If you’re using 2nd edition, you don’t need anything from Alpha 3, as it’s all been incorporated into the 2nd edition. Use the 2nd edition setups, which can be found here.
AAE40 setup ( now verified)
To me, it definitely looks like a 1 but I launched an investigation, resulting in the following:
The only units on UK according to the setup are Infantry and Fighters. I think that’s agreed upon.
If you would kindly load up the map of the setup at: http://yfrog.com/3utm3sj
Then you will see that on UK there is a non-infantry unit on the UK, as it’s kinda flat to be intended to be a sculpt of a person. Therefore, we must conclude it is a fighter. This unit has chips under it. Therefore I believe we can assume that the number is more than 1 Fighter.
To me, it definitely looks like a 1 but I launched an investigation, resulting in the following:
The only units on UK according to the setup are Infantry and Fighters. I think that’s agreed upon.
If you would kindly load up the map of the setup at: http://yfrog.com/3utm3sj
Then you will see that on UK there is a non-infantry unit on the UK, as it’s kinda flat to be intended to be a sculpt of a person. Therefore, we must conclude it is a fighter. This unit has chips under it. Therefore I believe we can assume that the number is more than 1 Fighter.
Actually this proves my point. look slightly to the left theres chips under it and its a fighter. Its not next to france pieces.
its under the IC. so it must be more than 2. which eliminates 1. picture is attached highlighting my point. -
I have some issues with the british starting units and placement, since German naval strategies have been some of my favorites in previous games. Sealion with the currently posted setup for Round 1 will be way too deadly and overpowered for the UK player to counter. So I’m agreeing with “the more than 1 fighter on UK” people… think about it:
There have to be at least 2 if not 3 (or even 4) fighters in the UK at setup since it says “fighterS” in the UK setup card. 3 would make at least some sense since it seems the UK will absolutely need every ounce of fighting power it can get UK1 to prevent a G2 knockout Sealion attack… ONE infantry defending the islands UK1??? At 29 IPCs for UK1 the most they can afford to defend the isle is 7 infantry and 1 tank, and even with the Canadian units dropped (1 tank and 1 inf, if they can even reach that far to the UK on the first turn), its like 9 inf 1 armor 2 (or 3 or 4) fig against a full 4 (or 5!!!) German transports (built G1 since it seems Western Germany has access to the Baltic with a Major IC!!!..) with at least 4 arm and 4 inf and up to 6+ planes as backup. This isn’t even counting in bb and cruiser hits if Germany clears the SZs appropriately on the way. This definitely opens up some really easy Sealion opportunities for Germany, so I’m thinking that the Brits have to have at least 4 defending fighters to really make the Germans think twice before trying a Round 2 knockout. With only 1 fighter present UK1, its laughably impossible to stop Germany at all. 4 fighters would also force Germany to build some defensive fleet units instead of transports to keep the battleship from being splashed on UK1 too, so that makes it more balancing historically as well. (Though even with 4 fighters I think Sealion could still be a viable strategy, just a lot more unlikely to pull off.)
Malta… FORTRESS Malta?.. REALLY, LARRY??? Apparently they must have been resupplying the base at this point in history in Spring 1940… Britain goes before Italy in the turn order, however, so I assume there’s some way they can fortify before Italy’s turn with units from Gibraltar or Egypt. Looks like it will be an open/shut case however, or just not worth trying to defend or taking. But I’m thinking with a German Sealion strategy saving Malta will be the last thing on the British player’s mind.
G1 sealion is impossibe
there is a UK destroyer and Fremch cruiser blocking in the German Navy. Past that, touching the UK are 2 sets of Battlship + Transport.By G2 im sure there will be more UK units there
Also a French infantry starts in UK for some reason.
Dunkirk included French Units too so thts why.
There have to be at least 2 if not 3 (or even 4) fighters in the UK at setup since it says “fighterS” in the UK setup card.
