Herr KaLeun and ColonelCarter,
Thank you also for the added answer and explanation answers for transports offload ( Sorry Chris for diverging your sub topic ).
If let’s say Italy enters a pro axis country with his tactical move for the first time (in that country) can he land an air unit at the same turn? Thank you in advance.
If let’s say Italy enters a pro axis country with his tactical move for the first time (in that country) can he land an air unit at the same turn? Thank you in advance.
It’s a little unclear what exactly you mean, but in whatever case, it’s no.
But to be more clear: Let’s assume you are referring to a Combat Move as a “Tactical Move”. Italy can only move into a pro-axis neutral as a noncombat move, whereupon Italy takes control of the territory. All land movement stops in that territory. A tank cannot move into that proaxis neutral and continue on. Nor can italy take control of said pro-axis neutral as a combat move and then move through during non-combat. “Friendly” neutrals are not the same as enemy territories or “Unfriendly” neutrals. In essence, you are coming in with an olive branch (non combat) and establishing diplomatic ties. Not blitzing through and killin’ folk.
As for air units, they can NEVER end their noncombat move in a captured territory that they did not start the turn with.
Thank you very much, I only wanted to ask about air units. I know what you can do with your land units. Thanks for your very good explaination!