on foreign territories to minor…upgraded only if recaptured by original controlling player.

    AA guns destroyed if captured

    NO changes

    German NO in Egypt to 5IPCs

    UK sub NO- “…no subs in the Atlantic or Med…”- can’t hide in Baltic, Caspian, Black Seas

    UK Commonwealth NO

    USSR NO changes from 6IPC to 3IPC per original German territory.

    USSR Archangel NO- change- “must be at war with at least one Euro Axis power…”

    USSR/Japan Non-agresssion NO- whoever is attack by the other first receives 10IPCs immediately.

    Japan +10 before war with US/UK/ANZAC/France

    Japan/US Island Group NO- 5 of 7- Midway, Wake, Marinaras, Iwo Jima, Caroline, Solomons and Guam

    US split NO- 20IPCs for EUS, CUS, WUS and Mexico
    5IPCs for Phil/Guam
    5IPCs for CenAm, Johnston Island, Line Islands
    5IPCs for Hawaii, Midway, Wake, Alaska

  • Customizer


    bob_a_mickelson, just wondering what is your response to all the changes being made to the alpha setup summarised here

    Are you asking my opinion or when I will do updated alpha charts?




    advanced artillery can support 2 infantry and/or 2 light infantry

    please correct the tech chart

    or: advanced artillery can support 2 infantry **and/or mechanized infantry

    This omission will be corrected in my next update. ETA is currently unknown.**

  • @Bob_A_Mickelson:


    bob_a_mickelson, just wondering what is your response to all the changes being made to the alpha setup summarised here

    Are you asking my opinion or when I will do updated alpha charts?

    both i guess

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