KISS AA50 Technologies Balanced (yet close to OOB)

  • In the interests of following the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid) and stay as close to the OOB rules as possible and after seeing how so many people have complained about how the technologies in AA50 are not balanced, and one is almost guaranteed to win if one gets a certain tech in the early rounds of the game, and how some of the techs are either very weak or very unusable for certain countries (Super Subs, Radar, Heavy Artillery, and War Bonds, to name a few), and yet really enjoying playing AA50 with technologies, I have come up with the below modified tech rules with which to balance the techs so that they are much closer to being useful to all nations.  Without apologies, here they are.

    Chart 1

    1.  Advanced Artillery – The attack and defense values of your Artillery units are now 3.  Of course, they may still support 1 infantry unit each.  (Who wouldn’t want 3/3’s with 1 movement point that can increase the attack value of his infantry at a 1-for1 basis for only 4 IPCs?  This change strengthens an otherwise pretty weak tech, and brings the Heavy Artillery technology more in-line with the Mechanized Infantry technology.)

    2.  Rockets – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules. “Your antiaircraft guns are now rockets launchers.  In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within three spaces of it.  This attack does 1d6 damage to that complex.  In each turn, only one AA gun per territory may launch rockets, and each industrial complex can be attacked by only one rocket launcher.”  (It seems that most people feel that this tech is right in the middle, so no change is necessary.)

    3.  Paratroopers – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.  “Each of your bombers can act as a transport for one infantry, but it must stop in the first hostile territory it enters, ending its combat movement.  Both units must begin their movement in the same territory.  The infantry is dropped after any antiaircraft fire is resolved, so if the bomber is hit, the infantry it carries is also destroyed.  The bomber may still attack in the Conduct Combat phase, but it cannot make a strategic bombing run in a turn that it transports an infantry unit.  The infantry unit may retreat normally to a friendly adjacent space during combat.”  Plus add the following adjustment, “Also, in a turn in which a bomber transports an infantry unit in this way, reduce the bomber’s movement points by 2.”  (This weakens a strong tech, while still leaving it useable.  Because Paratroopers are considered to be a little weaker than true Heavy Bombers, maybe this range reduction should only be minus 1.)

    4.  Increased Factory Production – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.  “Each of your industrial complexes in a territory worth 3 or more IPCs can now produce two additional units beyond its listed IPC value, and each of your industrial complexes in territories worth 1 or 2 IPCs can now produce 1 additional unit beyond its listed IPC value.  For example, Germany with 10 IPCs of production value can now produce 12 units.  Also when repairing a damaged industrial complex (removing damage markers), you can remove 2 damage markers at a time for the cost of 1 IPC (half price).”  (This tech is already pretty good, but allowing it to improve 1 and 2-IPC territories only makes sense.)

    5.  War Bonds – At the beginning of your turn, roll 1d6 and collect that many additional IPCs+4.  So, the range for these additional IPCs is 5-10.  Roll for these additional IPCs immediately upon acquiring this technology before your Purchase Phase.  (This improves a weak tech and makes it so that it is valuable on the same turn in which you roll for it just like all of the other techs.)

    6.  Mechanized Infantry – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules. (Most people seem to indicate that this tech is already powerful, but not always too powerful.  Since I am increasing the power of the weaker techs, I think that I can just leave this one alone.)

    Chart 2

    1.  Super Submarines – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.  Your submarines are now Super Submarines.  The attack value of your submarines is now 3 instead of 2.  The defense value of your submarines remains at 1.  Plus add the following adjustment, “Also, your Super Submarines may always submerge out of a battle after the first round of battle, even if an anti-sub vessel is in the same sea zone.  (I’m not entirely comfortable with this fairly weak (for most nations) technology.  I would much rather add in some sort of convoy rules where the subs and/or super subs could drain the enemy resources of enemy nations (especially the island nations – UK and Japan), but in the intrest of following the KISS principle, this is what I came up with.)

