• '22 '19 '18

    Great review, saves people from reading 40 pages of posts.  They looked good to me.

  • Official Q&A

    Nice summary, Sgt. Wonko.  A few minor points:


    • If an air unit has no movement left at the end of a sea battle and the carrier it was going to land on is damaged or destroyed, that air unit is also destroyed. This air unit would not be able to retreat from that sea battle.

    Actually, the air unit can retreat.  It just won’t be able to move afterwards, so it will be lost (unless a new carrier is being mobilized in the sea zone).


    • Alberta does not border any US territory.

    This is under review.


    • Air bases, naval bases, factories, and AA guns are considered units for the purposes of Italy’s NO for no enemy units in Africa.

    They are considered units for all purposes.


    • If a power’s capital is liberated all industrial complexes, naval bases, air bases, and AA guns previously liberated by a friendly power are reverted back to the original power’s ownership. The only exception is AA guns taken by an enemy power that are then retaken by a friendly power and not currently in a territory originally by the power whose capital has been liberated.

    Actually, you’re talking about two different situations here.  When a capital is liberated, only AA guns in the capital revert to the control of the liberated power.  Any AA guns controlled by allied powers in outlying territories whose control is being returned to the liberated power are retained by those powers.  The second sentence above always applies, whether the AA gun’s original owner’s capital is enemy-held or not.

  • Waw, good job on digging all the way through this topic!

  • Thanks Krieghund for pointing out those issues. I was a bit confused about the whole liberated AA gun thing but put it in as I understood it. I see what you’re saying about the aircraft retreating as well. You could have a situation in which a fighter or tac bomber used up all of it’s movement getting to a sea battle. If that sea battle was in a sea zone next to an IC, the player could still build a carrier and place it in the hostile sea zone for the fighter/tac bomber to land on once they retreat. Cool! And thanks to everyone else for your comments.

  • @Krieghund:

    The FAQ may be out this month.  There will be no setup changes.

    Oh my God- finally!!! :wink:

  • @Sgt.:

    • Transports do not block amphibious landings.

    Transports and submarines do not block amphibious assaults, or any naval movements.

    • A transport cannot load units while it is in a hostile sea-zone. The only exception is the combat phase after a declaration of war.

    Definition of a hostile sea-zone = enemy surface ships present.

    • Convoy disruptions are limited to the maximum number of IPC’s held by all enemy territories bordering that sea zone.

    But each enemy power only loses IPC income for territories it controls on its turn.

    • A Japanese factory built in a Chinese territory is eliminated if that territory is liberated.

    Actually, any Axis factory.

    Thanks, and good job.

  • TripleA

    If I purchase a Carrier, conduct combat which ends in a plane stopping in the Sea Zone where the Carrier is to be placed, is that allowed?  Or does the plane have to land on the land since at the end of NCM there isn’t a Carrier there until the next step?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, it’s allowed.

  • TripleA

    Please confirm.

    Surprise Strike for Subs.  Attacking subs score a hit, this hit is recorded and the unit moves behind the casualty strip.

    Defending subs fire and score a hit, the attackers unit is removed prior to general sea combat.

    Do the defending units which took a hit from the attacking subs get removed or do they get a chance to attack in general combat?  Or do they only get to attack if the defending unit which takes a hit is a sub?

  • @94Canuck:

    Please confirm.

    Surprise Strike for Subs.  Attacking subs score a hit, this hit is recorded and the unit moves behind the casualty strip.

    Defending subs fire and score a hit, the attackers unit is removed prior to general sea combat.

    Do the defending units which took a hit from the attacking subs get removed or do they get a chance to attack in general combat?  Or do they only get to attack if the defending unit which takes a hit is a sub?

    Unless the’re subs, they’re removed automatically. If they are subs(and the attacker doesn’t have a destroyer), they can fire back.

  • @94Canuck:

    Surprise Strike for Subs.  Attacking subs score a hit, this hit is recorded and the unit moves behind the casualty strip.

    That depends.  If the attacking subs score a hit on boats that are not accompanied by a destroyer, those boats are immediately removed, and do not return fire (definition of surprise strike).  If the attacking subs score a hit on boats that ARE accompanied by a destroyer, the surprise strike capability is nullified, and those boats DO return fire.

    Defending subs fire and score a hit, the attackers unit is removed prior to general sea combat.

    “General” sea combat??  Defending subs get a surprise strike capability (shoot before attacker does) if the attacker has no destroyers.  If the attacker does have destroyer(s) then the subs don’t get surprise strike.  Simple as that.

