It’s difficult to say. Only time and testing will tell.
How is France going to survive even 1 round?!?
Will Paris even be in French hands at the start because since French Indo China doesn’t provoke war will Paris even be French at the start
Yes the French will own Paris at the start
Will Paris even be in French hands at the start because since French Indo China doesn’t provoke war will Paris even be French at the start
What kind of question is this? If Paris is not in the french hands at the beginning of the game, then France is out of the game.
So Paris will start off French, but will be in German hands most likely G1. Germany will get the loot, and the French won’t be able to build units.
Larry said that there may be a few French units that will be placed for free if/when France is liberated. If that holds true, I wonder if the French units get placed at Paris right away (when liberated), or on France’s turn. I figure by time France is liberated, Germany & Italy will be on the decline (unless the axis just leaves it week). Say UK liberates Paris, (if Italy can’t take it back) then US comes to reinforce. Then you would get the free French guys (unless you got them already when UK liberated) plus France starts getting paid. By time Germany’s turn rolls around they could have their hands full. The one thing that frustrated me in AA50 was that France got traded from time to time for its link to the NO’s. Sometimes it was easier for Germany to leave it open, and repo it back (or have Italy do it). If France does get some units upon liberation, and has a chance to get paid, I don’t think the axis will be trading it anymore. This is good for game play, and historically IMO.
Will Paris even be in French hands at the start because since French Indo China doesn’t provoke war will Paris even be French at the start
Obviously, France will have some special rule to prevent japs at war with brits after taking FIC. Don’t assume same rules (or setup I pray) as in AA40
I think that if Paris falls G1 (as it should), then on J1 Japan could invade FIC w/o DOW on UK. This would hold true for any Jap turn following the fall of Paris. If Paris survives then UK and France are still partners, so a Jap invasion of FIC would require a Jap DOW on UK. Of coarse that’s just my take on it, but it sounds right.
I’d like to know if there’ll be any inf in fic
After France falls. What is next for Germany? UK, Russia or Africa.
I think Germany should sack Italy next, so it can get more $. Once Germany gets control of Rome it gets total control of all Italian units. Now all the little brown dudes move during Germany’s turn. They have the option of going before, after, or at the same time. Germany can also produce its own units from Italian IC.
I think Germany should sack Italy next, so it can get more $. Once Germany gets control of Rome it gets total control of all Italian units. Now all the little brown dudes move during Germany’s turn. They have the option of going before, after, or at the same time. Germany can also produce its own units from Italian IC.
Something tells me that the rules won’t allow this.
After France falls. What is next for Germany? UK, Russia or Africa.
Hopefully Germany will be strong enough to be competitive in all three of these at once :-)
After France falls. What is next for Germany? UK, Russia or Africa.
Axis round #1
G1 kill France, and try to take out parts of UK navy. Take any pro neutrals you can (Eastern Europe)
I1 mop up France (Vichy tt), start battling UK/French navy in Med, invade Greece, and fight UK/France in Africa.Axis round #2
G2 hammer any thing you can reach that UK has land or sea, while England is isolated, trying to weaken it (I don’t think sea lion will be an option yet, but could prepare for it if you go that route rd #3). Attack UK convoys. Get in position to attack Russia.
I2 continue the good fight vs UK in the Med/Africa. Go for Gib, Crete or Malta if opportunity presents itself. Maybe move some units towards E Europe (Russia).Axis round #3
G3 Barbarossa (don’t want them to gain more strength). Make attacks of opportunity vs UK including convoys, secure France.
I3 continue to annoy UK. You should have large chunks of Africa, now go for Egypt (straight), and on to Mid East, so you may be able to aid in Russia. Make sure you control/protect the entrances to the Med (Gib). Team up w/Jap to see if you can get the S.African IC at some point. -
I think you have nailed the Axis strategy, Wild Bill. So how does UK and France counter this strategy? Obviously Germany gets the first shot and all France may have is some navy and units in Africa. Does the French player try to hold Africa as long as possible or retreat its land forces via transports to British tt and mass its fleets with British fleets in a circle the wagons approach? Or does the French fleet do a kamikaze to damage the Italian fleet as much as possible? Of course all this will depend on initial unit set-up. Any thoughts?
Will Paris even be in French hands at the start because since French Indo China doesn’t provoke war will Paris even be French at the start
What kind of question is this? If Paris is not in the french hands at the beginning of the game, then France is out of the game.
I don’t know It thought this was after Dunkirk and I thought Paris was caught by then, but I guess not
I think the French NO of getting 4inf when Paris is liberated give the alies some real options, even early on. I, personally, dont think that sealion is going to be a real threat to the UK. Unless you have a German player who would rather ignore the Soviets, I think once mainland France falls all of Germanys offensive power will go to the east.
SO, this means that the UK player can afford to run the home islands empty and pump what they can into France. The benifits of this stratagey should seem kind of obvious as tying up German units in the west will only help in the east. However, the possibility of being renforced the moment you capture Paris means that constantly attacking into France is more than just an annoyance, it can become a real threat. I wonder what the initial set-up will be? Because if its at all possible for the rest of the French forces on the mainland to mount a counter-attack into Paris on their opening turn, with the aid of a UK “can opener” perhapse, and then being renforced by those 4 free inf from their NO, you could have a real ball game on your hands as the westen allies early on. -
I think there should be a special rule that the British or American player can give the French player a certain amount of IPCs to use on only infantry (and perhaps artillery and tanks when certain prerequisites are met). I do not think it would be fun at all if the French player simply has to make due with what he has after the fall of Metropolitan France.
I think there should be a special rule that the British or American player can give the French player a certain amount of IPCs to use on only infantry (and perhaps artillery and tanks when certain prerequisites are met). I do not think it would be fun at all if the French player simply has to make due with what he has after the fall of Metropolitan France.
That’s why there’s not going to BE a dedicated France player…
I think there should be a special rule that the British or American player can give the French player a certain amount of IPCs to use on only infantry (and perhaps artillery and tanks when certain prerequisites are met). I do not think it would be fun at all if the French player simply has to make due with what he has after the fall of Metropolitan France.
That’s why there’s not going to BE a dedicated France player…
France is going to be a power that will always go to a player already with another power, as China is handled in Pacific.
I think there should be a special rule that the British or American player can give the French player a certain amount of IPCs to use on only infantry (and perhaps artillery and tanks when certain prerequisites are met). I do not think it would be fun at all if the French player simply has to make due with what he has after the fall of Metropolitan France.
That’s why there’s not going to BE a dedicated France player…
Is that confirmed? :?
Confirmed or not, unless there is some popping inf rule for Free France, nobody is going to want play France alone (and even then, I doubt it)
I’ll repeat it: this game is going to be rich in mods. Somebody will mod Free and Vichy France, some others :roll: will delete ACME walls, and soon or later you’ll have 1939, 1944, 1945 or even alternate history scenarios (CSA?)
Think in OOB rules as a base than will allow players mod the game at their pleisure