    2.  Jet Fighters – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.  (It seems that most people feel that this tech is right in the middle, so no change is necessary.)

    3.  Improved Shipyards – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.  (It seems that most people feel that this tech is right in the middle, so no change is necessary.)

    4.  Radar – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.  Your antiaircraft gun fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1, **and all of your cruisers, aircraft carriers, and battleships gain the Anti-sub Vessel power the same as destroyers, which is as follows:  “If an anti-sub vessel is in the same space as one or more enemy submarines, it cancels the Submersible, Surprise Strike, and _Sub Movement _special powers of those submarines (but not any powers gained through research & development).  Additionally, your aircraft may hit enemy submarines at any time, even without an anti-sub vessel in the same sea zone.

    5.  Long Range Aircraft – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.  (Even though this technology is quite powerful, because of the weakening of the Heavy Bomber and Paratrooper technologies by causing them to lose range, I fell that this technology is now balanced.)

    6.  Heavy Bombers – Play as per OOB (not FAQ) rules, but slightly modified.  Your bombers may now be heavy bombers.  You roll two dice for each heavy bomber when you attack or make a strategic bombing raid.  On defense, your bombers still roll only a single dice.  Plus add the following adjustment, “Also, in a turn in which a bomber acts as a Heavy Bomber, reduce the bomber’s movement points by 2.”  (This weakens a strong tech, while still leaving it useable.)

    Let me know what y’all think.__**

  • Very VERY good……
    I might have to adopt a few of these for my own house rules if you dont mind

    Warbonds update is great!

  • This is good. I like it a lot. The heavy bombers, however, should be modified further, I feel.

    Heavies shouldn’t be allowed into sea battles, and since they were bigger and flew higher, weren’t they more inaccurate?

    It should be roll 2 dice at 3. Yes? No?

  • @oztea:

    Very VERY good……
    I might have to adopt a few of these for my own house rules if you dont mind

    Warbonds update is great!

    Go right ahead!

    I plan to play a few games with these in the near future.

    Also for Warbonds, I’ve always thought that since all of the other techs come into play instantly, then why not War Bonds?
    I mean, it would be great to spend 5 for a researcher, roll and get War Bonds, then roll and receive 5-10 IPCs to be used instantly.  Right now as it is, I usually spend 10-15 for reasearchers and finally get War Bonds when I would have wanted almost ANYTHING else on Chart 1 (maybe not Advanced Artillery).  This tweak just seems to bring it in line with the other techs in Chart 1.  I also like the 5-10 range rather than just 2d6 which would be a range of 2-12.

  • @cts17:

    This is good. I like it a lot. The heavy bombers, however, should be modified further, I feel.

    Heavies shouldn’t be allowed into sea battles, and since they were bigger and flew higher, weren’t they more inaccurate?

    It should be roll 2 dice at 3. Yes? No?

    Well, I would rather have 2 dice at 3 than the latest FAQ of best 1 out of 2.

    For naval battles, I would be content with Heavies only being used in Land Battles and SBRs, or with my house rule of losing 2 range when acting as Heavies, that should protect fleets better.

  • These are great ideas!  They really balance out the techs very well.

    In our group, we don’t mind that some techs are better than others within the same chart because that is all just a part of luck.  Heck, you can throw tons of IPC’s in and never get any tech.  What we have issue with is that the nations that can justify spending money on tech always choose chart 2.  What our group has done to rectify this is to allow each nation to roll one free attempt to get a tech on chart 1.

    This has worked out surprisingly well.

  • @Jyotis:

    These are great ideas!  They really balance out the techs very well.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence.


    In our group, we don’t mind that some techs are better than others within the same chart because that is all just a part of luck.  Heck, you can throw tons of IPC’s in and never get any tech.  What we have issue with is that the nations that can justify spending money on tech always choose chart 2.  What our group has done to rectify this is to allow each nation to roll one free attempt to get a tech on chart 1.

    This has worked out surprisingly well.

