Totally agree Cow. Most games are won by axis because of how fast they can expand, as well as how many air units they have that can do SO many differen’t moves. The allies air power must all be used for defense for a long time. Eventually I think the allies would win almost every game, if it were about total world conquest, but this game is based on the VC win. This means allies don’t stand much of a chance, in my oppinion. Honestly it reminds me of an 8 VC game in Revised.
Bob_A_Mickelson's AAG40 National Production/Objectives and Setup Charts
…did you happen to make a sheet of roundels for eachpower?
Quite a few people have asked for images of the roundels, unfortunately I dont have them in the proper format to make them bigger. Some look bad at full size others I forgot to save origionals ect. If your looking for roundels this try the link below. I know Imperious and others have created roundels. Just look them up over the web, or scan the actual roundels them selves.
hope this helps: -
Wow thanks for this.
advanced artillery can support 2 infantry and/or 2 light infantry
please correct the tech chart
the battleboard would be nicer if there was a red silouete with all combined and tech developments.
ex: red tac bomber attacking at 4
red jetfighters atacking at 4 and so on -
advanced artillery can support 2 infantry and/or 2 light infantry
please correct the tech chart
or: advanced artillery can support 2 infantry and/or mechanized infantry
bob_a_mickelson, just wondering what is your response to all the changes being made to the alpha setup summarised here
This is ALPHA plus the following:
Setup changes:
1UK inf on England
1Fr inf on England
1ANZAC inf in Egypt
1ANZAC in in NSWales
add 1AA to Sakha
1inf, 1ftr added to Korea
1tranny in z19
Reduce EUS,WUS ICs to minorsadd Italian 1sub, 1destroyer in z95???
Rule changes
New British Gov’t in Exile rule
Cancelation of the “sub pot shot” rule
USSR political reaction to war are “theatre specific”
US ICs on WUS and EUS change to majors in the turn after DOW
Victory condition change- “Theatre Victory” for Axis 6/7VC-Pac, 8VC for Euro
Immediate Allied win once all 3 Axis capitals are captured
Restrict the construction of ICs on foreign territories to minor…upgraded only if recaptured by original controlling player.
AA guns destroyed if captured
NO changes
German NO in Egypt to 5IPCs
UK sub NO- “…no subs in the Atlantic or Med…”- can’t hide in Baltic, Caspian, Black Seas
UK Commonwealth NO
USSR NO changes from 6IPC to 3IPC per original German territory.
USSR Archangel NO- change- “must be at war with at least one Euro Axis power…”
USSR/Japan Non-agresssion NO- whoever is attack by the other first receives 10IPCs immediately.
Japan +10 before war with US/UK/ANZAC/France
Japan/US Island Group NO- 5 of 7- Midway, Wake, Marinaras, Iwo Jima, Caroline, Solomons and Guam
US split NO- 20IPCs for EUS, CUS, WUS and Mexico
5IPCs for Phil/Guam
5IPCs for CenAm, Johnston Island, Line Islands
5IPCs for Hawaii, Midway, Wake, Alaska -
bob_a_mickelson, just wondering what is your response to all the changes being made to the alpha setup summarised here
Are you asking my opinion or when I will do updated alpha charts?
advanced artillery can support 2 infantry and/or 2 light infantry
please correct the tech chart
or: advanced artillery can support 2 infantry **and/or mechanized infantry
This omission will be corrected in my next update. ETA is currently unknown.**
bob_a_mickelson, just wondering what is your response to all the changes being made to the alpha setup summarised here
Are you asking my opinion or when I will do updated alpha charts?
both i guess
New charts will be posted when Larry’s changes are final. I suppose this means when Larry releases the changes in his official unofficial FAQ.
As far as the new changes I agree that most look quite promising. However, I am a bit concerned that the additional uk troops and government in exile rule will make sea lion too unfavorable. Either change would likely work out okay, but both looks like overkill. Sea lion has never been a guaranteed win even when successful.
New charts will be posted when Larry’s changes are final. I suppose this means when Larry releases the changes in his official unofficial FAQ.
As far as the new changes I agree that most look quite promising. However, I am a bit concerned that the additional uk troops and government in exile rule will make sea lion too unfavorable. Either change would likely work out okay, but both looks like overkill. Sea lion has never been a guaranteed win even when successful.
The gov’t in exile rule has been removed. There were no extra UK troops anywhere.
The gov’t in exile rule has been removed.
Over all i am mostly pleased with Larry’s new Alpha+ setup changes. I hope it goes well in playtesting.
Sadly I will probably be playing the game for the first time with the newest Alpha + rules.
Sadly I will probably be playing the game for the first time with the newest Alpha + rules.
Why is that sad?
to bob_a_mickelson, once you have finally finished everything, is there any chance you could format the stuff to ISO paper standards, because thats kind of the world standardised sizes, and the world is a little bigger than US, no one outside of US would even know anything about local paper sizes of there
to bob_a_mickelson, once you have finally finished everything, is there any chance you could format the stuff to ISO paper standards, because thats kind of the world standardised sizes, and the world is a little bigger than US, no one outside of US would even know anything about local paper sizes of there
Unfortunately the charts sizes will only be available in US standards. Resizing these charts to another standard would be quite labor some and I really don’t have the time/desore to do so.
how long do you think it will take you after finalisation to complete the update of the charts of global and pacific and make the europe charts?
Thats hard to say. It all depends on my work and family obligations at the time of release. Hopefully it won’t take too long.
I just downloaded the charts - they look great! Fantastic job!
However, I can’t print them out… any ideas why? -
I pasted into power point and then printed.
Ok, thanks, I’ll give that a try…