• @fanofbond:

    It will be the uk then since they’re susposed to control France also. But I know I am going to be making a box for france because two powers in one box is going to be a pain the butt. If it was like china with only inf I wouldn’t care butt digging threw two powers with full armies will drive me crazy.  So I’ll make another box in woodshop

    I don’t think it’s been specified which player controls France. Just like it wasn’t specified who would control China in Pacific.

  • Yeah but here on the forums it has been acceptedly that the uk player will controll France

  • @fanofbond:

    Yeah but here on the forums it has been acceptedly that the uk player will controll France

    Perhaps, but I think the Brits have enough to worry about. Besides, the Soviet player will be doing nothing for the first few turns except positioning and buying armies, so why not control the French in their final hours, and the Free French units that remain in the Empire?

    UK seems more likely though similar molds right?

    I hope so. They’ll be getting their own infantry mold, but everything else will be borrowed from other Allied units, which makes no sense historical-wise, but I guess Wizards needs to cut their costs somehow. /sourmood

  • @Axisgirl:

    Thank you Krieghund. Ive been lurking for a while and decided to make an account.

    Im thinking that France will share a box with UK?

    or maybe Italy?

    UK seems more likely though similar molds right?

    I’m not sure, but I think France will get the Japan tank mold, and some other things from Japan.

  • @Axisgirl:

    Really? I could see France using the Sherman

    Well I just guessed because Italy in AA50 used Japanese pieces (other then infantry.)

  • @cminke:

    france never recive any shermans. shermans are u.s. not british. and we all know(i hope)that usa never came in when france was still fighting

    No just Britain and France will be at war with Germany and Italy.

  • '10

    The Japanese tank is based on a French design…  so it will not be a terrible crime if WOTC uses Blue Japanese tanks for France.

  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    The Japanese tank is based on a French design…  so it will not be a terrible crime if WOTC uses Blue Japanese tanks for France.

    Do you know anything about the French units?

  • @cminke:

    how could he?

    He’s field marshal games  :|

  • It doesn’t matter what type of tanks WOTC make for France, cause next year FMG will make a better tank anyway.

  • '10

    From Wikipedia
    “Near the end of World War I, the IJA showed an interest in armored warfare and tanks and obtained a variety of models from foreign sources. These models included one British Heavy Mk IV and six Medium Mark A Whippets, along with thirteen French Renault FT-17s (later designated Ko-Gata Sensha or “Type A Tank”). The Mk IV was purchased in October 1918 while the Whippets and Renaults were acquired in 1919.”

    Japan imported a lot of tanks before the war and copied/modified the designs

  • I think Japanese molds would look proper with the French. What I hate is the British tank mold. The cromwell would have looked way better.

  • @cminke:

    france never recive any shermans.

    Actually I don’t believe this is true and in the latter half of the war they used the Sherman as their MBT.


  • The French Armoured division under Leclerc used Shermans

  • on the setup pic it looks like a t-34 (oob russian) can anyone tell me of a french tank(or japaneese)that looks like a t-34?

  • @Axisgirl:

    Italy is using the German fighter mold. I can get around that by painting some luffetwaffe from the 2004 set.

    And no The French tank is a Sherman. Trust me.


  • Since we know the French tank sculpt will not be uniquely French from previous LH posts, I’m thinking it’s pretty certain that they’ll get the Sherman. Not the T-34.


  • From the list of facts announced by LH:


    AAE40 and AAE40 Fact Sheet: (Reformatted version of above)
    Unique French infantry pieces (blue color) Infantry will have a unique sculpt, while tanks, and non-infantry will use existing sculpts from other players (mostly using allied sculpts). France has its own national tokens.


  • So Anyway, It seems to me pretty clear that France will be using existing allied pieces. I would think they will be using British pieces, mainly because, as people have stated, the shemans would look a bit off. Also, I think another issue will be the fighter planes would look a bit off if you used American pieces, P-38’s wouldnt look right.

    Maybe thats why they might use Soviet pieces, because the soviet yak fighter is alittle more ambiguios then they British and American fighter sculpts. Of course this creates the obvious problem of the French having the T-34’s.
    Perhapse they will use a hybrid instead of just one countires.

    Axisgirl, im sorry if you feel your being treated unfairly, but sometimes your posts dont have much to do with whats being discussed.

  • Will France share a box with the UK or US Krieg?

    Considering both of these powers have boxes in pacific, it would make things simpler for the global game.

    I assume it is the US, because the Setup chart on the US box for the US will only have
    Eastern US - Major Factory, AA Gun, Port, Airbase, 2 Infantry, 1 Artilery, 1 Mech Infantry, 1 Armor, 2 Fighters, 1 Tactical Bomber, 1 Bomber.
    Central US - 2 Infantry
    Panama - 1 Infantry, Port
    SZ off the coast of US - 2 Destroyers, 2 Cruisers

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