    Interesting…  Not a bad idea.

  • Well?  Does anyone else have any thoughts on these?

    I feel that for Paratroopers, the bomber range reduction should probably only be 1 rather than 2, but I’d like some more opinions about this.

  • I like most of your ideas, and am glad that someone decided to fix these up. I would like to suggest a few changes though.
    War bonds: I like the idea but I think rolling 2 d6’s would make it simpler without changing it much.
    paratroopers: I think 1 less movement is plenty (I’m not too hot on the movement decrease as an idea though, seems too strange)
    Heavy bombers: interesting fix. I would prefer 2 @ 3 better though (as I said above: I’m not too hot on the decreased movement idea)
    Increased factory production: I did not like this change. I believe that this tech if anything is slightly weak. Additionally, many of the uses of this tech are in 2 point territories (I am thinking of the Russian factories)
    My 2 cents

  • @Wilson2:

    I like most of your ideas, and am glad that someone decided to fix these up. I would like to suggest a few changes though.
    War bonds: I like the idea but I think rolling 2 d6’s would make it simpler without changing it much.
    paratroopers: I think 1 less movement is plenty (I’m not too hot on the movement decrease as an idea though, seems too strange)
    Heavy bombers: interesting fix. I would prefer 2 @ 3 better though (as I said above: I’m not too hot on the decreased movement idea)
    Increased factory production: I did not like this change. I believe that this tech if anything is slightly weak. Additionally, many of the uses of this tech are in 2 point territories (I am thinking of the Russian factories)
    My 2 cents

    You’re probably right about rolling 2 d6’2 for War Bonds, that it would be more simple and closer to OOB.  I just like the 5-10 range better than the 2-12 range.

    I really am leaning towards having Paratroopers only reduce the range by 1.  This means that the US can’t simply roll Paratroopers and start taking over the Pacific with paratroopers (which would be pretty ahistorical) so easily with the range reduction because of fewer landing spots.  I even considered a simple rule that no paratroopers may ever attack an enemy capital. (liberating an allied capital with paratroopers would be fine, though).

    For Heavies, the whole idea about the range reduction was that if we weaken Heavies and Paratroopers slightly, then it just make Long Range the even more desirable tech.  What I am striving for is for ALL of the technologies to be much closer to being equal in power, and if we reduce the range of Paratroopers and Heavies (and I’ve even thought about reducing the range of Jets by 1, but Jets seem pretty balanced as is, although maybe jets should only get a plus 1 range with Long Range), then this weakens Long Range a little bit, which brings it’s power more in line with the other techs.  As is, right now with the current FAQ, Long Range is absolutely the best tech on the second chart.  I just want to balance them a little bit.

  • Yes, Paratroopers range reduction should only be a reduction of 1.  I feel that this will help to keep the bombers which are teched-out still viable, but not TOO powerful.

    Any other thoughts concerning these suggestions?

  • I like these and im thinking of incorporating them for A&A spring 1942….
    I had a couple of questions here about these, and also put in my ideas.


    Chart 1

    1.   Advanced Artillery – The attack and defense values of your Artillery units are now 3.

    wouldnt this make buying tanks pointless?


    2.   Rockets – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.

    We Play A&A 1942 and ive incorporated Advantages and Tech. Rolls.  In my tech roll chart (I used A&A 50 tech) I moved Rockets to the 2nd chart and Radar to the 1st Chart.  Only 2 Possible techs (1 per chart) per country. this way no one gets Rockets and Heavy bombers, which can wreck havoc on economy


    3.   Paratroopers – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.

    dont like the reduced movement rule… can get confusing during game and its easy to make a mistake.
    maybe instead allow 2 inf./bomber. or allow a noncombat option to move an inf unit


    4.   Increased Factory Production – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.

    Interesting… but i think it should be any IC on a territ of 4IPC or more get +2 units, and  3IPC or less  gets +1 units


    **5.   War Bonds – At the beginning of your turn, roll 1d6 and collect that many additional IPCs+4.

    Fantastic… Im gonna try this, but im thinking maybe +2 or 3, in case its too powerful


    6.   Mechanized Infantry – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.

    are you refering to the Mech Inf. rule of Inf. Paired with Tank move 2?