Uh, yeaaaahhhhhh…… And isn’t this game made by the same people who put “artilley” on the setup card, and didn’t put Honolulu on Hawaii, and had a major complex in Australia, and a minor on New Zealand, etc etc etc
More convincing is the picture with a chip under the fighter. Not convincing - the plural of “fighter” being on the setup card :lol:
Also, Russia as a counter to Britain in AAE40 is even more laughable than before; they have a fricking battleship in the Baltic and only 2 tanks at game start! At least in this game they have 2 fighters to start with, so hopefully it’ll feel more like a Revised game than a AA50 '41. Still, Germany has options before it has to go to war with them now, so plenty of time to prepare for Barbarossa.
If Germany manages to KO the UK round 2, I wonder if it starts global war dec early or if the neutrality will still be standing through round 3. Germany with 80+ IPCs from taking UK AND having a full fleet capable of retaking Britain or invading the Soviet Union at the drop of a hat AND having 2 major ICs to build units will be nigh unstoppable for the remaining Allied players if they can’t automatically war dec that round. Hopefully there’ll be some special rules in place so that Britain can fight on from Canada and/or America and Russia enter the war early upon London’s fall.
I’m also thinking that Berlin is possibly a minor IC instead of a major IC so that the Reds have even more time to get their ground units built up before the endless waves of tanks arrive from Western Germany. Not that it matters much if Britain has fallen, but it might be some kind of attempt at balancing German tank builds against Russia.
G1 sealion is impossibe
there is a UK destroyer and Fremch cruiser blocking in the German Navy. Past that, touching the UK are 2 sets of Battlship + Transport.By G2 im sure there will be more UK units there
Also a French infantry starts in UK for some reason.
The Sealion attempt posted is a G2 attack. This will be after G1 sub + plane attacks on lone British/French naval units, plus the Germans have a Battleship and Cruiser themselves to attack the naval units blocking SZ 112 (looks like 2 cruisers, 1 french and 1 british). Both SZ 110 and 111 battleships are in range of the 6 german planes based in Western Germany and subs based in SZs nearby. It also looks like Germany can build naval units from its major IC in Western Germany into SZ 112 to fortify the fleet that survives; 1 trans at start plus 3 more built equals 4 trans, which is plenty of carrying capacity to attempt a Sealion. Germany with its starting 30 IPCs could even build a destroyer into the SZ 112 fleet or even another transport G1 to have even more firepower to threaten England Round 2 (1 bb 1 cru 1 dd 4 trans or 1 bb 1 cru 5 trans!!! :mrgreen:). I’m thinking the Brits will start the game with at least 4 fighters in England for a reason, to prevent easy Sealion builds into SZ 112 like this one. So this scenario is unlikely. Plus it will probably postpone or even nullify a half-hearted attack into France, which may have the dice roll against it and not likely to be be successful or attempted. So its kinda risky leaving the backdoor open for both France and Russia to take advantage of.
It may be unlikely Germany will get away with this if they don’t crush France with everything they’ve got at game start, (since this Sealion will require at least 4 tanks and 4 inf to be left in Western Germany) but I think it might be a fun gamble to take. France really doesn’t have the offensive units to threaten Germany if it survives Round 1 anyway, and since Germany builds first with a major IC bordering France it shouldn’t be too difficult to block them.
It also might be possible for Germany to just build 2 trans and 1 carrier G1 in SZ 112 to make sure the fleet doesn’t get splashed by the 2 (or 3 or 4) UK fighters UK1. But with only 6 land units to invade the UK from 3 well-protected transports, well, maybe Sealion is suicidal after all… Guess we’ll find out.
looks like us/canada (but realy just the us)will have a hard time getting to the uk
looks like us/canada (but realy just the us)will have a hard time getting to the uk
thats the way it should be
look at the attached pic is this true and what are the circled things
edit: also what’s up with the chips? there just sitting ther w/ noting on them!I think the circled things are where somebody reviewing the game thought: “WHAT… THE… *%^$…”
Finland’s ambiguity probably represents the Winter War the Finns fought against Russia. IF Russia decides to invade Finland R1 they might or might not take it outright depending on how many units pop up plus how well they roll. I’m not sure if Germany can “liberate” pro-Axis Finland with an inf from Norway G1 and get those inf plus Finland’s IPCs for essentially free, but it might be something the Axis can do. Not sure with the new pro-allied/axis neutral rules.
