Regarding SZ 110, I got hosed one time on a UK scramble. Usually as Germany, I send 3 fighters, 3 Stukas, 1 bombers and sometimes 1 sub to SZ 110. Our UK player had gotten in the habit of not scrambling in order to save the RAF for future action.
Well, this one game I made the mistake of just assuming UK would not scramble. I sent 2 fighters, 2 Stukas and 1 bomber to SZ 110. The other fighter and Stuka I sent to kill the French fleet in SZ 93. Well, UK taught me a lesson. They scrambled and wiped out my planes. I didn’t even kill all the ships in the channel.
Never made that mistake again.
I just scanned all 31 or so pages of this thread to see if this question had been asked yet and I didn’t see it (hope I just didn’t miss it) as there have been a lot of repeat questions…
Germany has an NO for not being at war with the USSR. Is this NO only ever in effect in the first turns until war is initially declared between those two powers, or is it possible to get it back later on. If it is possible what exactly would the conditions be? I should think that if Moscow is under Axis Occupation AND there is not a SINGLE USSR piece left on the board that would imply that the USSR is out of the game until another Ally can bring them back in, and as such, Germany is no longer at war with them, and so would collect the 5 IPC NO. Is this just wishful thinking or is there something to it? Maybe it’d have to be taken a step further and there could not be a SINGLE USSR territory not under another power’s or even exclusively Axis control in order to no longer be in a state of war with them. Or are you simply considered to always be at war with a power, even if they are literally blown off the map…?
Or are you simply considered to always be at war with a power, even if they are literally blown off the map…?
Yes, that’s right.
So the most possible times for Germany to collect that NO is for 4 turns, assuming Russia always declares war on Euro Axis on R4 to get their NO and to stop the German NO.
No such thing as undoing a DOW, and all DOW’s are reciprocal.
Thank you Gamerman! It saddens me, but it is certainly not something that will ever come up very often anyways, so np! :lol:
Thank you Gamerman! It saddens me, but it is certainly not something that will ever come up very often anyways, so np! :lol:
Yeah, would be pretty sweet to get your 5 IPC NO after blowing Russia off the map (yep! Not at war with them anymore!). Only problem is, it represents trade from Russia. No Russia, no trade. :evil:
If Euro UK successfully rolls research, does Pacific UK receive it as well and vise versa? I’m not sure if they are counted as completely separate powers apart from having a separate economy.
If Euro UK successfully rolls research, does Pacific UK receive it as well and vise versa? I’m not sure if they are counted as completely separate powers apart from having a separate economy.
Yes, they share tech
If Euro UK successfully rolls research, does Pacific UK receive it as well and vise versa? I’m not sure if they are counted as completely separate powers apart from having a separate economy.
The UK is run as one power except for collecting income, purchasing new units, and some weird rules when a capital falls.
Either London or Calcutta or both can pay for research dice, and a 6 benefits the entire United Kingdom.
Ok, thanks for the quick answer.
I’m in a game of global right now, and a question as to liberating Paris has come up that I’m not sure of the answer to. I am the axis, and control Paris. My opponent, the allies, controls Normandy as UK, and Southern France as USA. He is utilizing the UK factory in Normandy, and has built a major USA factory in S. France.
I’m about to get my 14th city this turn, in which case he will crush Paris. However, he’s refrained from doing so right now in order to utilize the American factory on mainland Europe. His question for me is, if he liberates Paris, do the factories revert control to France IMMEDIATELY or will he still get to place 10 units for his turn?
I believe that it would revert control immediately, but in the rulebook I can’t find a specific statement that this is the case, and he believes that he should still be able to place his 10 units. Anyone know which one of us is correct?
I’m in a game of global right now, and a question as to liberating Paris has come up that I’m not sure of the answer to. I am the axis, and control Paris. My opponent, the allies, controls Normandy as UK, and Southern France as USA. He is utilizing the UK factory in Normandy, and has built a major USA factory in S. France.
I’m about to get my 14th city this turn, in which case he will crush Paris. However, he’s refrained from doing so right now in order to utilize the American factory on mainland Europe. His question for me is, if he liberates Paris, do the factories revert control to France IMMEDIATELY or will he still get to place 10 units for his turn?
I believe that it would revert control immediately, but in the rulebook I can’t find a specific statement that this is the case, and he believes that he should still be able to place his 10 units. Anyone know which one of us is correct?
I believe it reverts control immediately(since you can’t collect income from French territories if US liberates Paris).
Thank you for such a quick answer calvin, I think that’s the case as well. But his point is that since it was USA controlled at the start of the turn, would it remain a USA territory until France’s turn? I think it would revert immediately, but again I can’t find a line in the rules that actually says that.