    Chart 2

    1.   Super Submarines – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.

    Interesting but im thinking it should be Before battle.  gonna give it a try


    2.   Jet Fighters – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.

    Is this the Jet fighters - defend at 5?  or attack at 4


    3.   Improved Shipyards – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.

    yeah this one is cool


    4.   Radar – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.

    Too Strong to make all ships anti sub. you wouldnt ever buy a destroyer. 
    Im thinking give boats SONAR also, and it cancels the Sub POP SHOT after 1st cycle.  basically, subs only get that ability in the 1st cycle


    5.   Long Range Aircraft – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.



    6.   Heavy Bombers – Play as per OOB (not FAQ) rules, but slightly modified.

    Again I dont like messing with Ranges, Id say give them the 2 dice on attack, and 1 Di on defense…and For SBR Roll 1 Di with a +2

    Like I said im lookin at this from the A&A 1942 game cause thats what have.  What do you think?**

  • @Keredrex:

    I like these and im thinking of incorporating them for A&A spring 1942….
    I had a couple of questions here about these, and also put in my ideas.


    Chart 1

    1.  Advanced Artillery – The attack and defense values of your Artillery units are now 3.

    Wouldn’t this make buying tanks pointless?

    No, because tanks still have a move of 2 and can blitz territories.  I wouldn’t be opposed to raising the cost of these Heavy Artillery to 5 IPCs each if tanks cost 6 IPCs, but in AA50, with the ability to still get mechanized infantry, tanks would definitely not be made obsolete by this tech I believe.  Now, I could see if you had this, then you would probably purchase less tanks, but they would still be purchased.  The main idea behind this change is for the Advanced Artillery tech to be equal in power to the other techs.  As it is right now, Advaned Artillery is just about the weakest tech in Chart 1.


    2.  Rockets – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.

    We Play A&A 1942 and I’ve incorporated Advantages and Tech. Rolls.  In my tech roll chart (I used A&A 50 tech) I moved Rockets to the 2nd chart and Radar to the 1st Chart.  Only 2 Possible techs (1 per chart) per country. this way no one gets Rockets and Heavy bombers, which can wreck havoc on economy.

    Actually, I would probably move Paratroopers to Chart 2 and Radar to Chart 1 myself.
    Now for you other idea of limiting players to only 2 techs (1 per chart) for the entire game, this is a very interesting idea.  If I were going to do something like this, though, I might split up the Charts into 4 different ones (Land, Sea, Air, Production) so that players could have 4 techs rather than 2, because with the current chart, if I got stuck with Super Subs and Advanced Artillery while my opponent got Long Range Aircraft and Mechanized Infantry, I think that I would feel pretty annoyed.


    3.  Paratroopers – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.

    dont like the reduced movement rule… can get confusing during game and its easy to make a mistake.
    maybe instead allow 2 inf./bomber. or allow a noncombat option to move an inf unit

    Right now, Paratroopers is a little too powerful compared to most of the other techs, so my idea is to weaken it a little bit, but I do think your idea has merit.


    4.  Increased Factory Production – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.

    Interesting… but i think it should be any IC on a territ of 4IPC or more get +2 units, and  3IPC or less  gets +1 units

    I would not be opposed to limiting the +1 to max unit production to 1, 2, and 3 IPC territories and +2 to the 4 IPC territories and above.  I am trying to balance these while staying as close as possible to the OOB rules as possible though, so I think that until the FAQ is changed, that I would just do +1 for 1-2 IPC territories and +2 to 3+ IPC territories.