Dude is probably wondering what happened to the Dard for Italy… you have to invade Turkey this time, man! Jeez, I’m sure the Turks will be happy to let the Italian Regia Marina sail right on through for free. He is also wondering what’s the point of the 3 tiny allied nations off Brazil. I think they make great rest stops for allied planes headed to Africa.
I myself am concerned about Malta, but since I like playing Axis more than Allies, Fortress Malta as a pushover is no biggie for me. The chip off Africa is 2 british infantry in Alexandria and the guy on top is taking a nap somewhere.
look at the attached pic is this true and what are the circled things
edit: also what’s up with the chips? there just sitting ther w/ noting on them!I think the circled things are where somebody reviewing the game thought: “WHAT… THE… *%^$…”
Finland’s ambiguity probably represents the Winter War the Finns fought against Russia. IF Russia decides to invade Finland R1 they might or might not take it outright depending on how many units pop up plus how well they roll. I’m not sure if Germany can “liberate” pro-Axis Finland with an inf from Norway G1 and get those inf plus Finland’s IPCs for essentially free, but it might be something the Axis can do. Not sure with the new pro-allied/axis neutral rules.
Dude is probably wondering what happened to the Dard for Italy… you have to invade Turkey this time, man! Jeez, I’m sure the Turks will be happy to let the Italian Regia Marina sail right on through for free. He is also wondering what’s the point of the 3 tiny allied nations off Brazil. I think they make great rest stops for allied planes headed to Africa.
I myself am concerned about Malta, but since I like playing Axis more than Allies, Fortress Malta as a pushover is no biggie for me. The chip off Africa is 2 british infantry in Alexandria and the guy on top is taking a nap somewhere.
If you look close enough you see theres a fighter in the chip.
Also, in that last picture (which I think is Round 1 setup), there definitely appears to be chips under that UK fighter placed in England. The dude even has it circled with a green check-mark. So that must mean its something good.
Also, in that last picture (which I think is Round 1 setup), there definitely appears to be chips under that UK fighter placed in England. The dude even has it circled with a green check-mark. So that must mean its something good.
1. that 'dude" is me
2. thats a fighter no checkmark
3. this is djensens photo showing set up -
LOL LOL LOL!!! Italy has 3 mechanized inf in Tobruk??? And England has NONE in Alexandria or Egypt??? That is completely bass-ackwards.
Tobruk: Italy 4 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Tank
Alexandria: Britain 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
Egypt: Britain 1 Infantry 1 Artillery
Not that it really matters unit-wise whether you’re attacking with regular inf or mech inf, but the Africa setup is completely bogus. Not only were Italy’s forces tied down due to lack of transportation/supplies, they were also facing British units with superior firepower in tanks and planes. It should be more like:
Tobruk: Italy 7 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank
Alexandria: Britain 3 Mechanized Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 Tanks, 2 Fighters
I guess don’t be teaching historical lessons with AA games, lol again.
Also, in that last picture (which I think is Round 1 setup), there definitely appears to be chips under that UK fighter placed in England. The dude even has it circled with a green check-mark. So that must mean its something good.
1. that 'dude" is me
2. thats a fighter no checkmark
3. this is djensens photo showing set up1. Wasn’t sure who posted the pic, just staying up late posting before I lose internet for a few days moving; plus we have no a/c in the house tonight. FUN TIMES!!!
2. As in “YES! There is more than one british fighter on the capital at game start!”? (There has to be, RAF fanboy Axis and Allies junkies would have Larry’s head at the next Gen-Con.)
3. Ah cool so he’s the dude who set up the game for us! Thanks djensens! -
maybe they think the minor IC in South Africa counters the lack of Brit troops in N Africa? still doesnt sound right to me. especially with NOTHING IN MALTA!
i think it might be 4 figs in the uk.