Control of territories changes during the Conduct Combat phase. When a capital is liberated, all original territories of that power that are controlled by its allies immediately revert back to its control.
How about calvinhobbesliker and gamerman01? They did a pretty good job keeping things running smoothly here while I was gone, eh? Thanks, guys!
Question Krieg, If you obtain radar, do the benefits transfer over to the air defense of ICs and bases as well, or just the actual AA pieces? In other words, if I’m being strategically bombed, and I have radar, does my anti aircraft hit on a 2? I don’t have the rulebook since it’s a friends game, so that’s why I ask.
Also, If Germany builds an IC in Romania, would it be an act of war against Turkey to produce sea units in SZ 100 if they don’t pass through the strait?
Control of territories changes during the Conduct Combat phase. When a capital is liberated, all original territories of that power that are controlled by its allies immediately revert back to its control.
Thank you Krieghund, that will be good to know for the future. Turns out that didn’t come into play because he was unable to take Paris back (24 attackers, 24 defenders, all wiped out so I kept it) and the game ended, but had this been an issue he was being very stubborn. Thanks again!
Control of territories changes during the Conduct Combat phase. When a capital is liberated, all original territories of that power that are controlled by its allies immediately revert back to its control.
Thank you Krieghund, that will be good to know for the future. Turns out that didn’t come into play because he was unable to take Paris back (24 attackers, 24 defenders, all wiped out so I kept it) and the game ended, but had this been an issue he was being very stubborn. Thanks again!
Beware playing with stubborn players! :-)
Global and Pacific start in 1940, both use Flying Tigers, which arrive in 41 in China, and in 1940 its the 350 Russian pilots and 150 Russians pilots training Chinese pilots to fly SU aircraft, maintained by 5000 SU ground crews, that are being represented by US fighter and less than a 100 US Vol, is this simply a copy paste from other AA games or just bad history?
Good point, but would you rather the game introduced further complication by having the flying tigers mystically appear on China round 2 or 3?
When simplicity clashes with historical reality, A&A usually goes for simplicity. HTH
How about calvinhobbesliker and gamerman01? They did a pretty good job keeping things running smoothly here while I was gone, eh? Thanks, guys!
Welcome back, and please don’t ever leave the FAQ’s permanently. It’s great having the patient and official A&A rules answer guy right here.
Actually, I think I have a rules question for you that I came up with while you were out.
Neutral territories:
You can blitz unfriendly neutrals during the combat phase, but cannot move through a friendly neutral with a tank during the noncombat phase (because no blitzing during noncombat, and because the rules say so on page 10). You can never fly over any neutral until the turn following taking control of a neutral.
Are these statements correct? If so, why can’t a power fly over a neutral? Seems strange, since air can always fly over any territory (without taking AA fire) except the Sahara and those marshes. Now I can see if flying over a strict neutral would make those neutrals turn against you, but I’m not sure why the ban of flying over friendlies and unfriendlies. Maybe it’s for game-play purposes?
Question Krieg, If you obtain radar, do the benefits transfer over to the air defense of ICs and bases as well, or just the actual AA pieces? In other words, if I’m being strategically bombed, and I have radar, does my anti aircraft hit on a 2? I don’t have the rulebook since it’s a friends game, so that’s why I ask.
Also, If Germany builds an IC in Romania, would it be an act of war against Turkey to produce sea units in SZ 100 if they don’t pass through the strait?
I know you want Krieg, but I’m sure I can take this one for you.
From page #37:
4. Radar. Your antiaircraft fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1.I know you didn’t have the rulebook, so there it is. Radar improves ALL antiaircraft fire immediately. It’s freaking awesome.
Rulebook says NOTHING about Z100 placement being an act of war. The only act of war on Turkey is invading it. Only major powers have complex act of war rules (Flying over China, e.g.).
Thanks gamerman. I’ve been looking at a pic of the board online for hours and just got the idea to put a factory in Romania for the Germans and use a transport in SZ 100 to ferry men deeper into russia at a quicker pace.
Anyone with a working knowledge of world war 2 knows that Germany did not destroy the entire Royal Navy around Britain in Summer 1940, that the US made much more than the equivalent of 82 ipcs, that German bombers in Hamburg could not attack Ireland and land in Holland, that Japan could not invade British Colombia from Japan in less time than the US moves troops from Norfolk to London, that West German forces never attacked France directly, that China was no pushover in the real war, that allied powers did share technology, that the English Channel was as impassible to the axis as the Strait of Gibraltar, and that Italy never took Egypt