    **5.  War Bonds – At the beginning of your turn, roll 1d6 and collect that many additional IPCs+4.

    Fantastic… Im gonna try this, but im thinking maybe +2 or 3, in case it’s too powerful

    The fix that has been suggested is to just roll 2d6, this will lower the average IPCs received from these modified War Bonds a little bit, while still making War Bonds a desirable tech.  Right now, War Bonds is tied with Advanced Artillery for the weakest tech in Chart 1, so it definitely needs a boost to make it balanced.


    6.  Mechanized Infantry – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.

    are you refering to the Mech Inf. rule of Inf. Paired with Tank move 2?

    Yes, I am.


    Chart 2

    1.  Super Submarines – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.

    Interesting but im thinking it should be Before battle.  gonna give it a try

    All right.


    2.  Jet Fighters – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.

    Is this the Jet fighters - defend at 5?  or attack at 4

    This is the AA50 Jet Fighters which attack @4 and defend@4.


    3.  Improved Shipyards – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.

    yeah this one is cool

    I agree.  At least at the beginning of the game it is.


    4.  Radar – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.

    Too Strong to make all ships anti sub. you wouldnt ever buy a destroyer. 
    Im thinking give boats SONAR also, and it cancels the Sub POP SHOT after 1st cycle.  basically, subs only get that ability in the 1st cycle

    Well, the destroyer is still the cheapest surface warship, so I think they would still be built.  This just allows you to lose your destroyers first while still maintaining anti-sub capability.  My idea for this change is to make Radar worthwhile for Japan, UK, and the US.


    5.  Long Range Aircraft – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.


    Actually, since they’ve neutered Heavy Bombers, Long Range Aircraft is now the dominant tech in Chart 2, so my range reduction tweaks to Paratroopers and Heavy Bombers lowers this technology’s power to bring it into line with the other Chart 2 techs.  If I were to leave Paratroopers and Heavy Bombers with no Range reduction, then I would probably recommend that Lond Range only give a +1 to range instead of a +2.


    6.  Heavy Bombers – Play as per OOB (not FAQ) rules, but slightly modified.

    Again I don’t like messing with Ranges, I’d say give them the 2 dice on attack, and 1 die on defense…and For SBRs, Roll 1 die with a +2.

    Not opposed, but with no range reduction, if someone gets Long Range, Paratrooping, Heavy Bombers, then it’s not pretty.  I’ve been in a couple of these games, and it actually changes the game drastically.

    Like I said I’m looking at this from the A&A 1942 game cause that’s what have.  What do you think?

    I’ve never played (or even seen) the 1942 A&A, but I do know that if you can play AA50, that just about everyone on this forum says that it is much better than the A&A 1942 game.  You can even print out the map and use your 1942 pieces to play it with (although you would have to find some pieces for Italy)

    Anyway, thanks for your critique.**

  • @Bardoly:

    I’ve never played (or even seen) the 1942 A&A, but I do know that if you can play AA50, that just about everyone on this forum says that it is much better than the A&A 1942 game.  You can even print out the map and use your 1942 pieces to play it with (although you would have to find some pieces for Italy)

    Anyway, thanks for your critique.

    I think this is debatable… personally, I think A&A 50 is different enough from the previous versions of Axis & Allies that it became a different game.  Which is why they bothered to even make the Spring 1942 board AFTER the AA50 version.  basically, they merged A&A Revised with A&A 50, taking the best of both. 
        Im not saying A&A 50 is a bad game (I haven’t played it), but i would place it as a version in line with the new Europe and Pacific versions that merge together.  And The A&A Spring 1942 is the update to A&A Revised
    either way good chatting with ya on this, got some good ideas going here.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Chart 1

    1.   Advanced Artillery – The attack and defense values of your Artillery units are now 3.  Of course, they may still support 1 infantry unit each.  (Who wouldn’t want 3/3’s with 1 movement point that can increase the attack value of his infantry at a 1-for1 basis for only 4 IPCs?  This change strengthens an otherwise pretty weak tech, and brings the Heavy Artillery technology more in-line with the Mechanized Infantry technology.)