    Do the defending units which took a hit from the attacking subs get removed or do they get a chance to attack in general combat?  Or do they only get to attack if the defending unit which takes a hit is a sub?

    Doesn’t mater what type of unit the defending unit is.  See above.  If you have a destroyer, your units always get a chance to fire when taking sub hits.  If you do not have a destroyer and you get hit by a sub, you gone, man!  You don’t get to fire.

  • @gamerman01:

    If you do not have a destroyer and you get hit by a sub, you gone, man!  You don’t get to fire.

    Unless, of course, you merely damage a CV or BB

  • Official Q&A


    Please confirm.

    Surprise Strike for Subs.  Attacking subs score a hit, this hit is recorded and the unit moves behind the casualty strip.

    Yes, unless the unit is damaged rather than destroyed.


    Defending subs fire and score a hit, the attackers unit is removed prior to general sea combat.

    Yes, as long as it’s destroyed, and not merely damaged.


    Do the defending units which took a hit from the attacking subs get removed or do they get a chance to attack in general combat?  Or do they only get to attack if the defending unit which takes a hit is a sub?

    All casualties are removed at the end of step 2.  Only units that didn’t fire and weren’t destroyed in step 2 will fire in steps 3 and 4.

  • If the Allies liberate one of the originally Japanese territories with a Chinese marker on them, and then either Italy or Germany take it back, is the territory liberated back to Japan or do Italy or Germany keep it?

    To make this clearer, I’ll use an example.

    CHI3: Shanghai is taken from Japan by China.

    GER4: Germany takes Shanghai.

    Is Shanghai now German or Japanese?

  • @hewhoisnickel:

    If the Allies liberate one of the originally Japanese territories with a Chinese marker on them, and then either Italy or Germany take it back, is the territory liberated back to Japan or do Italy or Germany keep it?

    To make this clearer, I’ll use an example.

    CHI3: Shanghai is taken from Japan by China.

    GER4: Germany takes Shanghai.

    Is Shanghai now German or Japanese?


    You go by the symbol on the map.  No Japanese symbol?  Japan does not get claim to it just because she had it in 1940 (at game start).

  • Hi all–- is there a usable battlemap version out there yet that anyone knows about?  We’re trying to test things and possibly hire a programmer to set us up to be able to run the global game at AAMC.  Any help would be great.

    Thanks, Chris C
    AAMC Vice-Chairman, Asst. Director Tournies and Leagues, Asst. Lt. Games and Rankings
    www.aamc.net  for anyone looking for online play! (We are a user supported/donation free club to join)

  • Official Q&A

    Open issues that have been decided:

    • Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba and Central United States are adjacent.

    • Quebec and New Brunswick/Nova Scotia are adjacent.

    • You may not activate a friendly neutral territory by moving an antiaircraft gun into it.

    • In the global game, if the Soviet Union is at war with Axis powers on only one map, it is still under the restrictions of being a neutral power (see Powers That Begin the Game Neutral, pg. 15) on the other map.  In other words, war with Japan lifts those restrictions from the USSR on the Pacific map only, and war with Germany and/or Italy lifts those restrictions on the Europe map only.

  • @Krieghund:

    Open issues that have been decided:

    • Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba and Central United States are adjacent.

    • Quebec and New Brunswick/Nova Scotia are adjacent.

    • You may not activate a friendly neutral territory by moving an antiaircraft gun into it.

    • In the global game, if the Soviet Union is at war with Axis powers on only one map, it is still under the restrictions of being a neutral power (see Powers That Begin the Game Neutral, pg. 15) on the other map.  In other words, war with Japan lifts those restrictions from the USSR on the Pacific map only, and war with Germany and/or Italy lifts those restrictions on the Europe map only.

    Thank you…very happy as I feel these should be the right clarifications. :-)

  • @questioneer:

    Thank you…very happy as I feel these should be the right clarifications. :-)


  • @Krieghund:

    Open issues that have been decided:

    • Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba and Central United States are adjacent.

    • Quebec and New Brunswick/Nova Scotia are adjacent.

    • You may not activate a friendly neutral territory by moving an antiaircraft gun into it.

    • In the global game, if the Soviet Union is at war with Axis powers on only one map, it is still under the restrictions of being a neutral power (see Powers That Begin the Game Neutral, pg. 15) on the other map.  In other words, war with Japan lifts those restrictions from the USSR on the Pacific map only, and war with Germany and/or Italy lifts those restrictions on the Europe map only.

    That Soviet rule makes sense, seems natural to me.

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