Axis or Allies Wins in Those Who Have Played Global…List them here.

  • What did Germany use to bulldoze the Gibraltar Fleet.  2 submarines seems inadequate, be nice if the fleet was a space to the West.

  • Only the two subs. My team mate decided to take the very risky risk and it definitely payed off in the long run. If it had failed, the Allies might have won simply due to the fact that Italy would have been slowed down considerably, and then Germany probably would have lost the Battle for Stalingrad, as their attack really slowed after Leningrad.

  • @Real:

    What did Germany use to bulldoze the Gibraltar Fleet.  2 submarines seems inadequate, be nice if the fleet was a space to the West.

    You never know when the dice happens to like you at that particular moment…

  • We have played 3 games. The Allies have won all three games.

    But the axis powers are getting better. The last game it was 8 turns before the Axis conceded defeat. The Italian player finally broke out and conquered most of Africa and Persia. And the Soviet Union was giving ground to the Wehrmacht. It required a combined British and American force landing in Denmark to force the Germans to move their armored corps to protect the heart of Germany. When Germany saw that it would be on a permanent defensive posture it surrendered.

    In this game Japan was the weak link. We used the suggested changes from Larry on the P40 and used them in the Global game. The Japanese player was using the old strategy of going all out for India first. That just did not work and was a waste of time. If Japan had concentrated on China and the Soviet Union the first 2 turns I am convinced they would have done a lot better.

  • Our first Global game was an Axis win. Englad got a little cute and Germany was able to pull off Sea Lion. Japan wasnt doing so hot (we use the proposed changes that took away 7 planes) but it wasnt grim.

    Not a big fan of the Sea Lion thing though…seems like if it’s successful, the game is all over except for the shouting. That means an awful lot of setup/clean-up time for a game that might only make it 2 and half turns or so. We played it out for a while, but the writing was easily on the wall the minute Germany took UK’s money. I’m not quite sure why that rule exists anymore. It’s not like losing your capital and not being able to build isnt bad enough…giving the money just seems to end the game right there,


    Anyways, at least it was a Axis win, even if it was because UK bit off more than they could chew. :)

  • This is a game you should probably have set up always maybe in a spare room so you don’t waste time setting up and cleaning up everytime just sit down and play and then re set it?

  • '10

    Played our first Global game Saturday.  Allied win, despite Britain falling round 3 to Sea Lion (liberated by U.S. rd 5).  It hurt the Luftwaffe badly enough they were vulnerable against Russia, and the Japanese were ineffective in the Pacific.  Didn’t get the DEI, failed to elimiate China, Russians took Manchuria and Korea briefly, etc.  Italians did well in the Med., due to U.K. passing up Taranto first round.  Eventually bought a Minor IC in Iraq, which the Brits promptly snagged.  Axis conceded around round nine–had pretty much ran out of momentum.

  • We have played two games, both were easy allied wins,

    The first game we did not bring USA into the game, couldnt stop the Brits.

    The second game first turn attack, Germans even had jets, USA economy rolled Japan then Europe.

    I  am sure there is still lots to learn, but am thinking about going back to our old name for this game, allies and losers, LOL.

  • I have played 5 games so far.  In 3 games the allies were the clear winners.  The other two games were called draws after about 15 hours of play each but probably would have been allied wins also if played to conclusion.

    I think the game is balanced but that the axis take a little more skill to use initially.  It is taking our group a little bit of practice as the axis to prepare for the huge force Amercian can send in any direction.  I think Japan might be the hardest yet most fun country to play especially if the US is investing in the Pacific.

    We having been falling into the trap of having each other go at Germany and Russia’s Capitals but are starting to pay more attention to victory cities.  It is very hard for Berlin or Moscow to fall in this game if each one turtles.  It is has been a lot of fun so far but I might switch to playing a different version of axis and allies due to the fact that our games just seem to last too long and I really should focus on other things in life :)

  • 2 games both Allied wins.
    First game US Played only in the Pac theatre. 2 times in that game Germany sent overwhelming forces into the UK. They shouldn’t have lost either battle but the dice screwed them over. Had they succeeded, US would have needed to spend a few turns in the Europe theatre, which would’ve taken pressure off of Japan and given the Axis a chance. Instead Japan (me) got owned then all Allies creamed Europe.
    Second game I was US and the Pac Allies. Soviet Union got Rockets as research. Once they went to war they jacked up 2 German and 1 Italian complexes. That mixed with the bombing raids on all 3 Axis powers screwed up their economy. Japan owned the Pac ocean until I swung in and took SZ 6. I didn’t have land units to take it but I held it and we slowly took them out of China and Russia.