    I think this would be better if changed to Long Range Artillery.  Your artillery fire from the adjacent zone and may support infantry invading from that zone. (except amphibious, which turns them into normal artillery.)  Your artillery MAY move into the zone if you win the combat or MAY stay in the zone they fired from.  This way, players - especially Russia - can feel free to use their artillery without risking losing them if they cannot afford to.  In all other aspects your artillery is the same.  Move 1, Attack 2, Defend 2, may take posession of territory.  All this tech does is allow you to keep your artillery safely behind the lines - you know, where artillery is in REAL LIFE?


    2.   Rockets – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules. “Your antiaircraft guns are now rockets launchers.  In addition to its normal combat function, during the strategic bombing raid step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your antiaircraft guns can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex within three spaces of it.  This attack does 1d6 damage to that complex.  In each turn, only one AA gun per territory may launch rockets, and each industrial complex can be attacked by only one rocket launcher.”  (It seems that most people feel that this tech is right in the middle, so no change is necessary.)

    I never really like the idea of rockets to begin with.  With that in mind, perhaps make rockets targetable by defending AA Guns like bombers are.  Instead of just being free damage.


    3.   Paratroopers – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.  “Each of your bombers can act as a transport for one infantry, but it must stop in the first hostile territory it enters, ending its combat movement.  Both units must begin their movement in the same territory.  The infantry is dropped after any antiaircraft fire is resolved, so if the bomber is hit, the infantry it carries is also destroyed.  The bomber may still attack in the Conduct Combat phase, but it cannot make a strategic bombing run in a turn that it transports an infantry unit.  The infantry unit may retreat normally to a friendly adjacent space during combat.”  Plus add the following adjustment, “Also, in a turn in which a bomber transports an infantry unit in this way, reduce the bomber’s movement points by 2.”  (This weakens a strong tech, while still leaving it useable.  Because Paratroopers are considered to be a little weaker than true Heavy Bombers, maybe this range reduction should only be minus 1.)

    To “fix” this, I would not go with reduced movement rate.  As stated above, it could be hard to keep track of.  Instead, why not force the player to load the bomber during the NCM move phase before using it in the subsequent CM?  A loaded infantry could not attack, defend, or move other than throught he bomber.  Though, I’m not really sure how this would be trackable in AAA or Battlemap (or Mapview or whatever that third utility was called).

    However, again, to be honest, this does not really seem “OP” to me.  Sure, it can be annoying if Germany gets it or something, and you suddenly have to leave defenders all over the map as if playing Risk, but that’s not really over powered in my mind, more annoying.  And annoying is part of the game, as anyone who send 5 bombers on SBR runs and lost all 5 to AA Fire can attest!


    4.   Increased Factory Production – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.  “Each of your industrial complexes in a territory worth 3 or more IPCs can now produce two additional units beyond its listed IPC value, and each of your industrial complexes in territories worth 1 or 2 IPCs can now produce 1 additional unit beyond its listed IPC value.  For example, Germany with 10 IPCs of production value can now produce 12 units.  Also when repairing a damaged industrial complex (removing damage markers), you can remove 2 damage markers at a time for the cost of 1 IPC (half price).”  (This tech is already pretty good, but allowing it to improve 1 and 2-IPC territories only makes sense.)

    I liked it in the ORIGINAL rule set when ALL ICs were upped regardless of TT value.  So Algeria could create 3 units.  (I could be wrong, but Gibraltar could create 2, but it may only have applied to TT with IPC value.)  I’d say just go back to it.  The change never made sense to me.  Sure, I SUPPOSE if USA got Algeria AND Libya and put ICs on them, then got the Technology, it COULD be exploited allowing USA to put 6 tanks in N. Africa a round.  But that’s a series of unfortunate events for the Axis and I doubt a regular occurance.


    5.   War Bonds – At the beginning of your turn, roll 1d6 and collect that many additional IPCs+4.  So, the range for these additional IPCs is 5-10.  Roll for these additional IPCs immediately upon acquiring this technology before your Purchase Phase.  (This improves a weak tech and makes it so that it is valuable on the same turn in which you roll for it just like all of the other techs.)

    I like the idea, but I’d still roll it in collect income phase.  It’s the logical phase.  I’d further adjust it so you get 10 IPC ont he first round and each subsequent round was 2 IPC + 1d6 making the range 3-8 IPC.


    6.   Mechanized Infantry – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules. (Most people seem to indicate that this tech is already powerful, but not always too powerful.  Since I am increasing the power of the weaker techs, I think that I can just leave this one alone.)

    Agreed.  I’ve seen players who change it so that tanks move 3 as well, but this does make it OP.  As it is works just fine.


    Chart 2

    1.   Super Submarines – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.  Your submarines are now Super Submarines.  The attack value of your submarines is now 3 instead of 2.  The defense value of your submarines remains at 1.  Plus add the following adjustment, “Also, your Super Submarines may always submerge out of a battle after the first round of battle, even if an anti-sub vessel is in the same sea zone.  (I’m not entirely comfortable with this fairly weak (for most nations) technology.  I would much rather add in some sort of convoy rules where the subs and/or super subs could drain the enemy resources of enemy nations (especially the island nations – UK and Japan), but in the intrest of following the KISS principle, this is what I came up with.)

    I do not like the idea of submarines escaping destroyers with the technology.  Instead, allow them to sneak under destroyers during the COMBAT MOVE PHASE only.  This allows your opponent to kill these things.  (Also, 3/2, att/def, would be better than 3/1 I think.)


    2.   Jet Fighters – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.  (It seems that most people feel that this tech is right in the middle, so no change is necessary.)

    I agree, this is vastly improved over the 5 defense in previous versions of the game.  4 attack is more logical.


    3.   Improved Shipyards – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.  (It seems that most people feel that this tech is right in the middle, so no change is necessary.)

    Ships that begin their phase in a SZ adjacent to an Imporved Shipyard owned by the same power (ie, US Destroyers in SZ 56 or British Battleships in SZ 2) may move 3 instead of 2.  I think this gives shipyards that extra oomph needed to be a sought after technology without making it an “I Win” button.


    4.   Radar – Play as per OOB and FAQ rules, but slightly modified.  Your antiaircraft gun fire now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1, **and all of your cruisers, aircraft carriers, and battleships gain the Anti-sub Vessel power the same as destroyers, which is as follows:  “If an anti-sub vessel is in the same space as one or more enemy submarines, it cancels the Submersible, Surprise Strike, and _Sub Movement _special powers of those submarines (but not any powers gained through research & development).  Additionally, your aircraft may hit enemy submarines at any time, even without an anti-sub vessel in the same sea zone.

    Scratch the additional stuff.  As per OOB except it may also shoot down rockets aimed at ICs in that territory.


    5.   Long Range Aircraft – No changes, play as per OOB and FAQ rules.  (Even though this technology is quite powerful, because of the weakening of the Heavy Bomber and Paratrooper technologies by causing them to lose range, I fell that this technology is now balanced.)

    I think it always was and has become even more balanced as the map gained more and more zones (thus reducing the effectiveness of the technology.)


    6.   Heavy Bombers – Play as per OOB (not FAQ) rules, but slightly modified.  Your bombers may now be heavy bombers.  You roll two dice for each heavy bomber when you attack or make a strategic bombing raid.  On defense, your bombers still roll only a single dice.  Plus add the following adjustment, “Also, in a turn in which a bomber acts as a Heavy Bomber, reduce the bomber’s movement points by 2.”  (This weakens a strong tech, while still leaving it useable.)