  • @Mino1124:

    2 games both Allied wins.
    First game US Played only in the Pac theatre. 2 times in that game Germany sent overwhelming forces into the UK. They shouldn’t have lost either battle but the dice screwed them over. Had they succeeded, US would have needed to spend a few turns in the Europe theatre, which would’ve taken pressure off of Japan and given the Axis a chance. Instead Japan (me) got owned then all Allies creamed Europe.
    Second game I was US and the Pac Allies. Soviet Union got Rockets as research. Once they went to war they jacked up 2 German and 1 Italian complexes. That mixed with the bombing raids on all 3 Axis powers screwed up their economy. Japan owned the Pac ocean until I swung in and took SZ 6. I didn’t have land units to take it but I held it and we slowly took them out of China and Russia.

    Okay, the 1st win was due to bad dice and the 2nd win was legitimate

  • I’ve gotten in one game.  Didn’t have the time to play it through to completion (only place I had the room to set it up was my bed, and I needed sleep after 7 hours of play  XP).  Called it a draw.

    Used the most recent set-up changes for Pacific.  Japan never got close to India.  They skirmished with the Soviet troops north of Manchuria, which really slowed them down, and lightened the push into China.  Once the UK got involved, the Burma Road stayed open, and ANZAC dropped a number of subs which shredded the Japanese navy.

    Over in Europe, Germany overwhelmed Paris G1, as well as sinking the vast majority of the RN, the remainder of the RN was sunk G2, and G3, a Sealion just barely captured London (at the cost of a few planes) while simultaneously launching Barbarossa.  Germany went light into the Soviet border territories, drawing out the full force of the Red Army, which was soundly crushed by the next wave of German troops (mechanized infantry are quite useful in that regard).  When I called it quits, Germany had a stack of tanks sitting in Leningrad ready to start pushing towards Moscow, and Italy (which did spectacularly well in Africa) was making a slow push towards Stalingrad along with a smaller German force.

    At the end, the US had a sizeable force in Iceland ready to try to liberate London, as well as another force in North Africa pushing towards Egypt, and small fleets dashing around the Pacific.  Germany looked like it was still going strong against the USSR, though the Soviets’ all infantry build after the fall of Leningrad would have probably made Moscow a tough nut to crack, Italy was being forced to turn its attention from the Soviet Union to the US forces that were starting to push into north Africa, and Japan was lying on the ground convulsing, bleeding out of a hole that wasn’t quite big enough to kill it.  Not sure how it would have turned out.

  • First Game- Axis

    OotB rules and setup. I won but it went to 16 turns. UK didn’t attack Italy at all, successful G2 Sealion, and Japan attacked Russia on J1. This was a huge mistake. Japan never could commit enough forces for the land war in Asia to turn the tide. But once Italian and German tanks started pouring into the Middle east and China, the Allies conceded.

  • My opponent and I have played 8 or more times Axis wins all but 1 and it was because of an Axis gamble that left japan open so USA was able to land.
    our games have gone much the same way:
    Germany takes france, yugo and kills UK fleet
    Japan attack turn 1 by round 4 has India round 5 or 6 money islands and round 7 china is gone. so head to russia with tanks from India factory & head to Hawaii with fleet to win 6/8 red cities in the Pacific.
    Japan turn 3 attack and the whole thing takes longer due to the USA build up for 3 turns.
    Germany & Italy just take what they can for 3 turns and hold on as the russians UK and USA send things their way while Japan takes everything

  • @real-life-rorschach
    I played about 6 games, 1 Axis win, the others Allied. The main deciding factors were bad G1 dice in all of the games, the Soviets being almost impossible to defeat in time (the one time the Axis won, the U.S. and Britain were about to take Berlin/Warsaw on the next turn), and the Americans sending strategic bombers to Europe and crippling the German factory production while still being able to fight Japan.

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