    Negatory.  I think it wiser to just say your bombers roll two dice, the better of the two is the die you choose.  So if you attack and roll a 1 and a 6, your bomber hits.  If you SBR and roll a 2 and a 5, you do 5 IPC damage.  The tech would effectively make your bomber hit all the time (though, you COULD roll a 5, 6; 5, 5; 6, 5; or 6;6 thus you’d still have a chance to miss.)  Meanwhile, it stops your bomber from taking out a battleship in one round, thus making the concept of BmB vs BB not as strong. (In the original rules, I might take that chance.  I COULD get 2 hits in one round and sink the BB even if I lose the bomber.  With the change, there’s a 67% chance I won’t sink the BB and still lose the bomber.)

    All in all, I think pretty good.__**

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Another concept I like is if you have Radar, then your Battleships get regular AA abilities. (hit on a 1, fire in the opening fire phase of combat.)  This makes the battleship significantly more powerful (thus justifying the cost) and the tech more interesting.

  • @Cmdr:

    Another concept I like is if you have Radar, then your Battleships get regular AA abilities. (hit on a 1, fire in the opening fire phase of combat.)  This makes the battleship significantly more powerful (thus justifying the cost) and the tech more interesting.

    I’ve really wanted to see radar reflected in the naval ships, but maybe the cruiser needs the boost more than the battleship?

  • This makes the battleship significantly more powerful (thus justifying the cost) and the tech more interesting.

    Why justifying the cost?
    The battleship were obselete. Most of the greatests battleships were sunk by aircraft.
    Fighter and bomber are the most powerful piece in A&A game.
    Work on Air supremacy!!!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    Another concept I like is if you have Radar, then your Battleships get regular AA abilities. (hit on a 1, fire in the opening fire phase of combat.)  This makes the battleship significantly more powerful (thus justifying the cost) and the tech more interesting.

    I’ve really wanted to see radar reflected in the naval ships, but maybe the cruiser needs the boost more than the battleship?

    Well, getting cruisers in the water is a commonplace occurance.  Rare to see battleships get purchased anymore.

    However, the battleship with AA Ability when you have radar is an AARe and AA50e concept.


    This makes the battleship significantly more powerful (thus justifying the cost) and the tech more interesting.

    Why justifying the cost?
    The battleship were obselete. Most of the greatests battleships were sunk by aircraft.
    Fighter and bomber are the most powerful piece in A&A game.
    Work on Air supremacy!!!

    Even with AA Abilities, fighter/bomber would still be vastly superior to the battleship.  However, it would be slightly harder to sink an entire fleet with a handful of heavy bombers if the battleship had radar (aa gun @ 1) and would make Radar useful for a tech in most games like the other techs. (Granted, there are cases radar is useful anyway, but usually by then, you cannot afford to get radar!)

    And the cost of a battleship is still too darn high compared to how you can use it.  Far superior to get Cruiser/Destroyer vs battleship.  They cant be sunk without return fire by submarines, tehy still have two hits and a combined punch of 5 vs the battleship’s 4.

    I guess if the price of a battleship was 15 with improved shipyards making it 12 that would make the battleship much more reasonably priced and then giving them aircover would be way over powered.  As it is, battleships are virtually useless.  Sometimes I build them only to freak out my opponent, sometimes, when I have 15+ submarines already, I’ll buy them as insurance (japan putting 3 in the water is always a gut blow to America’s KJF.)

    But I do think they are ridiculous in price still.  If the fighter was still 12 IPC to build and the Battleship was 20 IPC, that would be okay.  That way the cost of losing 2 fighters (average cost to sink a BB) would be greater than the loss of the ship thus focing you to tie up 3+ fighters if you want minimal losses. (Likewise the 15 IPC bomber.)  But they are not.  The prices are greatly reduced while the battleship was marginally reduced, in my mind. (Yes, the ratio is the same, literally.  2 Fightters = 24 for a 24 IPC battleship or 2 fighters = 20 for a 20 ipc battleship, thing is, far easier to put out 10 ipc than 12 if you think about it.  Doesnt seem so, but it is.  Especialyl with more cash on the board.)

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